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MFI Naval Forces

Maquis Forces International's (MFI) Naval forces are coordined from Empok Nor, a captured Cardassian Space Station. Located near, in, and around the Badlands (depending on the status of certain operations), Empok Nor serves as MFI's Headquarters for coordination, resupply, and dispersment of the various ships which comprise the Naval Forces.

MFI's Chief of Operations is the Head of MFI's Naval Branch and his staff includes of all our Zone Coordinators.

MFI Headquarters

The Naval Service is comprised of the active and reserve components and the civilian personnel of the Maquis Navy. We are, first and foremost, men and women dedicated to the service of MFI in peace and war. We are an all-volunteer force instilled with a warrior and guardian ethos. Our people are the foundation of our mission success. They possess willpower, creativity, inspiration, reason, knowledge, and experience to overcome adversity and accomplish any task. They exemplify the values of honor, courage, and commitment. We are an instrument of national power, employed to prevent conflict and, if necessary, prevail in war. We are organized, trained, and equipped primarily to operate and fight at and from the sea. The qualities that allow us to prevail in war also contribute to conflict prevention. These qualities include speed, flexibility, agility, scalability, readiness, mobility, self-sustainability, and lethality. We believe that the future is uncertain, and that the Maquis will be threatened by a variety of state and non-state adversaries, current and emerging. We believe that both state and non-state adversaries are likely to employ a hybrid of conventional and irregular methods to counter the Maquis’ advantage in conventional military operations. Thus, we must be prepared to overcome a range of adversaries employing a variety of capabilities and tactics. We believe that naval forces uniquely contribute to overcoming diplomatic, military, and geographic impediments to access, while respecting the sovereignty of Maquis. Even as security, stability, and economy become more interdependent, resistance to a large MFI military “footprint” abroad will continue to increase. Naval forces provide the ideal means in such a security environment to accomplish a wide variety of missions conducted independently or in concert with joint, interagency, international and non-governmental partners that share the Maquis’ interest in promoting a safe and prosperous world. We believe that preventing war is as important as winning, and that prevention activities will constitute the most likely application of naval power.

FCapt. Michael Tolleson
Head of MFI Naval Branch

The history of Maquis Forces Aviation, and ultimately of all fighter craft the MFI may yet use in the Force, can be traced to the Khitomer Accords of November 2291. With the Klingon Empire dealing with internal problems, and the Romulan Star Empire soon to withdraw all contact, the Federation and the MFI were left without a perceptible major threat to peace. During the 73 years between the Khitomer Accords and the reemergence of the Romulan Star Empire, the MFI underwent a major drawdown of its combat forces. Instead of defense, Starships were optimized for exploration. Then, within a year after the initial contact between USS Berlin and seven Romulan warships, USS Enterprise encountered the Borg. Suddenly, the Federation faced a need for combat vessels. Several projects were considered, to fill the need. Before any of them could be implemented, the Borg invaded, and the cataclysmic battle of Wolf 359 ensued. This was to be a harbinger of things to come. In short order, the United Federation of Planets faced wars with the Borg, the Dominion, and the Cardassians (twice), the century of peace was over.

In 2376, MFI commissioned the first fighter. Designed to serve as defense for stationary installations such as planets and space stations, the Mk. 1 fulfilled its mission admirably, contributing to the defenses of Empok Nor during the second Borg invasion. During the Dominion War, Mk. II of the First Fighter Squadron formed a rear guard. Though many pilots were lost in the battle, their sacrifice enabled several transports full of civilians to escape safely.

Despite its excellent service record, there were deficiencies in the Mk. II that MFI Command felt needed to be addressed. Key amongst these was the fighter's low survivability ratio. Only sixty-five percent of the Mk. II sent on combat missions were returning. The original Mk. designers, along with several members of the Defiant and Sovereign class ship design boards, began work in 2398 to redesign the fighter. The first Mk. III entered service with the newly formed Ninth Fighter Squadron (9FS) in 2401.

