SOC/Special Affairs

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(sample of activities we do in and with SOC)

Revision as of 07:21, 2 December 2009


Sample Activities

Mirror, Mirror Anniversary

In honor of the Anniversary of the TOS Episode "Mirror, Mirror", MFI went Imperial, changing the website, personal titles, and email lists in a project that had been planned for months behind the scenes. The membership was invited to take part, and SOC's leadership took up this invitation by staging "assassinations" of Imperial personnel across the board. Initially, these play assassinations used the model developed by Christine Doane, AKA Intendent Trentin Anara, with a twist: we made hits on people in instant messaging and email and laid responsibility for these hits at other peoples' doorsteps. A sample hit would be so:

"Do you feel lucky, punk?


You're dead, on authority of the Glorious Emperor, may he live forever." *

At or about 2300 hrs EDT, it was decided by ODT-SOC to make an Open Season available to any MFI member that wished to participate, with the announcement made on the SOC and Members' lists. As this was open to all of MFI, no SOC callsigns were to be used.

Even with the short notice, participation grew to several members, all hitting and re-hitting each other, mostly in instant messaging. The following MFI members participated:

David W. Ferber
Marc Easterly
Glen Matheny
Frank Parker
Rob Johnson
David Stayduhar
Robert Torres
Cary Griffen
Carl Stark
Gary Davis

In addition to the above, the following members are recognized for participation in the earlier "assassination" event:

Larry D. French, Sr.
Steve Lackey
Christine Doane (unofficially)

Now, on to the awards:

For the most "kills", minus any deaths and errors, the prestigious "Obsidian Order's Most (Least) Wanted" is hereby awarded to Marc Easterly, with a final tally of 8 kills, 3 deaths, and 1 error, with a total score of 4.

For the lowest score, the "Senator Vreenak Award for Excellence" goes to Carl Stark, with a final tally of 0 kills and 2 deaths, so that gives him a -2.

As a sort of, almost, maybe honorable mention, the "First Rule of Assassination - Kill the Assassins" award goes to Firestorm, who while creatively sending a BOOM message to the SOC list, thereby getting everyone on it, used a callsign, which then counted as a "failure to follow instructions" - and awarding this member with yet another Inspector Clouseau ribbon.

The last, and certainly not least, award goes to three people: Gary Davis, Steve Lackey, and Larry D. French, Sr., "The Ones That Would Not Die". Simply put, no matter how many people hit these guys, they wouldn't admit to getting killed... bodyguards always jumped in front, the assassin got first, whatever. There's no need to remember these names, because since they're immortal, they'll never go away or shuffle off this mortal coil. Can it be? Perhaps they will soon be replacing all of those Chuck Norris-isms.

Certificates of Award of one sort or another will be provided, somehow, to the guilty parties.

  • Apparently he will, since he can't die.

-Angelsy1 23:21, 1 December 2009 (PST)

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