Cell:MFS Dominator/Specs

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Basic Information

Comissioned: 2382
Crew: 1,650
Mass: 7,432,000 metric tons
Role: Battleship/Explorer

Length: 2,100m
Width: 863m
Height: 295m
Decks: 62

expected duration: 120 years
time between resupply: 10 years
time between refit: 15 years
category: Explorer/Battlecruiser/Rapid Response

cruising speed: Warp 7
maximum speed: Warp 9.4
emergency speed: Warp 9.94 ( 10 hours )
Class utilizes quantum slipstream drive
Auxiliary Craft:
shuttle bays: 3
shuttles: 6
fighters: 14
runabouts: 6

Tactical Systems: Weaponry:

18 Type XV Phaser Arrays:
10 Class III Pulse Phaser Turrets: 165,000 TW output
2 Rapid Fire Quantum Torpedo Tubes
4 Pulse Fire Quantum Torpedo Tubes
3 Type IV Burst Fire Photon Torpedo Tubes: 1,200 rounds
Regenerative Shields: 7,875,000 TJ capacity
22cm Ablative Armor

5 Mark VII Rapid Fire Torpedo Launchers( 1 turret forward, 2 launchers forward lower engineering hull,2 launchers aft)
(Can also fire Nova Bombs)*
hellfire: 40
quantum: 420
photon: 380
transphaisic: 12
tri cobalt: 10
Fire Nova Bombs - Classified
Nova Bomb Compliment - Requires 2 Cmd. Lvl. and CO to arm and fire) *

  • * - given by the United Star Order, An Alliance of planets from which the CO and most of the crew are from prior to allying with the Maquis, in a treaty between them and the Maquis. This is cannon from ship fan fiction

** - Maquis SOC Epsilon

Mark VI MLSS (Multi-Layered Shield System) Multi-Adaptive/Regenerative Hull Conforming Shields**
Ablative Armor


Neutronium/Tetra-Burnium Quadruple Hull
Mark VI AG (Artificial Gravity) Field Generators (Provide Structural Integrity to the ship as well as Internal Gravity)
Mark VI Ablative Armor Mesh- 1 Meter Thick**
Mark VI Deployable Nano Armor Plating- 1 Meter thick**
Mark VI Reman Meta-Phasic Cloaking Device*
Mark VI Sensors (Scientific and tactical)
Sub-light: Mark IV Extreme Output Magneto-Plasma Dynamic Impulse Drives
Mark IV Extreme Output Maneuvering Thrusters
Mark IV Coaxial Fold Drive**
Dark Matter/Anti-Proton Core**

** - Maquis SOC Epsilon

Deck Layout

Deck 1: Main Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Executive Officer's Office, Briefing Room
Deck 2: Captain's Quarters, Senior Officer Quarters, Upper Torpedo turret
Deck 3: Officer Quarters, Holodecks, Springball and Volleyball Courts, Observation Lounge, Main Briefing Room
Deck 4: Officer Quarters, Crew Lounges, Ship's Library, Holodecks
Deck 5: Tactical Office, Primary Security Office, Crew Quarters, Science Labs, Combat Information Centre (CIC)
Deck 6: Stellar Cartography, Science Labs, Maintenance, Crew Quarters, Crew Lounges
Deck 7: Primary Medical Deck
Deck 8: Counseling Offices, Crew Quarters, Transporter Rooms, Conference Rooms
Deck 9: Conference Rooms, VIP/Guest Quarters, Junior Officers Quarters
Deck 10: Primary Computer Core, Operations Center, Maintenance, Crew Quarters
Deck 11: Crew Quarters, Marine Barracks, Torpedo storage, Main Torpedo Room
Deck 12: Crew Quarters, Marine Barracks, Main Impulse Engines, Main Lounge Lvl 2
Deck 13: Main Lounge, Docking Clamps, Shuttlebays 1 & 2 (upper level)
Deck 14: Holodecks 4-6, Recreational Facilities, Gymnasium, Shuttlebays 1 & 2 (lower level)
Deck 15: Medical Laboratories, Docking port, Environmental Control and Life Support
Deck 16: Transporter Rooms 3 4 & 5, Science labs
Deck 17: Torpedo Bay 2 Control & Storage, Cargo Bays
Deck 18: Cargo Bays, Cargo Transporters 1-5, Matter storage pods
Deck 19: Crew Quarters, Living Quarters, Enlisted lounge
Deck 20: Crew Quarters, Recreation facilities, Living quarters
Deck 21: Maintenance, Cargo bays, Marine HQ, Marine training facilities
Deck 22: Upper core injection assembly, Primary Power Distribution Node and Controls, SIF Maintenance and Monitoring, Storage Lockers 1-3
Deck 23: Upper Engineering Support Area, Maintenance and Monitoring, Storage Lockers 4-6
Deck 24: Main Engineering, Engineering Labs 1 & 2, Storage Lockers 7-9, Cargo Transporter 9
Deck 25: Main Engineering, Engineering Labs 3 & 4, Auxiliary Life Support, Secondary Power System Control Suite
Deck 26: Main Engineering, Quartermaster's Office, Chief Engineer's Office
Deck 27: Deuterium Storage, Deflector Control, Lower Level Torpedo Bay Control, Dorsal Docking Port
Deck 28: Deuterium Fill Ports and Storage, Engineering Support, Parts Storage, Secondary Computer Core
Deck 29: Antimatter Storage Pods, Environmental Control, Antimatter Injection Reactors, Viewing Lounges, Cargo Bays
Deck 30: Antimatter Storage Pods, Engineering Support Labs, Emergency Batteries, Secondary Antimatter & Deuterium storage
Deck 31: Transporter Rooms 6 and 7, Cargo Transporters 6-8, Life Support Systems
Deck 32: Security, Brig, Armory, Cargo bays, Waste Management
Deck 33: Cargo Bays, Industrial Replicators, Torpedo Bay 3 Control & Storage, Tractor Beam Control
Deck 34: Maintenance Access, Primary Sensor control
Deck 35: Torpedo storage, Rear Torpedo Room, parts storage, Cargo Bays
Deck 36: Engineering Support, Cargo Bays
Deck 37: Engineering Support, Cargo Bays
Deck 38: Engineering Support, Cargo Bays, Sensor Arrays
Deck 39: Observation decks, Auxilary Craft Maintenance, Drop bay (upper level)
Deck 40: Drop bay (lower level), Sensor Control, Tractor Control,
Deck 41: Science Labs, Living Quarters
Deck 42: Empty
Decks 42 - 60 - CLASSIFIED
Deck 61: Empty
Deck 62: Empty

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