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Medical Anomalies of the Star Trek Universe

The following pages contain most of the information needed to complete the
MAQUIS ACADEMY: College of Medicine
Alien Medicine Specialty examination.

I hope you find this information both educational and enjoyable.

Adm Robert J McCoy, MD

Medical Anomalies and Maladies


A - E

Disease Description Episode
Altarian encephalitis A retrovirus that incorporates its DNA directly into the cells of its host, making them pyrexic, comatose and suffer from widespread synaptic degradation. Future Imperfect
Anchilles fever A deadly disease capable of spreading rapidly and causing widespread and painful deaths. Code of Honor
Andronesian encephalitis A disease transmitted by airborne particles The Dauphin
Aphasia virus A Bajoran-created virus that disrupts the brain's ability to process audio and visual stimuli Babel
Arethean flu A malady for which The EMH Doctor was working on a treatment Eye of the Needle
Asinolyathin A pain-killer that Dr. Bashir gave to O'Brien after he suffered radiation poisoning Visionary
Ba'ltmasor Syndrome A disease that afflicts Klingons, which requires regular treatments given by injection The Drumhead
Barclay's Protomorphosis


An airborne disease created by a synthetic T-cell that mutated and caused victims to "de-evolve" into primitive versions of their respective species. Also known as the intron virus Genesis
Bendii Syndrome A rare disease that affects elderly Vulcans, causing gradual loss of emotional control Sarek
Blight A genetic plague created by the Jem'Hadar to punish certain populations The Quickening
"Cardassian virus" A virus that Admiral Kennelly contracted Ensign Ro
Cartalian fever A disease that can reach plague proportions Nor the Battle to the Strong
Cholera Acute infectious enteritis, common on Earth in the 19th and 20th centuries Times Arrow, Parts I and II
Coleibic hemmorahage Cause of death of the infamous Cardassian Gul Darhe'el Duet
Correllium fever A disease that struck the planet Nahmi IV Hollow Pursuits
Darnay's disease A deadly ailment that attacks the brain and nervous system of its victims The Schizoid Man
Dorek Syndrome A very rare Ferengi disease Body Parts

E - L

Disease Description Episode
Enantiodromia Psychological term that literally means conversion into the opposite Hero Worship
Eosinophilia An abnormally high count of serum eosinophils, a type of humanoid white blood cell The Host
Forrester Trent Syndrome A very rare degenerative neural disease that when untreated causes paralysis and even death Bloodlines
Hemocythemia A malady that afflicted Ensign Wildman's baby upon birth Deadlock
Hesperan Thumping Cough A flu-like affliction Angel One
Holodiction Not a real disease, but rather a psychological condition where someone becomes so caught up in the holographic simulations that the real world becomes unimportant Hollow Pursuits
Hyperacceleration A biochemical condition that causes the victim to experience one second as if it were an hour Wink of an Eye
Iresine Syndrome A very rare neurological disorder in humanoids that causes them to fall into a sudden coma Violations
Irumodic Syndrome A degenerative disorder that causes progressive deterioration of synaptic pathways. If left untreated it can cause senility and even death. There are treatments but no cure for the disease All Good Things . . .
Iverson's disease A chronic disease that causes fatal degeneration of muscular functions in humans Too Short a Season
Kalla-Nohra Syndrome A chronic pulmonary disease found only in individuals exposed to the mining accident at Gallitep Duet
Lacunar Amnesia A type of amnesia that occurs when a patient witnesses an act of violence so terrible that the patient rejects the reality of the situation And the Children Shall Lead
Larosian virus A mild disorder that Dr. Bashir once feared that Dax had contracted If Wishes Were Horses
Lavodian flu A 29-hour virus that the Holographic Doctor simulated in himself to experience being sick Tattoo
Lobar pneumonia A disease from which Elias Sandoval suffered as a child This Side of Paradise

