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[[User:Rob-J|Rob Johnson, IC]]
[[User:Rjohnson|Rob Johnson, IC]]
<font size="5"> Check and Plan.<font size="2">
News for April 6, 2006-The review will complete on sunday. SFC and Naval will have until then to get their updated sections in. At that time the changes will be compiled and put into a draft for CC approval by April 16. 2006.<br>
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 11:02, 6 April 2006 (PDT)
Handbook Committee members:
Christina Doane
Gary Davis
Steve Lackey
Logan Andrews
Rob Johnson
*Any other CC wants to help or does not want to be on the committee let me know.
I think we'll just go through section by section. So we'll start with section 1 and 2. If you find something to change or not, post here. Remember if you see grammer errors as well nows a good time.
--[[User:General Mayhem|General Christina Doane]] 16:05, 23 January 2006 (PST)
Ok we're caught up, now to get the updates from the branch heads. Logan want to set something up for naval while I pesture marine, SFC, and Klingon branches.
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 16:05, 6 March 2006 (PST)
Don't forget to make it EASY on yourselves...<br>
Copy & Paste the original statement from the Handbook page (so we all know what part you're talking about), then follow it with what you feel it should be changed to.<br>
[[User:Rob-J|Rob J]]
== Section 1: Gary's Introduction ==
Looks pretty ok too me, no errors. Guys?
<br>--[[User:General Mayhem|General Christina Doane]] 22:59, 23 January 2006 (PST)
Ok we'll continue this closed its pretty prelim. anyone wanting to comment on this section is welcomed.
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 15:54, 6 February 2006 (PST)
== Chapter 1 ==
I will be going through it tonight and toss on my two cents. anyone wishing to comment is asked to do so before next week if at all possible. After section 2 we'll be doing 3 and 4.
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 15:55, 6 February 2006 (PST)
*Original Quoute:<br>
From 'Membership, rights duties, and responsibilities'
"# 4. Chose the amount of your MFI participation at any organizational level. "
*Suggested Change:<br>
perhaps some note about the Tier System with an explaination a little later?
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 00:19, 8 February 2006 (PST)
*Original Quote:<br>
From 'Rank and Advancement within MFI'
"If you are transferring from another Star Trek fan club, MFI will accept whatever rank you held in that organization, <font color=red>providing you provide <font color=yellow>MFI with the proper documentation. This documentation can be a letter from your previous chapter or organizational officer or a promotion certificate from your previous chapter or club. If you wish to transfer your rank then send the documentation with your application so it can be entered in our central membership database. <font color=red>If you are of flag rank, your rank must be reviewed and approved by the Coordinator Council. Applications under our Collateral Flag Rank Conversion policy will only be accepted after the member has been in MFI for a minimum of six months and has completed both the New Member Exam and the Leadership Development Exam."<font color=yellow>
*Suggested Change:<br>
"If you are transferring from another Star Trek fan club, MFI will accept whatever rank you held in that organization, providing you provide MFI with the proper documentation. This documentation can be a letter from your previous chapter or organizational officer or a promotion certificate from your previous chapter or club. If you wish to transfer your rank then send the documentation with your application so it can be entered in our central membership database. <font color=red>If you are of flag rank, your rank must be reviewed and approved by the Coordinator Council. Approval is on a case by case basis."<font color=yellow>
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 00:19, 8 February 2006 (PST)
*"providing you provide"??  That sounds rather odd.  How about "Providing you '''submit'''"?... Except,we haven't been requiring that people submit verification.  We've been letting them "Self Promote" to the rank of Captain, haven't we? 
*Also...  Since we no longer have the Colateral Rank Transfer, how about changing the part about Flag Rank to something like: "No new members will be granted Rank Transfer above the rank of Captain." and leave it at that??  We don't even have a "Case By Case Basis" on he matter any more. --[[User:Rjohnson|Rob J]] 05:19, 15 February 2006 (PST)
*Well Membership tends to assign a rank to the CO, while keeping their preference in mind. I know I had a CO who wanted to be a Commander instead of the usual Captain. But yeah its usually membership who makes that first call and the Zone CO or COO(whomever it applies to) tends to go with it. Leastways I never heard of a problem. Just seems pretty standard, Cell co tends to be a Captain and can promote up to Commander I believe. I was a full Captain and in charge of an LP at first *shrug and grin* And sure a 'No higher than Captain' policy sounds good to me.
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 00:34, 16 February 2006 (PST)
*Original Quote:<br>
"The Force Admiral is the final authority on all "Promotion Board" promotions. For those members who are in positions with promotion authority you cannot promote yourself. If promotions are warranted by virtue of positions that members are appointed, they are granted a “Brevet" rank until such time as they complete a “probationary" period and prove to the CC that they have or are making strides toward fulfilling the requirements for that position."
Suggested Change:<br>
>> Snip<<  This was just a typographical error.  No need to discuss...  Fixed.
[[User:Rjohnson|Rob J]] 05:19, 15 February 2006 (PST)
*El Snazzy.
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 00:34, 16 February 2006 (PST)
The word 'Fun' in the membership materials section just needs to be corrected.
and 'personas' in the communications cyberspace section.
Thats all I got anyone else?--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 00:19, 8 February 2006 (PST)
*I will double check if I can't find anything else I'll start on section 3 next week. I will also email the Branch heads again about getting out their updated sections.
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 00:33, 16 February 2006 (PST)
==Chapter 2==
After reading this section and the stated Appex.'s seems fine. I will have some suggestions for rewording the Appex's when we get that far.
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 22:06, 22 February 2006 (PST)
==Chapter 3==
In the intro it mentions min. number of personel but I can't seem to find where it lists them.
