Cell:LP Darkwind

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<body text="#FFFF00" bgcolor="#000000" link="#3366FF" vlink="#3333FF" alink="#FF0000" background="/images/redblack.jpg" nosave width="100%">

          Maquis Forces International Chapters
                             LP Darkwind
    <a href="../../Cell%20Locator"><img SRC="../images/zone1.jpg" NOSAVE BORDER=0 height=135 width=135></a>
<img SRC="/images/perigine.gif" NOSAVE height=85 width=126>
Maquis Forces Tampa Bay, FL - LP Darkwind
Captain Darrell Morrison, Commanding Officer
        <a href="mailto:xamot@hotpop.com">Darkwind, CO</a> 
    <img SRC="/images/comm.jpg" NOSAVE BORDER=0 height=145 width=124>

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                <nobr>Author: Gary Davis</nobr>
                <nobr><a href="../MFI%20Chapter%20Hurricane_files/mailto=webmaster@maquis.com">Comments and Questions</a></nobr>
                  <nobr>Last Updated:  18 May 2001</nobr>

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