Med-Library/Terms N-Z

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Terminology of the Star Trek Universe N-Z

The following pages contain most of the information needed to complete the
Maquis Academy College of Medicine
Terminology examination.

I hope you find this information both educational and enjoyable.

Adm Robert J McCoy, MD

Medical Terminology

A - Z

Name Description Episode
Neo-analeptic infusion A treatment used by Dr. Bashir to help Melora adapt to standard gravity Melora
Neural calipers Medical instrument used in surgical procedures Samaritan Snare
Neural cortical monitor A medical device used to monitor a patient's brainwave patterns Flashback
Neural imaging scan Medical diagnostic scan used to test the acuity of the patient's visual cortex Babel
Neural scan A medical scan performed on Lwaxana Troi by the Ferengi Mènage á Troi
Neural stabilazation field Used by Dr. Bashir to treat Jake Sisko after his run in with the "Muse" The Muse
Neural stimulator Medical instrument used to increase neural activity in the central nervous system of a humanoid brain and one of the artifacts that Rassmussen attempted to steal Skin of Evil /

A Matter of Time

Neural transducers Implantable bioelectric devices that receive nerve impulses from the brain and transmit them to affected voluntary muscle groups. They are used in cases of severe spinal cord injuries Ethics
Neurocortical stimulator A medical device used by the holographic doctor to treat Denara Pel Lifesigns
Neuroelectrical suppresser The device that Verad preferred over the delta wave inducer Invasive Procedures
Neurographic scan A highly detailed neural study All Good Things . . .
Neurolink Emergency medical technique used for the stabilization of patients with brainstem injuries Transfigurations
Neuromuscular scan A medical scan used to analyze damaged tissues Battle Lines
Neuro sequencer A medical device used to stabilize someone in neural shock The Gift
Osmotic pressure therapy A treatment used to treat Ensign Wildman's newborn baby Deadlock
Osteogenic stimulator A medical device used to treat cranial trauma and bone fractures Distant Voices, Basics Part I
Osteo-regenerator A medical device used to treat unconscious patients Darkling
Osteotractor frame A medical device used to treat dislocated joints Transfigurations
Parthenogenic implant Artificial devices surgically implanted into the human body Samaritan Snare
Phoretic analyzer A biomedical analysis device that Dr. Bashir uses on DS9 Dramatis Personae
Physiostimulator Medical instrument used to elevate metabolic functions in an impaired individual The Enterprise Incident
Plasma infusion unit Medical equipment used aboard Federation starships to dispense fluids and electrolytes Schisms
Positron emission sensor A device used by Dr. Crusher in her autopsies of the crew of the USS Brattain Night Terrors
Pressure pad A bandagelike device used to treat Spock's gunshot wound A Private Little War
Protodynoplaser Medical equipment used to help the Zalkonian John Doe to stabilize his immune system Transfigurations
Psycho-techtic treatments Medical treatments used by the J'naii to treat their "deviants" The Outcast
Psychotricorder Instrument used to record past memories Wolf in the Fold
Pulmonary support unit Emergency cardiopulmonary support unit in use aboard Federation starships Tapestry
RF Transmitter A medical device used by the holographic doctor to treat Denara Pel Lifesigns
Resonance tissue scan A medical diagnostic test used by Starfleet physicians to screen for infection Schisms
Retinal imaging scan A medical test used to verify the presence or absence of activity in the visual cortex The Passenger
Ribosome infusion A Federation medical treatment The Enemy
Robbiani dermal-optic test A medical diagnostic test that registers a subject's emotional structure through skin and pupil response to visual stimulation at specific color wavelengths Turnabout Intruder
Sequence initiator A medical device used by Dr. Crusher to restore the crew's memory after Satarran attack Conundrum
Sero-amino readout A Federation medical test The Nth Degree
Somnetic inducer A small neural pad used to aid the induction of sleep in humanoids The Mind's Eye
Sonic separator A medical instrument used by Dr. McCoy to restore Spock's brain to his body Spock's Brain
Stasis unit An emergency medical device used aboard Federation starships to hold a patient in a state of suspended animation until medical treatment could be rendered Tapestry
Steinman analysis A medical test that notes individual specific data such as voice analysis and brain patterns The Lights of Zetar
Subcutaneous bone fusion unit A medical device used to mend broken bones Clues
Subneural scan(ner) A medical test used aboard Federation starships The Phage (Persistence of Vision)
Synaptic induction A technique in neurotherapy used for patients suffering from traumatic memory loss Transfigurations
Synaptic reconstruction Surgery which neutralizes the synaptic pathways responsible for deviant behavior Frame of Mind
T-cell stimulator A medical device in use aboard Federation starships, it increases the production of T-cells Identity Crisis
Thoracic polychromatics Something to do with Picard's heart operation Samaritan Snare
Tissue mitigator A medical instrument used in surgical procedures Samaritan Snare
Trilaser connector A medical instrument used by Dr. McCoy to restore Spock's brain to his body Spock's Brain
Vasoconstrictor A medical device of unknown use The Swarm
Vascular pad A medical device used to heal stab wounds Phantasms
Vascular regenerator A medical device used by the Holographic Doctor to repair Fred Noonan's damaged heart The 37's

Return to Pharmacology A-M / Medical Library Main Page Rob J, IC 20:47, 23 Aug 2005 (EDT)

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