Example:Listening Post or Relay Station-1 Person Min., Runabout-2 Person Min., Ship/Station-3 etc.
might be useful to know or did I miss something?<br>
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 22:11, 22 February 2006 (PST)
I do know at one point when I was talking to Gary re: what a new chapter would be that those numbers are guidelines and not hard and fast.  I have them on the text version of the applications.  I think the idea is that we encourage them to follow those guidelines and allow them to be diffrent if they really want to.  Technacally, Trinity would have droped to a Runabout long ago
--[[User:Landrews|RAdm Logan Andrews]] 12:05, 23 February 2006 (PST)
Well do we want to put them in the handbook as guidelines or leave them out as just by listing them we may be making them more official then need be?.<br>
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 15:29, 6 March 2006 (PST)
==Chapter 4==
Orginial Quote:(re:existing vessel program)
Chapters seeking this option are guaranteed recognition of all previously held rank, awards, and schools attended. They will retain their previous vessel/installation name and designation.
Suggested Quote:
Chapters seeking this option are guaranteed recognitition of all previously held rank(up to Naval Captain), awards, and schools attended. They will retain their previous vessel/installation name and designation.
How do we recognize incoming awards and schools attended anyway? :)
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 15:45, 6 March 2006 (PST)
Hmm...  I'm not sure if this is referring to Existing Chapters '''Transferring''' from other Organizations, or Existing Chapters '''Returning''' to MFI after Resigning.
If it's referring to Returning Chapters, it needs to be rewritten to apply to only Chapters who left MFI under "Friendly" circumstances.
If it's referring to Transferring Chapters, you're right, there's no way we can recognize other chapters schools, but they are free tolist their other organization's awards on their Chapter pages (if they have graphics). [[User:Rjohnson|Rob-J]] 09 March 2006
I believe that Re: transfering chapters we are saying we acknowledge their previous achievements.  The Awards program specifically says that after the MFI ribbons any ribbons earned from another organization may be worn IAW that organozations Order of Precidence.  Aside from that allowing anything they had before to be listed on their web site should be enough to cover "guaranteed recognitition of all previously held rank(up to Naval Captain), awards, and schools attended."
I also think we should seperate out the program that deals with transfering/dual chapters from returning chapters.  Within the Returning chapters program, we should then note that any chapter that left MFI under "friendly" circumstances, or entered into an inactive period voluntarily will retain their status and achievements from the time they left and any that went dark, were sent away, or left under "hostile" circumstances, will be subject to review and probations conditions, to be determined on a case by case basis.
--[[User:Landrews|RAdm Logan Andrews]] 15:06, 8 March 2006 (PST)
==Chapter 5==
Ok we're still waiting on Naval and SFC to send me their updates or acknowledgement that they don't have any updates but we're going to proceed.
First is KTF's then the Marines. We can come back to this section later for the other two.
I'll create the sections and we'll just go through the rest. Please remember this review is also to see if there's anything to add or remove not just change so please post. Below are the changed versions, basically just updating and slimming down of their info.
=== <font color=purple>KLINGON TASK FORCE</font> ===
From the smallest Klingon Task Force (KTF) unit to the largest, the order of units is individual Klingon Warrior, ghom, mIch and wavwI’.  Designations for Klingon chapters/units are as follows:
MFS-K – Maquis Forces Ship/Station (Klingon), MFS-TF – Maquis Forces Ship/Station (Task Force), KlinDet – Klingon Detachment Company
KTF HIGH COUNCIL .  The KTF High Council assists the La’’a’ (Commandant) of the Marines in the administration of the KTF.  Below are listed the sections and a brief description of their duties.
RA'WI' (COMMANDER).  Reports to the MFI Chief of Staff, the Ra'wI is the top of the KTF Chain Of Command (COC).  He is responsible for the Task Force as a whole, and his duties include: Acting as liaison between Maquis Forces and the Task Force; approving/disapproving recommendations of the KTF General Staff; working with MFI Zone Coordinators in appointing Task Force Liaison Officers in each Zone; appointing all members of the General Staff; forwarding to the MFI Coordinator Council his own recommendations for promotion of Klingon personnel to the rank of Brigadier General and above; and reporting to Maquis Forces International, through its various publications what is happening in the Task Force.
SUVWI’ PIN’A’ OF THE KTF.  The top SuvwI’ Advisor to the Ra'wI. Is responsible for acting as an advocate for enlisted members of the KTF, developing the SuvwI’ chain of support by recruiting and retaining SuvwI’s, advising the Ra'wI and the KTF Council in regards to SuvwI’ and enlisted Warriors needs and views.
BOQWI’ RA'WI' (DEPUTY COMMANDER).  Is the Ra'wI’s right hand.  The BoQwI’ Ra'wI is the second in command of the KTF and shall preside over the KTF Council in the Ra'wI’s absence. The BoQwI’ Ra'wI is responsible for the smooth operation of the organization as a whole, including assisting in the administration of special marine programs.  The BoQwI’ Ra'wI is to represent the club as a whole to the international community and to other fan clubs. The BoQwI’ Ra'wI shall properly assistant the Ra'wI, general staff, and members at large.
CHIEF OF TASK FORCE OPERATIONS.  Third in Command of the KTF, the Chief of Task Force Operations acts as a chief of staff and head of task force computer ops. This person will gather all reports of Klingons and Task Force activity and present it to the BoQwI’ Ra'wI and Ra'wI.  They will also be responsible for the marine website and its condition.  The leaders of special Task Force missions should report to this individual.
CHIEF CHARITY COORDINATOR.  CCC is an important officer in the office of the Chief of Task Force Operations.  CCC is responsible bringing to the attention of the KTF members or other interested parties, information regarding charity opportunities. to advise interested parties on the most efficient methods to go about their charity event and also advise as to forms of fund raising. They are to share all pertinent information with the Chief Marine Charity Facilitator of the MFIMC.  They are also to assist interested units in locating information regarding any local laws or policies regarding their event. Will also insure that the news of the event is broadcast. Advise as to forms of charity events.
TRAINING AND INDOCTRINATION COMMAND. The TRAINDOC is responsible for establishing the fictional universe for the Task Force. Specifically, this Warrior is responsible for developing materials and programs for the KTF College of the Maquis Academy, and for developing the KTF’s doctrine (the way in which the Task Force would intend to conduct operations in the Trek future). TRAINDOC invents and develops equipment, organization, strategy and tactics to complete the indoctrination program of the KTF; then trains the members in it. TRAINDOC may also recommend and approve “KTF College Instructors‿ to administrate development and training issues particular to the Task Force. They will also approve Task Force unit names, symbols, etc. This will prevent duplication of symbols and the like to ensure each KTF ghom and detachment is unique.