M - R

Disease Description Episode
Mendakan pox A childhood ailment that Ensign Kim once had Favorite Son
Metremia A disease that afflicts those who were exposed to the Metrion Cascade Jetrel
Microvirus A genetically engineered virus designed to kill only people with a specific DNA sequence The Vengeance Factor
Nitrogen Narcosis An affliction that affects deep sea divers. It is caused by the replacement of oxygen in oxyhemoglobin with nitrogen. It produces disorientation, hallucinations and lack of judgment Timescape
Orkett's disease A malady that afflicts Bajoran children State of Flux
Parinisti measles A malady that the Holographic Doctor found an inoculation for Heroes and Demons
Phage A deadly affliction that has decimated the Vidiian race, forcing them to harvest organs from other beings in order to survive The Phage
Phyrox Plague A disease that broke out on the planet Cor Caroli V Allegiance
Plasma Plague A group of deadly virus types The Child
Polycythemia An affliction that causes an abnormal increase in red blood cells Basics, Part I
Pottrik Syndrome A disease similar to Kalla-Nohra Syndrome that is even treated by the same medication Duet
Psi 2000 virus A water-based disease that causes the suppression of inhibitions and is transmitted through sweat The Naked Now
Regulan fever A disease that once afflicted Neema, the daughter of one of Dax's previous hosts Nor the Battle to the Strong
Retrovirus A Taresian virus capable of implanting Taresian DNA into an alien body which then "overwrites" itself upon the host DNA, thus transforming the host into a Taresian Favorite Son
Rigelian fever A deadly disease that resembles bubonic plague Requiem for Methuselah
Rigelian Kassaba fever A disease that McCoy once claimed that Spock suffered from, may or may not really exist By Any Other Name
Rop'ngor A disease that sometimes affects Klingon children, and is somewhat akin to terrestrial measles Up the Long Ladder
Rudellian brain fever A disease apparently native to Bajor that affects the brain The Assignment
Rudellian plague A disease that afflicted the Cardassian population on Pentath III Rules of Engagement
Rushton infection The disease that killed Jeremy Aster's parents The Bonding

S - Z

Disease Description Episode
Sakuro's disease An extremely rare disease that causes intense fever, weakness, and death if not treated Metamorphosis
Synthococcus novae A bacillus strain organism that is a by-product of modern technology, it is treatable The Way to Eden
Symbalene blood burn A virulent disease that can rapidly kill large numbers of people in a short amount of time The Changeling
T'lokan schism The breakdown of mental synapses in Vulcans caused by surfacing of repressed memories Flashback
Tanzian flu A malady that the Holographic Doctor once thought Lt. Paris had Parturition
Tellerian Death Syndrome A disease that causes cellular decay, symptoms include dizziness, blurred vision & palpitations Genesis
Telurian plague "A terrible disease" A Matter of Time
Temporal narcosis Delirium produced by exposure to a temporal disturbance Timescape
Terrellian plague A disease that afflicted Romulus in the anti-time reality All Good Things . . .
Thelusian flu An exotic but harmless rhinovirus Unnatural Selection
Transporter psychosis A rare medical disorder caused by a breakdown of neurochemical molecules during transport Realm of Fear
Urudelean flu A mild affliction to which most humans are immune, but not Lt. Barclay Genesis
Vegan choriomeningitis A rare and deadly disease with symptoms that include high fever and delirium The Mark of Gideon
Xanthi fever An affliction in mature Betazoids that causes them to project their emotional states onto others Fascination
Xenopolycethemia A disease characterized by an abnormal proliferation of red blood cells that cause various symptoms, including weakness, fatigue, enlarged spleen, and pain in the extremities For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Yarim Fel Syndrome A fatal disease that afflicts Cardassians Ties of Blood and Water
Unnamed disease An affliction that infected Janeway and Chakotay and forced them into quarantine on "New Earth" Resolution
Unnamed virus A virus that hides in humanoid brains by disguising itself as a memory engram Flashback
Zanthi fever A contagious desease carried by Lwaxana Troi that spread about DS9 that causes people to become instantly attracted to others. DS9

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Rob-sig-sm.jpgRob J, IC 2004-2007

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