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Commodore Duncan Robinson

Zone 10 Co-Ordinator
XO Starbase Essex

Background information for Science 101: General Science

Science has played a role in Starfleet ever since it’s initial inception. On the very first Federation starships there were scientists, ships such as the USS T’Pau were dedicated as science and exploration vessels. Starfleet also has a number of dedicated science stations, such as Science Station 402 which is located in the Kohlan System. Other science stations have included Science Station Delta Five, which was destroyed by the Borg

The USS Enterprise NCC 1701, had a host of science functions, as it often served light years away from the nearest science facilities. In order to overcome this, the ship had it’s own science officers, headed by Spock, who once won the Vulcanian Scientific Legion of Honour. So that Spock could undertake his role on Enterprise with ease, there was a Science Station on the bridge, otherwise known as the Command Intelligence Station. The ship even had it’s own science laboratories where analysis of materials could take place.

After the end of the five year missions, Spock went to Vulcan to undertake Kolinar. During this brief spell ended by the Vygr incident in 2271, Commander Sonak was the senior science officer on Enterprise. Sonak sadly died in a transporter accident.

The larger Galaxy class Starships, such as the USS Enterprise – D, have two science stations on the bridge, with the same multitude of science laboratories below deck, for example the stellar spectroscopy lab. The bridge science stations are sometimes used by secondary mission personnel, such as control of automated probes. Primary functions of the science stations include access to sensors, command intelligence and co-ordination of various science labs.

On Deep Space Nine (DS9), the main science station was located in Ops, and was manned by Jadzia Dax who was assigned to DS9 in 2369. One of the original tasks of the Science Station on DS9, while it was under control of the Cardassians and named Terak Nor was Labour monitoring and Ore Processing.

The captain of the USS Voyager started her Starfleet career as a science officer and eventually served on USS Al-Batani. The USS Voyager expanded the Stellar Cartography department to aide it's mapping of the Delta Quadrant and it's voyage home. Stellar Cartography is a sub-department of the Science department on starfleet vessels.

Science academys and organisations are not limited to Federation worlds. The Romulan Star Empire has it's own, known as the Romulan Astrophysical Academy.

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