INDIVIDUAL MARINE: ACTIVE DUTY VS. RESERVES.  The foundation of the entire KTF is the individual Klingon. Members of the KTF fall into one of two general categories as individual warriors: Active Duty or Reservist. An Active Duty Marine participates in MFI only as a Klingon and they are known solely by their task force rank. A Reservist is a sometimes Klingon. They sometimes use a task force rank and uniform. They could participate in their Klingon ghom as a Klingon but be naval or marine officer otherwise.  Below you will find an explanation of each echelon of the Task Force Chain of Command.
KLINGON DETACHMENT (KlinDet) COMPANY.  The basic unit, or Company, in the KTF is the ghom; this is equal to a chapter. In the case of an all-Klingon ghom this can be a ship, a station, fighter squadron, etc. In an all-Klingon ghom the commanding and executive officers may double as the ghom ra’wI’ (Commander) and ghom BoQwI’ (Deputy) respectively or appoint others. In a Klingon detachment on board a non-Klingon vessel the Klingon company is commanded by the GR (ghom ra’wI’) and GB (ghom BoQwI’) who in turn report to the Commanding Officer.  This second possibility is called a Klingon detachment on a naval vessel and a Klingon ghom is an MFI Chapter that is entirely or named to be Klingon.  Klingon ghom use the Ship or Station Designation of MFS-K or MFS-TF.
mIch (mIch).  MFI itself is divided administratively into geographic “Zones.‿ In the KTF, mIchs cover an equal Area of Responsibility, as does an MFI Zone, for example Division one, mIch 1 would be Zone 1 of MFI. The mIch Officer in Charge would be the marine liaison to the Zone Coordinator.  Each state within the mIch is a battalion, In mIch’s large enough to warrant it, mIch ra’wI’ (Commander‘s) may appoint ghom ra’wI’s (state level personnel who live within the State they are assisting with). This is optional and up to the mIch ra’wI’ as per their judgment.
wavwI’ (wavwI’).  Above the mIch level, there are wavwI’, wavwI’ are combinations of mIchs and provide another level of Administrative Control and ghom assistance.
Hail Great Warriors!!
As Warriors of the Empire and members of the Maquis Forces International, Klingon Task Force, there are a few matters that you need to be aware of.
In the Empire we answer to the Thought Admiral and the High Council.  While we are serving as a part of this Task Force, we will consider the International Coordinator of the MFI as our Thought Admiral, and the Coordinator Council of the MFI as our High Council.  Also when we were in the Empire we had an Emperor, all be it a Ceremonial Emperor, it was an Emperor none the less. While we serve the MFI as a Task Force, so shall Force Admiral Gary Davis, Founder of the MFI Serve as our Ceremonial Emperor.
We serve the Maquis in many ways, but in general we of the Klingon Task Force are their War Machine. We are Warriors, born, bred and trained. We endure more than any Terragnan ever thought of, we live and die with Honor, we know our Duties and are Loyal to our cause. We serve the Maquis in this Task Force, but let us never forget who we are....WE ARE KLINGONS!!!! ( tlhIngan maH !!!! )
From the smallest Klingon Task Force (KTF) unit to the largest, the order of units is individual Klingon Warrior, ghom, mIch and wavwI'. Designations for Klingon chapters/units are as follows:
MFS-K - Maquis Forces Ship/Station (Klingon), MFS-TF- Maquis Forces Ship/Station (Task Force), KlinFor - Klingon Force
KTF HIGH COUNCIL . The KTF High Council assists the ra'wI' (Commander) of the Task Force in the administration of the KTF. Below are listed the sections and a brief description of their duties. High Council Positions Are Denoted in Blue.
RA'WI' (COMMANDER). Reports to the MFI Chief of Staff, the ra'wI' (RW) is the top of the KTF Chain Of Command (COC). He is responsible for the Task Force as a whole, and his duties include: Acting as liaison between Maquis Forces and the Task Force; approving/disapproving recommendations of the KTF General Staff; working with MFI Zone Coordinators in appointing Task Force Liaison Officers in each Zone; appointing all members of the General Staff; forwarding to the MFI Coordinator Council his own recommendations for promotion of Klingon personnel to the rank of Brigadier General and above; and reporting to Maquis Forces International, through its various publications what is happening in the Task Force. The RW is responsible for assuring that the KTF functions as a Klingon based organization, within the parameters of the MFI as a SID. On all internal KTF matters the RW is the final word and final policy maker of KTF, as the IC is the final word of the MFI. Should MFI and KTF policy differ, the RW must set the example, by deferring to MFI policy.
BOQWI' RA'WI' (DEPUTY COMMANDER). Is the ra'wI's right hand. The BoQwI'ra'wI' (BR) is the second in command of the KTF and shall preside over the KTF Council in the ra'wI's absence. The BR is responsible for the smooth operation of the organization as a whole, including assisting in the administration of special Task Force programs. The BoQwI' ra'wI'' is to represent the club as a whole to the international community and to other fan clubs. The BR shall properly assistant the RW, general staff, and members at large.
BOQDU' (AIDE-DE-CAMP). If the BoQwI' Ra'wI' is the ra'wI's right hand, then the BoQDu' is his left hand. The BoQDu' (BD) is the personal and military adviser to KTF ra'wI' and may act as a relay of the ra'wI's voice to the KTF Council in the ra'wI's absence due to medical need or lack of ability to communicate. The BD is a non-voting member of the KTF Council, unless called upon by the BR. The BD is usually chosen from responsible KTF members in relatively close proximity to the ra'wI' (within local phone call range, when possible, in case of loss of internet connection). The BD is responsible for the smooth relay of information to the organization as a whole, in the ra'wI's absence or during lack of communication. The BD aids or covers the BR's duties, for short periods of time when requested by the BR. The BD shall properly advise the RW, especially in areas of MFI Constitution, MFI Handbook and KTF Firing Line procedures, to prevent breaches of protocol.
