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Louisville, KY - Mar-Apr 2007

MFI was approched earlier this year by the Sales Manager for the Executive West Hotel in Louisville, KY about possibly holding an event. MFI has never undertaken such an endeavor, so at first we treated this offer incredulously. However, after going to visit the resort last month, looking over their facilities, crunching some numbers, it does look as if something of this nature COULD be done by members of MFI. Below you wil find the initial material that FADM (Ret) Gary Davis and FADM Rob Johnsoh have been mulling over. It is presented to a select few until such time as we work out as many bugs as possible and disseminate for planning and implementation.

What we are thniking of is roughly a convention in the March or early April 2007 timeframe. This woudl give us plenty of time to plan, gauge responses within MFI as well as with other clubs/organizations in the area, line up vendors, as well as meet schedules for everyone concerned including the guest stars themselves.

The folllowing information is to be considered SECRET until such time as it is released to the general membership.

Hotel Floor Plan
Hotel Rooms
Cost Estimates/Agenda




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