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Field Marshal Trentin Anara aka Christina Doane
Zone 4 Coordinator

First off there will be a Zone 4 Online meeting for all Zone 4 members Jan. 22nd 2006, 8pm Eastern in MSN. If you need my MSN name please email me privately.

Also if this Newsletter goes out before Jan 19th, I am still looking for Zone 4 Unit, Rebel, and Volunteer of the Year. Unfortunately MFS Kontessa has gone inactive due to RL concerns, we wish her the best! All other Chapters report in alive and well! *grin* To those that have asked yes we will be having our Annual Zone 4 BBQ, though we will most likely have it in the nearby Park due to the huge response of last year. I love you guys but wow! lol. More information on the BBQ will be announced as they occur. Also Zone 4 will be on hand to give the last Camp Dover Peace Conference a proper Send off in April and will be there in force to support and party with our Sister Organization MFA at Maquis Gras in Oct, never to early to start planning! And for the first time MFI is looking into doing its own con sometime in April, currently its looking for a head count. Information can be found at anyone in zone 4 who thinks its possible they might go are to please contact me or notify through the voting tool if one is in place at the time of this writing.

I am happy to announce the winners of the Zone 4 Awards for 2005. This is the last report I got from the MNAS Detroit. Based this and the ships conduct. My Deputy and I have awards Zone 4 Unit of the Year to the MNAS Detroit. "Situation Normal, as far as that goes. Five new members inducted into VMF-101 in November. Red Cross Blood Drive work continues, and the cell is the Red Cross Detroit Region 2005 MVP in terms of overall blood and time donations. Seven MNAS Detroit members helped the USMC with the 2005 Toys for Tots organiztion, and another ten volunteres from MFS Galaxy helped us out with Drop Site. Kudos to USMC Gunny Kevin DeYonker for his and his staff\'s help. We\'re tenitively planning a mass exodus to Camp Dover. With this many members, it\'s hard to get a consensus about schedules."

If I don't award the Zone 4 Rebel of the Year to the following I will have a mutiny on my hands, lol. Never have so many put in a nomination for one person. For his selfless work with the Quartermaster department, getting all those snazzy shiny's. And dedication to MFI my staff and I are happy to award Former IC Gary Davis Rebel of the Year 2005.

Congrates to the above!

My Deputy (Captain Elvin Holloway) is handling the Zone 4 Volunteer of the year with my blessings as I am one of the nominees. He is working with the COO and awards. I have no idea when that winner will be announced.

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