SUVWI' PIN'A' OF THE KTF. The top SuvwI' (Enlisted Warrior) Advisor to the ra'wI''. Is responsible for acting as an advocate for enlisted members of the KTF, developing the SuvwI' chain of support by recruiting and retaining SuvwI's, advising the ra'wI' and the KTF Council in regards to SuvwI' and enlisted Warriors needs and views.
CHIEF OF TASK FORCE OPERATIONS. Third in Command of the KTF, the Chief of Task Force Operations acts as a chief of staff and head of task force computer ops. This person will gather all reports of Klingons and Task Force activity and present it to the BR and RW. They will also be responsible for the task force website and its condition. The leaders of special Task Force missions should report to this individual.
CHIEF CHARITY COORDINATOR. CCC is an important officer in the office of the Chief of Task Force Operations. CCC is responsible bringing to the attention of the KTF members or other interested parties, information regarding charity opportunities, to advise interested parties on the most efficient methods to go about their charity event and also advise as to forms of fund raising. They are to share all pertinent information with the Chief Marine Charity Facilitator of the MFMC. They are also to assist interested units in locating information regarding any local laws or policies regarding their event. Will also insure that the news of the event is broadcast. Advise as to forms of charity events.
TRAINING AND INDOCTRINATION COMMAND. The TRAINDOC is responsible for establishing the fictional universe for the Task Force. Specifically, this Warrior is responsible for developing materials and programs for the KTF College of the Maquis Academy, and for developing the KTF's doctrine (the way in which the Task Force would intend to conduct operations in the Trek future, including acting as Quartermaster). TRAINDOC invents and develops equipment, organization, strategy and tactics to complete the indoctrination program of the KTF; then trains the members in it. TRAINDOC may alsorecommend and approve "KTF College Instructors&#8255; to administrate development and training issues particular to the Task Force. They will also approve Task Force unit names, symbols, etc. This will
prevent duplication of symbols and the like to ensure each KTF ghom and detachment is unique.
INDIVIDUAL KLINGON: ACTIVE DUTY VS. RESERVES. The foundation of the entire KTF is the individual Klingon. Members of the KTF fall into one of two general categories as individual warriors: Active Duty or Reservist. An Active Duty Klingon participates in MFI only as a Klingon and they are known solely by their task force rank. A Reservist is a sometimes Klingon. They sometimes use a task force rank
and uniform. They could participate in their Klingon ghom as a Klingon but be naval or marine officer otherwise. Below you will find an explanation of each echelon of the Task Force Chain of Command. (Check the Uniforms Section for how to Distinguish branches ofservice.)
KLINGON DETACHMENT (KlinFor) ghom. The basic unit, in the KTF is the ghom; this is equal to a chapter. In the case of an all-Klingon ghom this can be a ship, a station, fighter squadron, etc. In an all-Klingon ghom the commanding and executive officers may double as the ghom ra'wI' (Commander) and ghom BoQwI' (Deputy) respectively or appoint others. In a Klingon detachment on board a non-Klingon vessel the Klingon company is commanded by the GR (ghom ra'wI') and GB (ghom BoQwI') who in turn report to the Commanding Officer. This second possibility is called a Klingon force on a naval vessel and a Klingon ghom is an MFI Chapter that is entirely or named to be Klingon. Klingon ghom use the Ship or Station Designation of MFS-K or MFS-TF.
mIch (mIch). MFI itself is divided administratively into geographic "Zones." In the KTF, mIchs cover an equal Area of Responsibility, as does an MFI Zone, for example mIch 1 would be Zone 1 of MFI. The mIch Officer in Charge would either be the, or could appoint a (see mIch - Zone Duy'a') Klingon liaison to the Zone Coordinator. Each state within the mIch is a battalion, In mIchs large enough to warrant it, mIch ra'wI'(Commander's) may appointmIch cha' ra'wI' (state level personnel who live within the State they are assisting with). This is optional and up to the mIch ra'wI' as per their judgment.
wavwI' (wavwI'). Above the mIch level, there are wavwI', wavwI' are combinations of mIchs and provide another level of Administrative Control and ghom assistance. wavwI' are overseen by a wavwI'ra'wI'.
=== <font color=green>MARINES</font> ===
From the smallest Maquis Forces Marine Corps (MFMC) unit to the largest, the order of units is individual Marine, Company, Battalion, Brigade and Division.  Designations for Marine chapters/units are as follows:
MFS-M – Maquis Forces Ship/Station (Marine), MarDet – Marine Detachment Company
MFMC COUNCIL  The MFMC Council assists the Commandant of the Marines in the administration of the MFMC.  Below are listed the sections and a brief description of their duties.
COMMANDANT.  Reports to the MFI Chief of Staff, the Commandant is the top of the MFMC Chain Of Command (COC).  He is responsible for the Corps as a whole, and his duties include: Acting as liaison between Maquis Forces and the Corps; approving/disapproving recommendations of the MFMC General Staff; working with MFI Zone Coordinators in appointing Marine Liaison Officers in each Zone; appointing all members of the General Staff; forwarding to the MFI Coordinator Council his own recommendations for promotion of MFMC personnel to the rank of Brigadier General and above; and reporting to Maquis Forces International, through its various publications what is happening in the Corps.
SERGEANT MAJOR OF THE MFMC.  The top Non-Com Advisor to the Commandant. Is responsible for acting as an advocate for enlisted members of the MFMC, developing the NCO chain of support by recruiting and retaining NCO’s, advising the Commandant and the MFMC Council in regards to NCO and enlisted members needs and views.
DEPUTY COMMANDANT.  Is the Commandant’s right hand.  The DC is the second in command of the MFMC and shall preside over the MFMC Council in the CMC’s absence. The DC is responsible for the smooth operation of the organization as a whole, including assisting in the administration of special marine programs.  The Deputy Commandant is to represent the club as a whole to the international community and to other fan clubs. The Deputy Commandant shall properly assistant the Commandant, general staff, and members at large.
