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Maquis Forces International Departments

MFI Headquarters

MFI-HQ: Empok Nor The IC's Flagship Is In!

Welcome to Maquis Forces International Headquarters, home base of operations for MFI itself as well as our Naval Forces. Our fictional HQ is the captured Cardassian Space Station "Empok Nor". In reality, our headquarters, like our flagship, is an online entity making it possible for a group of highly talented and fandom knowledgeable individuals to be posted aboard. Our Coordinator Council is the hub of our HQ, with MFI's International Coordinator, FADM Johnson as the apex. HQ serves a variety of functions which help support the chapters of MFI.

Chapters within MFI are based on starships, starbases, and any other type of spacecraft or base envisioned by our members. These chapters make up our Naval Forces and the bulk of our Resistance Force. If you are deciding on what kind of ship that your chapter would like to based on, check out some of our examples that serve other chapters at our Ships of the Resistance Force page.

The Coordinator Council page details the exact positions of everyone involved with HQ. I invite you to explore that page and the remainder of site for what interests you. Feel free to send questions to any of these members concerning their area of expertise. Our HQ exists to bind the organization together and serve as an aid and source of information for the member chapters. We hope that you will consider membership into the largest Maquis based Star Trek organization on the planet!


return Site Map

HKnapp 20:28, 19 June 2005 (EST)

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