Before the year was out, the Ninth Fighter Squadron was assigned to Empok Nor, and renamed Fighter Squadron Nine (VF-9). The assignment was an experiment, intended to test the new fighter's usefulness in new roles -- close air support for Marines, CAP for fleet units, and other missions. The Second Cardassian War saw the baptism by fire of VF-9 and the proof of the carrier-borne fighter concept as a vital part of the MFI. The Assault at B'khai started as a minor confrontation between MFI Marines (MFMC) and a garrison of occupying Cardassian troops. In short time, both sides called for reinforcements. By the end of the battle, an entire Marine regiment had faced and defeated nearly double their number of Cardassian Army regulars, and a large contingent of Jem'Hadar left in Cardassian control after the Dominion war. Though VF-9 lost nearly a quarter of its fighters, they were cited with keeping the death toll among MFMC Marines from being higher than it was. Through close air support, artillery suppression, dropship escort, and enemy troop transport interdiction missions, VF-9 ensured the future of carrier-borne fighters in the MFI.

Despite these impressive accomplishments, many fighter pilots still felt that the design of the Mk. III could be improved upon. ASDB indicated a lack of interest in persuing further design changes, so a private firm, Broken Drive's Suzuki Konbinaato, began looking at the question. Recruiting a panel of expert pilots, including most of the Fighter Squadron Commanding Officers in the Fleet, Suzuki quickly focused on the area they felt could be improved most effectively: the fighter's propulsion suite. With its maximum speed of Warp 4.5, the Orca was ineffective in fleet point defense roles, as well as in customs and border patrol roles, where larger ships could easily outrun the small fighters. Suzuki quickly developed a new Matter-Antimatter Reactor Assembly and warp engines capable of propelling the small craft to greater velocities, though range was strictly limited. Now being issued to fighter squadrons, the Mk. III promises to play an important role in fleet and station defense for many years to come. Of course, the Orion "Crouching Tiger" Trade Syndicate was only too happy to make both the Mk. III and Peregrine designs available to the Maquis... although the Maquis make use of any and all fighter designs.

Maquis Fighter Squadrons
They are numbered sequentially in order of founding. MFI Aviation units have a VMF designation; SSD/SOC Aviation units are drawn from the "Fleet" forces and have a VF designation. KTF Fighter Squadrons use the VKF designator. VF-11, assigned to MFI Training Command, serves a dual purpose. Only 16 pilots are assigned on a permanent basis. Half of these serve as a cadre of flight instructors, training new pilots to handle the Sphinx fighter. The other half are trained in enemy tactics, and fly against the other squadrons during "Aggressor" training sessions.

The Element
An element can be up to 2 starfighters, an Element Leader and a Wingman, as well as the support staff necessary for maintenance and repair. These support personnel may be either Starfleet or Marine. Single elements are often assigned to small starships where they act as reconnaissance craft as well as support their base ship.

The Flight
A flight can have up to 4 elements (4 to 8 starfighters) as well as the support staff necessary for maintenance and repair. The senior Element Leader is designated the Flight Leader. Flights are assigned to starships and space stations.

The Squadron
A squadron can have up to 4 flights (8 to 24 starfighters), as well as the support staff necessary for maintenance and repair. The senior Flight Leader is designated the Squadron Leader. Squadrons are assigned to larger starships and space stations.

The Wing
A wing is comprised of 2+ Squadrons Normally 36+ Starfighters, as well as the support staff necessary for maintenance and repair. The senior Squadron Leader is designated the Wing Commander and usually has at least the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Wings are rarely assigned intact; instead smaller sections are assigned to a variety of ships or bases within the Task Force.

The Group
A group is comprised of 2 or more wings (72+ starfighters), as well as the support staff necessary for maintenance and repair. The Group Commander will have with them a support staff which forms the HQ; of the group in which orders are sent to the wings in his/her command. The Group Commander usually has the rank of Lieutenant Colonel or Colonel if Marines or Commander or Captain if Starfleet.

Groups are rarely assigned intact; instead smaller sections are assigned to a variety of ships or bases within the Fleet.

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--Gdavisoh 10:32, 18 Aug 2005 (EDT)
--MTolleson 17:20, 2 May 2015 (EDT)

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