CHIEF OF MARINE OPERATIONS.  Third in Command of the MFMC the Chief of Marine Operations acts as a chief of staff and head of marine computer ops. This person will gather all reports of marines and marine activity and present it to the DC and CMC.  They will also be responsible for the marine website and its condition.  The leaders of special marine programs should report to this individual.
CHIEF MARINE CHARITY FACILITATOR.  An important sub office of the Chief of Marine Operations. Is responsible bringing to the attention of the MFMC members or other interested parties, information regarding charity opportunities. to advise interested parties on the most efficient methods to go about their charity event and also advise as to forms of fund raising. To assist interested units in locating information regarding any local laws or policies regarding their event. Will also insure that the news of the event is broadcast. Advise as to forms of charity events.
COMMANDING OFFICER, TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND. The TRADOC is responsible for establishing the fictional universe for the Corps. Specifically, he is responsible for developing materials and programs for the MFMC Academy, and for developing the MFMC’s doctrine (the way in which the MFMC would intend to conduct operations in the Trek future). TRADOC invents and develops equipment, organization, strategy and tactics to complete the doctrinal picture of the MFMC universe; then trains the members in it. TRADOC may also appoint “Academy Instructors‿ to administrate development and training issues particular to a certain Branch of Service. They will also approve marine unit names, symbols, etc. This will prevent duplication of symbols and the like to ensure each MFMC unit and detachment is one of a kind.
INDIVIDUAL MARINE: ACTIVE DUTY VS. RESERVES.  The foundation of the entire MFMC is the individual marine. Members of the MFMC fall into one of two general categories as individual marines: Active Duty or Reservist. An Active Duty Marine participates in MFI only as a Marine and they are known solely by their marine rank. A Reservist is a sometimes marine. They sometimes use a marine rank and uniform. They could participate in their marine unit as a marine but be naval officer otherwise.  Below you will find an explanation of each echelon of the Marine Chain of Command.
MARINE DETACHMENT (MarDet) COMPANY.  The basic unit, or Company, in the MFMC is the Unit; this is equal to a chapter. In the case of an all-marine unit this can be a ship, a station, fighter squadron, etc. In an all-marine unit the commanding and executive officers may double as the Marine Officer in Charge and Deputy Marine OIC respectively or appoint others. In a marine unit on board a non-marine vessel the marine company is commanding by the Marine OIC and DMOIC who in turn report to the Commanding Officer.  This second possible is called a marine unit on a naval vessel and a Marine Unit is an MFI Chapter that is entirely or named to be Marine.  Marine Units use the Ship or Station Designation of MFS-M.
BRIGADES (BDES).  MFI itself is divided administratively into geographic “Zones.‿ In the MFMC, Brigades cover an equal Area of Responsibility, as does an MFI Zone, for example Division one, Brigade 1 would be Zone 1 of MFI. The Brigade Officer in charge would be the marine liaison to the Zone Coordinator.  Each state within the brigade is a battalion, In Brigades large enough to warrant it, Brigade OIC‘s may appoint Battalion (state level personnel who live within the State they are assisting with). This is optional and up to the Brigade OIC as per their judgment.
DIVISIONS (DIVS).  Above the Brigade level, there are divisions, divisions are combinations of Brigades and provide another level of Administrative Control and unit assistance. The final part of this brief orientation (for more info please see our site will be our Special Marine Programs. Recon,
*SPECIAL PROGRAMS.  Within the MFMC, there are special programs and specialized areas of expertise in which Marines can participate.  Please keep in mind these are in addition to the usual jobs you can choose, use your imagination!  We are always adding more, if you suggest and we add you may be the chief of a new section!
*RECON.  Recon is the most versatile of the Marine Programs.  Recon is the closest assignment the MFMC has to a commando type unit. Due to its flexibility, its Area of Responsibility is varied. It has four main AOR’s, by no means is this list exhaustive.  Its first AOR is VIP escort and protection; at request Recon members may responsible for assisting and protecting their assigned dignitary at various events. Second is Honor Guard Detail, at request for weddings of MFI personnel or other such events where an Honor Guard would be appropriate.  Third is General Reconnaissance, this would be recon for information, an event layout, items, and other such proper assignments. The Fourth AOR is Convention Security; this would be a properly trained force of personnel to act as and run security at any and all Fan Conventions. Its organization is as follows, Recon Unit (either whole or one divided into different cells), Recon Chief of Brigade, Recon Chief of Division, and Deputy Officer in Charge of Recon.
*MAQUIS MARINE AIR CORPS.  The Maquis Marine Air Corps takes its form from the ‘Flying Leathernecks’ of World War II on earth. These Flying Leathernecks come from a long and honored tradition of marine pilots. Their AOR is act as the air support for any and all marine units and operations, and to do the same for other MFI units at request. And it may also act independently on any assignment with approval of the Maquis Marine Air Marshall. Its organization is as follows, Squadron (Unit) (either whole or one divided into different cells), Senior Air Officer of the Brigade, Air Boss of the Division, Deputy Air Marshall, and Air Marshall. *note if this is not currently offered, you are welcomed to apply to have it reopened.
*CHAPLAIN/COUNSELOR PROGRAM.  All information in this section is literary property of David House as paraphrased from MFMC chaplain/counselor guide.  What Does a Chaplain/counselor for a Star Trek club do? This will vary according to the ship on which He/She serves. The crew determines the amount of spiritual guidance and help they need. It is also common for the chaplain to perform duties that would be assigned a ship's counselor if there were not one available. Since the job they do overlaps so much. This means that the Chaplain will provide spiritual and other counseling services as needed. 90% or more of the time a chaplain is consulted the person asking for help needs more than anything a sympathetic ear.
Commandant’s note: This program’s area of responsibility is the morale of MFMC personnel, as previously stated someone’s whole job is to have a “sympathetic ear‿. Highly recommended to have on board. Its organization is Vedic at unit level for Chaplain and Counselor for other. Both report to the KAI/Chief Counselor.
