International Coordinator/Authorization Orders/3001

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Maquis Forces International Coordinator

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Authorization Order 3001 - Creation of Authorization Order System

WHEREAS, The International Coordinator of MFI, pursuant to the promise and deliverance of an open and accountable administrastion; wishes to introduce a logging system for orders that fall under the purview to be laid out; and

WHEREAS, The membership has, in the past, requested more knowledge on the day-to-day works and operations of the Organization.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Samuel S. H. Cummings, pursuant to the powers vested in me as International Coordinator and Commander-in-Chief of Maquis Forces International, hereby ORDER the following:
1. The creation of the "Authorization Order" System.

  • This system is a log of all major orders given by the International Coordinator, for recording and reviewing.

2. The creation of "Executive Priveledge."

  • Executive Priviedge will be invoked upon the order of the IC, contained in an Authorization Order, shall classify the order until either, a) the end of the current administration, or b) when the order dictates, not to exceed the timeframe of "a." While such a priveledge will be at the discretion of the IC (and/or the CC to classify or order declassification), its intent is to allow the IC to sign formal authorization to combat possible intellegence threats.

3. Numbering system for Authorization Order System.

  • The First number(s) of the Authorization Order system shall be the order number of the International Coordinator in to which he was elected. For example, FADM Davis in active duty, would be 1xxx. FADM Johnson would be 2xxx. FADM Cummings will begin with 3xxx.

Making this move will, in the opinion of this officer, promote and allow the Membership to see what happens in the day-to-day involvement of the CC/IC as it happens.

Ordered at EMPOK NOR, 01 September 2007.


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