User talk:Scummings/Projects

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Alert System (Real Life - MFI)

Sam, Has there been any more thought placed on this? It looks good. We simply need to keep it visibly seperate from the Role Play Ship Alert system. Possibly on the same base wiki page. With that in mind, I think I may create that page in such a way that you can add this info later if you wish. I found it searching for something useful to our Role-Play efforts...

VADM Steve

Actually, I thought about doing this, this time last year due to a major Hurricane. I placed one of the 'Alert Boxes' on the top of the Main Page with the link linked to a statement as a test run... Think it's worth instituting?

--Samuel, IC 08:20, 3 September 2009 (PDT)
Started a page for both role-play and real alerts as a resource. Still needs a lot of work... Real Life just dealt me another swift kick so I'll work on it as I can. You are welcome to transfer your stuff to that page if you like...
VADM Steve

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