Marines:  (STRIKE-The Marine Forces Marine Corps (MFMC))
From the largest field units to the individual Marine member, the Corps have another ‘layer’ of responsibility for members. The foundation of the Corps is the individual Marine.  Marines fall into one of two categories: Active Duty Marine vs. Marine Reservist.  An Active Duty Marine serves within MFI primarily as a Marine, a Reservist is usually known by their ‘other’ rank and holds a Marine Commission as a Reserve Marine.  In order to keep organization of the Corps during combat, every level of organization has been ‘named’ and designated so that a specific Marine can be found quickly by keeping track of Unit forces.<br>
Regiment - a purely administrative grouping of Brigades, for the convenience of the Marine General Staff. The Regimental OIC posting is supplemental, Honorary and only for the purpose of accepting Regimental reports and representing these reports to the General Staff. Regimental OICs may appoint such staff officers as they see fit, pursuant to their reporting such appointments to the General Staff.<br>
Members of a Regimental Staff position (TIER III) must:
1. Be members of a cell chartered and currently active within that Regiment and;
2. Not violate MFI’s Tier policy regarding concurrent duties. Regiments are numbered in order of creation.<br>
|First Marine Regiment
|"First to Fight"
|Second Marine Regiment 
|"Second to None"
|Third Marine Regiment
|"Bearers of Bad Luck"
|Fourth Marine Regiment 
|"Four Aces"
|Fifth Marine Regiment
|"Death Dealers"
Brigade - The largest combat field unit in the Marine Corps is the Brigade. A Brigade is a self-contained entity in the corps. A Brigade’s mission MOS can be varied or consistent. An average brigade fictionally consists of approximately 24,000 officers and troops and is in real-life a purely administrative unit, assigned to a MFI Zone and responsible for MFI marines within that Zone. Primary brigade OIC duties are liaison with MFI Zone Commander and consulting Brigade OICs. In Brigades large enough to warrant the need, Brigade OICs may charter staff officers to assist them with their functions. Brigade OIC and Staff functions are all TIER III.<br>
Battalion - The largest Marine Corps unit to be assigned to a starship or garrison is a battalion. Comprised of three to six line companies fictionally, plus supporting MOS units, in reality Battalions are groupings of cells or units within a close geophysical proximity to each other. In addition to the specialization of each regiment, battalions are also given specific tasks within the larger Marine organization. Average battalions consist of approximately 500 officers and troops, fictionally Battalion OICs are forbidden from appointing staff officers without specific approval from the General Staff.<br>
Cell - MFI term for a collection of MFI members, regardless of Branch of Service.  The Basic Marine unit is the ‘Company’, equal to the MFI ‘Chapter’ or ‘Cell’ in a Marine Chartered cell, the Cell CO or XO may double as the Marine OIC or Deputy OIC. In a Marine Detached Unit, where the cell is chartered in MFI to another Branch of Service, a Marine or Marine Reservist must be designated by the CO as the Marine OIC.<br>
Company Detachment, Squadron Detachment MarDet - Marine ‘Detachment’ assigned to an existing MFI cell chartered by another ‘Branch’- The smallest unit capable of independent action in line duty. Fictionally comprised of a minimum of two platoons, three or four being the recommended number, a MEKK or Aerospace unit is a Squadron. Average companies consist of approximately 110 officers and troops, fictionally.  Companies are identified with a letter from the Roman alphabet or as Headquarters Company (HQ CO), e.g. 'First Division, Third Brigade, Romthar Regiment, Second Battalion, D Company (1DIV, 3BGD, Romthar REG, 2BN, D CO).'  Each company command reports directly to their battalion command with the exception of the Headquarters Company. The Headquarters Company consists of the battalion commander, his staff, as well as various aides, clerks, and support staff.<br>
<strong>MARINE GENERAL STAFF</strong>
Assists the Commandant of the Marine Corps with the administration of the Corps on a day-to-day basis.<br>
Commandant of the Corps (Tier II) - Reports to the MFI Chief of Staff, the Commandant is the top of the Corps’ Chain of Command. The Commandant is responsible for the Corps as a whole and the duties of the posting include: liaison between the MFI CC and the Corps; approving or disapproving recommendations of the General Staff; working with the MFI Zone Commanders in appointing Brigade Officers In Charge (OICs) for each Zone; appointing and supervising all members of the General Staff; forwarding to the MFI CC their own recommendations for promotion of Marine personnel to Flag Rank positions; and reporting to MFI through its various publications, what is happening in the Corps.<br>
Deputy Commandant (TIER III)- Reports to the Commandant and serves at the discretion of the Commandant. Second in Command for the Corps, this Tier III position is responsible for presiding over the General Staff, representing MFI as a whole to the fandom community and assisting the Commandant, General Staff and members at large as directed by the Commandant.<br>
Chief of Marine Operations (TIER III)- Third in command of the Corps, this Tier III position is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Corps and oversees all reporting, Marine activity and publication work of the Corps.<br>
Master Gunnery Sergeant Major of the Corps - This is the top-ranked Non-Commissioned officer in the Corps as serves as Special Advisor to the General Staff as an advocate for enlisted members of the Corps. They are responsible for developing and maintaining NCO staff and training procedures. This individual is also holding an honorary position, at discretion of the Commandant, and is to represent the ideal of a Maquis Marine.<br>
Within the Corps, and MFI, there are specialized programs and areas of expertise you may participate in. Please keep in mind, these are optional, you may participate at any level you feel comfortable with.  We are always adding more, so if you don’t see what you want, contact the Commandant and we may end up adding your suggestion! The following are merely a sampling of Marine MOS programs, for more information, please see the Marine webpages.<br>
<strong>RECON</strong> - Recon is the most versatile of all Marine MOS programs. Recon is the Marine Commando unit.  RECON Marines are trained to function on their own, in one and two man teams doing the ‘dirty work’ that the Corps has to take care of.  RECON has another function, it’s members are trained to assist and help MFI cells grow and recruit members. Find one Marine, and you’ve found a RECON Marine.<br>
Marine Aviation - The Marine Air Corps takes it’s form from the ‘Flying Leathernecks’ of Terran fame.  Their main function is to act as air support for Marine units during field operations, and do the same for any other MFI unit. Marine Aerospace Fighter squadrons use the ‘VMF’ designator.<br>
Appendix D
To be changed to reflect 2005 Marine Rank changes.
