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Maquis Forces International

ZONE 7 - South Plains USA
Force Captain Jack Kern (Zone 7 Coordinator)

Jack Lcars.jpg
Zone7.jpg Usamap z7.jpg


Attention Chapter COs: Do NOT make any changes to this page yourself.
Please notify the Zone Coordinator and Membership of any Additions, Deletions, or changes of ANY Kind.
(Change of Command, CO & XO email Contact addresses, change of status, etc).
Maintenance of the Zone Page is the Sole Responsibility of your ZC.

Contact FCapt Jack Kern, Zone 7 ZC

Pip naval.jpg Naval
Pip marine.jpg Marines
Pip klingon.jpg Klingon


Pip naval.jpg Pip klingon.jpg Maquis Forces, CO - MFS Parabellum

New Mexico


Pip naval.jpg Maquis Forces , UT - LP Ticon

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