Talk:SSD Specialized Departments

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-Project Shadow Guard- Authorized Personnel Only

“Fidelity is the sister to justice.” ~Horace

Required Security Clearance Required: Teir II - Classified

What is Project: Shadow Guard?

What you are about to undertake is one of the most difficult and vital missions in the Maquis Forces, that of the protection of the International Coordinator, Coordinator Council and those they cherish and oversee. This guide is written to give each new member of the ShadowGuard an overview of what is not need to know information, but what can safeguard your life as well as those you have sworn an oath to protect.

The first section of this document is the fictional framework in which the SG was formed, how the organization operates, and what one can expect from being a member of this elite section of the Special Security Department. This material is meant to be used for role playing purposes, both online and in person. It is meant as an aide to the participants, improvements of the existing material and new ideas are always welcome. Section two will be devoted to practical concerns such as how to become a member, what is expected of SG members, and ideas on how one can participate in real world activities to earn SG rewards and improve experiences in the role-play centered around the SG persona and organization.

Section One – Project Shadow Guard: The Undercover Organization of the Maquis Forces Special Security Department's Protective Services.

“If you want peace, work for justice.” Pope Paul VI

The Special Security Division is a branch of Maquis Forces that handles internal, civilian law enforcement as both a uniformed police and emergency response & rescue; and they also work as a covert, plain-clothes undercover protective and investigative agency. Its head, the SSD Branch Service Director, reports to the Coordinator Council. The sworn members of this Branch of the Maquis Forces are divided among the Special Agents and the Uniformed Operatives.

The Shadow Guard has two distinct areas of responsibility: Investigation Roles: Investigating any and all threats to the safety of national VIPs such as the Force Admiral, past Coordinators, Vice Admirals, their families, foreign embassies (per any agreement with the Maquis Forces Diplomatic Corps Department's other Security services and organizations. Protective roles: Ensuring the safety of any national VIPs such as the President, past Presidents, Vice Presidents, presidential candidates, their families, foreign embassies in all aspects and functions as bodyguard.

This agency is best known for their work protecting the President of the United Federation of Planets, as well as dignitaries such as the Klingon High Chancellor and Romulan Senators, when working with the Maquis Forces during the Dominion War.

Today, the Protective Service is authorized, by law, to protect: The President, the Vice President, Secretary of State (or other individuals next in order of succession to the Presidency), the President-elect and Vice President-elect. The immediate families of the above individuals. Former Presidents and their spouses for their lifetimes except when the spouse remarries. Children of former Presidents until age 16. Former Vice Presidents until six months after their term ends (the Admiral of Starfleet Security can extend the protection time). Families of former Vice Presidents until six months after term ends. Visiting heads of states or governments and their spouses traveling with them, other distinguished foreign visitors to the United Federation of Planets, and official representatives of the United Federation of Planets performing special missions abroad. Major presidential and vice presidential candidates, and their spouses within 120 days of a general presidential election. Other individuals as designated per executive order of the President. Intergalactic Special Security Events, when designated as such by the Secretary of Planetary Security.

Due to the nature of the organization, many details about the Protective Service are currently classified. Their creedo has been, and remains to this day, “Protecting you from the shadows, by daring seek the dark places on your behalf.”

Special Agents of the Shadow Guard wear attire that is appropriate for the surroundings. In many circumstances, the attire is a conservative business attire, but clothing can range to resemble current fashions from any walk of life. Photographs and footage often show them turned from the cameras and recording devices, but sometimes they can be seen wearing sunglasses and a communication ear-piece. (The latter to prevent their conversations from being carried to those who do not have a need to know.) They also wear lapel pins or chest badges, that can act as comm badges, of a color and shape that - for security purposes - may vary regularly, but each design prominently features the service's shield, within that a scale emblem centered with an enlightened eye just above. These lapel pins are usually changed hourly when agents travel with their charges, so as to avoid tampering from outside sources to transport them away from the person they are meant to protect.

While there is no official uniform or openly displayed device indicating "Protective Service", Special Agents have occasionally had special – altered - patches designed, unofficially, to trade in their extensive collaborations with uniformed and local security officers of other organizations.

The Shadow Guard Coordinator Protective Detail safeguards the President of the Maquis, the Force Admiral, Coordinator Council members, and their immediate families. They are always heavily armed, and work with all other applicable law enforcement agencies and the military to safeguard these individuals when traveling. They are also charged with protecting the physical Offices of the Coordinator Council, and any foreign diplomatic sites where the Council Member(s) or their family may temporarily reside. Due to the importance of the Shadow Guard functions, the personnel of the agency receive the latest weapons and training. These agents of the SSD receive the latest military technology. Due to specific legislation and directives, the Maquis Forces military must fully comply with requests for assistance with providing protection for the Force Admiral and all other people under protection, providing equipment, and even military personnel at no cost to the Protective Service.