== Special Forces Command ==
Operatives and Agents are drawn from both the Naval and Marine forces and maintain their standing within those structures.  The identities of SFC Operatives are kept Secret, and Operatives are placed within the SSD or SOC Divisions until they are needed for a mission.  Only the SFC Director, SOC Director, and the SSD Director know the identities of the Operatives.  In some cases, entire teams are formed that can number enough to crew a ship.  Special ships are held hidden for this purpose. The command element of Special Forces Command
includes a Director, Deputy Director, and SFC Liaison Officer.
SSD and SOC Operatives that are not assigned to the Special Forces HQ are assigned, overtly or covertly as needed, to various ships within the Maquis and throughout the known quadrant.
The Special Forces Command is comprised of both the Special Security Division and the Special Operations Command.
[[SSD|Special Security Divison Website]]
The Special Security Division is based on the Star Trek novel Death's Angel written by Kathleen Sky. The Special Security Division was brought back to life in the recent Pocket Books Section-31 series. The SSD is in many ways identical to Section-31 in scope and nature. The mission of the SSD varies but it is usually always secretive. The Director of the SSD answers directly to the MFI Coordinator Council. The primary mission of the SSD is to monitor and ensure internal security within the MFI. This is accomplished using our agents as well as intelligence gathering through various channels within and outside the fleet. The SSD is a secret Maquis sanction that has be compared to the Romulan Tal Shiar or the former Cardassian Obsidian Order. The SSD, which has been operating independently throughout the existence of the Maquis, seeks out and identifies potential threats to the Maquis. Very few Maquis know who is an Agent or an Operative.
*Director, SSD. (DSSD) The Director is responsible for the effective overall operation of the Special Security Division. The Director's office is the final collection point for all Fleet intelligence, counter-intelligence, internal security, and external security matters. The Director reports to the MFI Chief of Operations.
*Deputy Director, SSD. (DDSSD) The Deputy Director is the assistant to the Director. This officer would assume command of the SSD in the absence of the Director. The DDSSD is privy to all the same information in which the Director sees in the event he/she must assume command. The Deputy Director reports to the Director.
*Operations Chief, SSD. (OC) The Operations Chief is responsible for the organization, coordination, and execution of all SSD missions. The Operations Chief reports to the Director.
*Intelligence Chief, SSD. (IC) The Intelligence Chief is responsible for the gathering, organization, and interpretation of all intelligence collected from all sources, both in the MFI and outside the MFI. The Intelligence Chief reports to the Director.
*Terrorism Analyst Officer, SSD. (TAO) The TAO is the analytic component of the Maquis Forces SSD Headquarters/Counterterrorism Center. TAO analysts concentrate on informing the Coordinator Council on such matters and supporting the SOC, Fleet, KTF, and MFMC by:
-Tracking terrorists and the activities of organizations that sponsor them, and assessing terrorist vulnerabilities by analyzing their ideology and goals, capabilities, associates, and locations.
-Analyzing universal terrorist threat information and patterns to provide warnings aimed at preventing terrorist attacks.
-Monitoring universal terrorism trends and patterns, including emerging and nontraditional terrorist groups, evolving terrorist threats or operational methods, and possible collusion between terrorist groups.
-Identifying, disrupting, and preventing quadrant financial transactions that support terrorist networks and operations.
The TAO reports directly to the Director, SSD.
*The Counterintelligence Center Analysis Officer, SSD. (CIC/AO) The CIC/AO identifies, monitors, and analyzes the efforts of foreign intelligence entities against Maquis persons, activities, and interests. CIC/AO analysts focus on two specific types of counterintelligence threats to Maquis internal and external security:
-Transnational threats, such as the counterintelligence aspect of terrorism or the threats posed by emerging or changing technologies to the Maquis Coordinator Council, intelligence operations, and Maquis traditional and non-traditional information systems.
Threats posed by foreign intelligence services and their activities.
The CIC/AO reports directly to the Director, SSD.
*The Information Operations Analyst, SSD. (IOA) The IOA evaluates foreign threats to SSD information and computer systems, particularly those that support critical infrastructures. We provide our analysis to the FAdm, his senior advisers, high-level officials on cyber issues in the Maquis Forces, and to senior private-sector officials responsible for operating critical infrastructures.
-IOA consider potential threats from state and nonstate actors and evaluate a wide array of information, including foreign intentions, plans, and capabilities.
*Chief Weapons Officer, SSD. (CWO) The Chief Weapons Officer is the focal point for all operations involving both the SSD Air Weapons Section, and the SSD Ground Weapons Section. The Chief Weapons Officer reports to the Director.
*Command Counselor/Advisor, SSD. (CC/A) The CC/A is the advisor to the Director. This officer gives both advice and technical opinions to the Director. In many ways, this officer is the second most important person in the entire Special Security Division.
The SOC also falls under the Special Forces Command and is responsible for the execution of both covert and non-covert missions as directed by the Headquarters, SOC. These missions will primarily take place outside Maquis sphere of influence using both conventional and unconventional methods. 
*Director, SOC.
*Deputy Director, SOC.
Operatives and Agents are drawn from both the Naval and Marine forces and maintain their standing within those structures.  The identities of SFC Operatives are kept Secret, and Operatives are placed within the SSD or SOC Divisions until they are needed for a mission.  Only the SFC Director, SOC Director, and the SSD Director know the identities of the Operatives.  In some cases, entire teams are formed that can number enough to crew a ship.  Special ships are held hidden for this purpose. The command element of Special Forces Command
includes a Director, Deputy Director, and SFC Liaison Officer.
SSD and SOC Operatives that are not assigned to the Special Forces HQ are assigned, overtly or covertly as needed, to various ships within the Maquis and throughout the known quadrant.
The Special Forces Command is comprised of both the Special Security Division and the Special Operations Command.
