Cell:MSS Essex

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MSS Essex

Zone 10 Head Quarters


NOTICE: This page is a part of the MSS Essex Cell Pages. It contains information regarding the classification and design of MSS Essex as well as listing and advising on the various sections and activities which occur within the Cell. The editing of these pages by unauthorized personnell may result in the edited section being reverted to it's previous state.

MSS Essex | Specifications | Deck Plan | Ready Room | Zone HQ | Crew Positions | Crew Awards | Ops Detachment | Shuttle Fleet

Command Staff
pip_cdr_upd.jpg Commanding Officer

Commander James Robinson

pip_como_upd.jpg Executive Officer

Commodore Duncan Robinson

Crew Roster
Title Position Department
Captain James Robinson Commanding Officer Starbase Command
Rear Admiral Duncan Robinson Executive Officer Starbase Command
Captain Samuel Bibb Senior Officer Operations Command
Senior Chief Petty Officer Stuart Lee Senior Officer Starbase Science
2nd Lieutenant Freya Fuller Junior Officer Starbase Marines
Lance Corporal Peter Fuller Junior Officer Starbase Marines

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