The Shadow Guard only has one agency of service, that is the executive protection detail. The SG primarily focuses on the safety of the President of the Maquis, the Force Admiral and his/her family, as well as the Coordinating Council members and their families. The remainder of the SG Services not providing executive protection duties conducts VIP protection operations as needed, but may be tasked as needed to other assignments within SSD operations and jurisdiction, on a secondary basis.

Special Agents carry at least one concealed hand phaser and one type two phaser sidearm, in addition to an ankle holstered primitive firearm. Along with their sidearms, they are also trained in several close-combat weapons such as the TR series fire-arms, the heavy phaser combat rifle, and myriad hand weaponry and martial forms. The safe bet, when one faces an Agent of the SSD is that if it exist as a personal weapon in Starfleet, they are trained to know how to use it as effectively as a master in the studies of such weaponry. Each agent is issued a first-aid pack, radio, and surveillance kit, in order to maintain communication with a central command post and other SG personnel.

Section Two – The Requirements of the Shadow Guard: Brass Tacks

“Justice delayed is justice denied.” ~William E. Gladstone

The SG accepts both officers and enlisted members. What is really required is a desire to explore this flavor of fandom. Below are listed suggested things to do to become one of the SSD's Shadow Guard. These are suggestions only, to give members of the department an internal recognition for hard work, in addition to the awards and promotions normally possible to Maquis – specifically SSD – personnel.

SG Training Program: There are three levels in the agency. These are not ranks, and as such do not confer any implied authority in and of themselves. They can, however, be used to determine team leaders during fandom events. (But, more on that later.) These levels are meant to reflect experience and knowledge only. They are to show one's progress in what is called the SG training program, which - to be perfectly clear - is entirely optional. As a note, SG members are not required, or considered to be marines, but the marine academy does have a large variety of leadership and organizational courses, thus some are listed below.

AGENT: Level 1 Agents are the lowest level of achievements that have been obtained, and entitles the graduate to be referred to as 'Agent'. To be considered a graduate of this level, one must complete one activity appropriate to the SG - whether as an 'active' member or training event. To be considered an SG sanctioned event, it must be approved by the SSD Branch Head and the prospective Agent's CO. For example, laser-tag events are good SG “phaser training” activities. While working security at a local fandom convention would be considered excellent induction into becoming an Agent of the SSD. In addition they must take the following courses:

CM 101; LA 102.1; LAW 101, 102, 104; LD 101, 102; and MC 101, 102, 103.

Graduates who also complete the sanctioned event are entitled a special certificate, and to wear both the SSD Scholastic ribbon, and the SSD Achievement Ribbon.

SPECIAL AGENT: Level 2 Agents are the second up the chain, and such gradates are entitled to be referred to as 'Special Agent'. To be considered a graduate of this level one must complete two additional SSD approved events and the following courses:

LA 102.2, 102.3; LAW 103, 204; LD 103, 104; MC 201, 203.

In addition the prospective Special Agent must write two articles for their Chapter Newsletter or the Badlands Newsletter, on an SSD appropriate topic. This can be on anything from security training or tactics to a short story about their SSD character or persona. (Please speak with the SSD Director or one of his staff, if more information is requested.)

Furthermore graduates who also complete the articles will be entitled to a certificate and to add a gold star device to their Achievement ribbon, with appropriate attachments to their Scholastic ribbon.

SUPERVISORY SPECIAL AGENT: Level 3 Agents are the highest level on the chain of the SG ladder, only SSD Branch Staff are higher on the ladder. Gradates at this level are entitled to be referred to as 'Supervisory Special Agent'. To be considered a graduate of this level one must complete three additional SSD approved events and the following courses:

LD 201, 202; MD 110.

In addition one must write three articles for their Chapter Newsletter, or the Badlands Newsletter, on an SSD appropriate topic.

Graduates at this level are entitled to a third special certificate, and to wear a second gold star on their Achievement ribbons, and appropriate attachments to their Scholastic ribbon.