[[SSD|Special Security Divison Website]]
The Special Security Division is based on the Star Trek novel Death's Angel written by Kathleen Sky. The Special Security Division was brought back to life in the recent Pocket Books Section-31 series. The SSD is in many ways identical to Section-31 in scope and nature. The mission of the SSD varies but it is usually always secretive. The Director of the SSD answers directly to the MFI Coordinator Council. The primary mission of the SSD is to monitor and ensure internal security within the MFI. This is accomplished using our agents as well as intelligence gathering through various channels within and outside the fleet. The SSD is a secret Maquis sanction that has be compared to the Romulan Tal Shiar or the former Cardassian Obsidian Order. The SSD, which has been operating independently throughout the existence of the Maquis, seeks out and identifies potential threats to the Maquis. Very few Maquis know who is an Agent or an Operative.
*Director, SSD. (DSSD) The Director is responsible for the effective overall operation of the Special Security Division. The Director's office is the final collection point for all Fleet intelligence, counter-intelligence, internal security, and external security matters. The Director reports to the MFI Chief of Operations.
*Deputy Director, SSD. (DDSSD) The Deputy Director is the assistant to the Director. This officer would assume command of the SSD in the absence of the Director. The DDSSD is privy to all the same information in which the Director sees in the event he/she must assume command. The Deputy Director reports to the Director.
*Operations Chief, SSD. (OC) The Operations Chief is responsible for the organization, coordination, and execution of all SSD missions. The Operations Chief reports to the Director.
*Intelligence Chief, SSD. (IC) The Intelligence Chief is responsible for the gathering, organization, and interpretation of all intelligence collected from all sources, both in the MFI and outside the MFI. The Intelligence Chief reports to the Director.
*Chief Weapons Officer, SSD. (CWO) The Chief Weapons Officer is the focal point for all operations involving both the SSD Air Weapons Section, and the SSD Ground Weapons Section. The Chief Weapons Officer reports to the Director.
Flight Officer, SSD(FO) Is responsible for the flight operations within the Special Security Division. These include both airlift, and infiltration/combat missions. The Flight Officer will be proficient in all aerospace vehicles used within the SSD. He/she will also be flight certified from the MFI Academy.
*Command Counselor/Advisor, SSD. (CC/A) The CC/A is the advisor to the Director. This officer gives both advice and technical opinions to the Director. In many ways, this officer is the second most important person in the entire Special Security Division.
The SOC also falls under the Special Forces Command and is responsible for the execution of both covert and non-covert missions as directed by the Headquarters, SOC. These missions will primarily take place outside Maquis sphere of influence using both conventional and unconventional methods. 
*Director, SOC.
*Deputy Director, SOC.
== Chapter 6 ==
Part of first section reads: "If you have a problem contact the department first.  If you don't receive a reply make a second attempt.  If you still don't reply or are unsatisfied with your response to the problem then take it to the Coordinator Council member overseeing the department. If you still are not satisfied then contact the IC, who is the general manager of MFI."
we're skipping the VIC? or should we put him in the loop?
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 00:08, 10 April 2006 (PDT)
Currently reads:
Pubic Mailing List (listserv):  General inquiries and announcements to the membership can be directed to the MFI listserv.  Subscribing to the listserv is one of the few requirements that MFI has.  The purpose of the listserv is to maintain communication between the members of MFI. The list is not intended for the public-at-large, but for members only and should be limited to such material pertinent to MFI or Star Trek in general.  Do not use it to advertise products or services unless they benefit the organization and do not use it for a public airing of grievances.  Those are to be done one on one with individuals.  Detailed instructions and information on the listserv is available at
Suggested to read:
Pubic Mailing List (listserv):  General inquiries and announcements to the membership can be directed to the MFI listserv.  Subscribing to the listserv is one of the few requirements that MFI has
(For Chapter Commanding officers and their Executive Officers, though all MFI members are welcomed).
The purpose of the listserv is to maintain communication between the members of MFI. The list is not intended for the public-at-large, but for members only and should be limited to such material pertinent to MFI or Star Trek in general.  Do not use it to advertise products or services unless they benefit the organization and do not use it for a public airing of grievances.  Those are to be done one on one with individuals.  Detailed instructions and information on the listserv is available at
== Appendix A-F ==
<div align=left><i>Hey.. I think we need some "rank provisions" in the Handbook.  We've never had a situation where a VIC being appointed wasn't ALREADY an admiral.  When Sam was appointed, Rob had no choice but to limit his promotion of Sam to one grade as per our advancement protocol.  I think its logical to have a provision where VICs are automatically given the rank of Admiral.  Below find my proposed addition:<br></i>
The new IC will take office no later than 3 days following the announced results of an election. The outgoing IC is responsible for transferring all materials related to the office of IC and MFI in general to the new IC at least 10 days after having taken office. It is hoped that this transition (if one was to occur) is a smooth and timely process without delays.<br>
<font color=red>Upon the election or appointment of a new IC, their rank will be commensurate with the position and they shall be elevated to the rank of a Force Admiral.  Upon the election or appointment of a new VIC, their rank will be commensurate with their position and they shall be elevated to the rank Admiral.  The ranks of the remainder of the IC's CC will be at the discretion of the IC.<br></font color><br>
Candidate Guidelines. For the office of IC there are certain mandatory requirements. Candidates for these offices must be:
I think the vic section should read instead of just Admiral, "Admiral or its equal" or somesuch. Other then that looks fine. *Jokingly mumbles about there being no Force Generals*.
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 00:18, 10 April 2006 (PDT)
Also do we intend on creating a 'campaign listserve', I don't remember one last time and if we're not we should delete this section and references to it.
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 00:18, 10 April 2006 (PDT)
According to this only 3 CC members are needed authorize a flag promotion we're still going with this?
Definately need to remove the reference to the "Collateral Flag Rank Conversion policy" in section 'E'
As for uniforms, since there's a week before I make the draft I will find out if any of the branches have special uniform items they want added to this section.
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 00:18, 10 April 2006 (PDT)

Latest revision as of 00:51, 31 October 2006

This Discussion/Talk Page is a workshop page for the Handbook Revision Team.

If you are NOT part of the Revision Team, PLEASE refrain from doing any editing.
Rob Johnson, IC

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