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The Marines were formed in the time that the splinter Maquis cells were 'crystizing' around the command of FADM Davis. As more and more ships joined the 'Fleet' and the independant Rebel commands were assimulated into the MFI, the need for a rapid response Marine force became evident.

Their first mission was to act as the Fleet Infantry, to provide ship boarding, security, honor guard and other duties as needed by the fledgling fleet. Secondly, they were to function as MFI Fleet members at all times, to integrate the former 'ragtag' rebels into a cohesive fighting force. Under the Command of General Doane, the Marines became he first 'Support' Branch of MFI, and quickly rose to prominance within the new Alpha Quadrant power.

During the battle for CHin'Toka IV, Maquis Marines earned the grudging respect of their Starfleet counterparts, as they rescued Starfleet personnell from Jem'Hadar troops. Without the assistance of the MAquis Marines, the Cardassian occupation would have been a much bloodier affair. Using captured Starfleet Marine equipment and gear, the MArines saw bloody and hard fighting during the Dominion War.

As the dust settled, the increasingly organized MFI promoted Doane to Fleet Operations as Chief of Staff, and Commandant Collins took over. The brash Alpha Centaurian butted heads frequently with Fleet Brass, but the Marines took back their status as the Premier Branch of MFI. With the slew of copy-cat Intelligence Services, the MArines adopted an internal structure that emphasized the judgements of the COmmadner int he Field, over a centralized HQ. The MArines also took on a decidedly unique flavor and continued the traditions begun before them.

Historical Founded 19XX by FADM Gary Davis and Tom Donahue

First Commandant: Christina Doane This priod saw the inception of Divisions and several test' programs to deliver the MFI MArine experience to the MFI membership. Doane also kicked off 'Operation Penpal' at the start of the Afghani invasion, where MFI membrs corresponded with US troops and the MFI MArine Corps adopted several US Marines. Second Commandant: Liam Collins This period saw the trasnition of MFI into a more sleek group, and the inception of the Marine Website. Updated MOS programs and more relevant fandom 'electives' joined with an effort to differentiate MFI Marines from other MFI Branches.

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