Duties: Section one explained the fictionalized framework, this section has explained what an SG member's duties might encompass in the real world. First, let's evaluate the fun and obvious part – Volunteering for Security. This focus at public fandom events dovetails so well with SG's aims as to be the most logical outlet for members wishing to be active. One can even draw a line of comparison between protecting a star at a convention from being mobbed by fans to protecting a foreign dignitary in the fictional framework of the SG duties; it all depends on how one views it. If we look at the fictional portion in the light of a convention, renaissance faire or other fandom event, the parallels are easy to draw. Before an SG member can have something count as an event, it must be approved - in advance - and they should write an article suitable for their chapter newsletter, or the Badlands newsletter, afterward. SG members wishing to volunteer time at a convention as security are wise to take the courses specifically designed to teach how this is done, through the MFI Leadership College, which are excellent convention security courses with plenty of guidelines for how best to work with the convention staff and guests.

Is being a volunteer security officer the only way one can 'experience their SG posting'? Of course not! To the creative mind, there are any number of ways: there are fictionalized plays one can take on the character of, or role playing opportunities that take a great deal of creativity to pull off. Also, one of the main jobs of the SG is to protect certain VIP's; a particular VIP could be ones own self, or friends and family, if one were to look at it from a certain point of view. This is not to say one should follow them around with loaded a handgun or tazer, glaring at passersby. There are perfectly legal ways to protect oneself and family. Please keep in mind the following suggestions are written from the point of view of a citizen of the United States, but in all cases one should follow all applicable laws in their country of residence, and use discretion when doing anything suggested in this guide.

Some ideas might be to learn a martial art form, to take a self-defense course, or to be more alert to ones surroundings for trouble. Becoming an active member of one's neighborhood watch committee, or even learn the basics of assisting with Amber Alert situations. In fact, being alert and prepared for potential trouble is a great way for an SG (or any SSD) member to protect themselves and those they care for. Being prepared can be anything from having an emergency plan on case your house catches fire, to how to behave when traveling abroad. Being alert, combined with keeping calm in a crisis, can really be a help for local first-responder teams, as well as others involved in a crisis situation. If one adds having a suitable plan in place, they can help their chances of a successful outcome tremendously in nearly any troubled situation. As you can see, the ways you can make the role of SG member your own is only limited by imagination, and what you want to do.

[***A note from the wise: unless you are a trained law enforcement officer in real life, or an otherwise authorized individual, DO NOT go around trying to protect people, shooting bad guys or investigate crimes. This can get you into serious trouble, from both criminals and law enforcement agents.***]

Whispers heard from the shadows: No there are no special uniforms. One item that does carry over from the fictional aspect of being a member of the Shadow Guard is the idea that your uniform can be whatever is suitable to the situation and environment; you act under cover. This can mean that you wear civilian dress clothes as seen on Star Trek, which is the closest thing to an unofficial uniform the SG has; or it can be a t-shirt, jeans, and baseball cap. Though, in cases of casual wear, members are advised to use their own judgment on clothing appropriateness. Remember, in the cases of undercover volunteer security for conventions especially, the idea is blend in and not embarrass the SG or SSD. Try to be neat and clean in appearance, if possible.

In most cases, there will a be a sort of uniform of the day. At renaissance faires, this may be medieval clothing, or at a large fandom convention, you may be provided with a convention staff t-shirt, as your uniform. In the cases of Science Fiction events, you could be in any number of costume or uniform choices; usually, they will not require an exact type of Star Trek uniform for you. It is the recommendation of the SSD Branch Director that you choose a uniform you can easily move in, and is comfortable to wear. In each case, you should examine the event to determine the most appropriate clothing-costume choice. And, of course, when doing charity or other events in which you wish to stand out, wearing hats or t-shirts with your ship, unit, SSD or MFI logos are always appropriate! But, just to be safe, always check with the on-site security supervisor or event coordinator, to be sure of what is acceptable to wear.

At events in which the SSD has point, or has the ability to choose the supervisor, the member who is willing and highest level (judged in a case by case basis) in the SG training program will be given preference by the SSD Branch Director, when making the decision. The Chain of Command for the SG – and all of the SSD - is from lowest to highest: SG Member, Chapter Commanding Officer, Deputy SSD Branch Director, SSD Branch Director, Commanding Officer of the Event.

Conclusion It is the hope of the author that this document was useful in understanding what the SG does both in and out of the fandom. Furthermore, it is hoped that possible or current members have a better idea of what is possible by taking part in the Shadow Guard. As a final note, this is only the framework for what one can do within the SG agency of the SSD, it will be up to you who make of the membership something that we can all really be proud of, so please make suggestions when you have them. If you are not a member, but merely have an interest, it is our belief that good ideas can come from anywhere, so feel free to contact the SSD Director or one of his Branch level staff with something you would like to know, offer as content within the Branch or agency, or establishing your own SSD or SG team. And remember, protection is a state of mind.

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