International Coordinator/Authorization Orders/3024

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Maquis Forces International Coordinator

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Authorization Order 3024 - Authorization for Election

WHEREAS, The International Coordinator of MFI is elected by the General Membership, by and through the Cell Commanding Officer or his appointed designate; and

WHEREAS, the Maquis Forces International Constitution of 2003, as amended, prescribes that the International Coordinator serves, with approval, until he sees fit to retire; and

WHEREAS, Article IV, Section 1, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph C of the Maquis Forces International Constitution of 2003, as amended; prescribes the exact duties and obligations of the International Coordinator, the Coordinator Council, and all Officers of MFI during an election period should one take place.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Samuel S. H. Cummings, pursuant to the powers vested in me as International Coordinator and Commander-in-Chief of Maquis Forces, hereby ORDER the following:

1. Authorization for Election

  • The Coordinator Council shall immediately begin the Constitutional process of Election of a new International Coordinator and prepare their appropriate offices for the upcoming transition.

2. Establishment of the MFI 2010 Election & Transition Project

  • The Coordinator Council shall, at its reasonable pleasure; shall appoint an Election Coordinator to carry out the duties as Chair of the Election committee and Transition Project. Both the current Administration, any and all running parties, and the elected Administration, upon election, shall cooperate with each other to ensure a smooth and orderly transition into the new year with the new International Coordinator's Administration.

3. Invalidity of any part of this order shall not effect the remainder of this order.

4. This order is effective immediately upon filing.

Ordered at EMPOK NOR, 20 June 2010.



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