Computer Operations/Database/General Rules

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17 May 2024
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Trek Bar

Computer Operations Seal, designed by Samuel Cummings

MFI Computer Operations

MFI Database General Programming Rules

Basic Layout:

Initial Setup
HTML body code
Final output

All DB pages need to start with the following code:

//Initial setup

//Address error handling
ini_set ('display_errors', 1);
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// Include required files
// Start up our wonderful db connection
$conn = db_connect();

//Check user is logged into the DB system

if (! (isset($_SESSION['id']))) {
header("Location: dblogin.php");

The following code is used to start the HTML section of the page:

// Create HTML

//Set header variables
$pic = picture(type,$view);
$nav = navigationbuttons(2(type,$view) );
$title = title of page;
//Create Header and Footer
$header = htmlheader($title,$nav,$updated,$pic);
$footer = htmlfooter($nav);

The picture types will either be "member" or "cell". $view is the number associated with the record being viewed, either the member id or the cell id. Only the numeric portion of this id is used.

The navigation button function will depend upon whether the page is to return to a specific record or not. See the Button Placement Functions page for more details. The types used in the navigationbuttons2 function are the same as the ones in the picture function. These are important to ensure the proper module is called. The navigationbuttons() function send no data.

$update is usually done in the calculations section of the module.

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