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Read Me File For My Runabout Construction Set

The Runabout Construction Set started off as a Simulation project by some of Maquis Forces International's ( ) senior members, Rob Johnson, Gary Davis and Samuel Cummings. After finding a couple Danube Class Runabout schematics online, we deconstructed many of the individual components and modules, in order to construct New modules, which could be mixed and matched as the "Owner" wished.

I'd like to thank Malcolm Lu (Galen), Andrew Gillespie (Kaden) and Mark Azevedo (Maz1701) for the original designs and Mesh work done on the Arrow Class Runabout. If you publish any Arrow Class runabouts on your website, please include credits for these guys.

Included in this disk you will find a copy of "Paint.NET", a Free (shareware) graphic artwork program. This program allows you to work in Multiple Layers, similar to Paint-shop Pro and the other expensive Layered Graphic Arts programs. Paint.NET allows you to more easily rearrange your modules and labels. The copy of Paint.NET found on this disk is verified virus free. If you don't trust the copy found on this disk, or want to see if there's a newer version, you can find a copy at "Download.Com".


  • Root Directory:
Paint.NET Install File
Original Arrow Class artwork
Danube Class Project Logo
Danube Class Cutaway
CBS Paramount Logo (for copyright issues you might have)
Copy of the CD label
  • Folder: Arrow Class Samples
Some of the Arrow Class runabouts designed by Rob Johnson & Gary Davis
  • Folder: Danube Class Samples
Some of the Danube Class runabouts designed by Rob Johnson & Gary Davis
  • Folder: Trek Fonts (just in case you don't have them)
  • Folder: Sample Modules
Some Module Clusters designed by Rob Johnson
  • Folder: Parts
"Blank" Arrow & Danube Shells and All the individual Modules, Probes, Torpedoes, Desks, Tables, etc.... Everything you might need to make your Own Modules and Custom Runabouts.

Using "Paint.NET": You will find that the PDN Files on this disk are only readable using "Paint.NET". Sorry about that, but what do you expect from a "Free" piece of Software?? Hopefully you're not a "Paint-shop Pro" snob, but "Paint.NET" works VERY similarly and has many of the same functions. If you're good with Paint-shop Pro, you should have NO Problem using Paint.NET. This program has very high ratings from both "Download.Com" and the Users who've tried it.

Once you load the "Blanks" into Paint.NET, you'll see that the Module layout and Text work is done in "Layer 2". You will also find that whichever "Layer" is on top, is the "Dominant" layer... So if you keep the "Background" Layer on top of "Layer 2", you don't need to "Trim" any modules that don't exactly "fit" into the Blank. I've Write Protected the "Blank" files, as a reminder to Re-Name the files when you Save them (Grin). If you hit any snags, Paint.NET's "Help" files are pretty well written and should get you through any problems you come across.

Fonts & Font Sizes:

  • The Font Used For All The Text Is "Swiss911BT"
  • Font Size 36 Was Used For The Vessel's Name, Number and Style (Top Left & Top Right)
  • Font Size 26 Was Used For the "Directory" (Bottom Right) and "Designed by" (Bottom Left)
  • Font Size 20 was used to number/renumber the modules & cockpit seating.
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