User:General Mayhem/General Convention Photos

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Marshal (Lt. General) Chad Etter of Starbase Kalamazoo struts his stuff at the speakeasy, thanks to him there was no shortage of good music.

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Commander Taj aka Tammy Larrabee, CO of the MFS wIch....I’m just glad she’s on our side......

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The Chancellors Martok and Galwron demonstrate um...combat techinuqes yeah thats it....

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The costume contest....yes thats a Klingon in a yellow you can’t unsee it!

Picture 26.JPG
Female members of the crew at Maquis Gras 2005 - demanding their own "Piece of the Action" as General Trentin Anara holds the Liberty's commissioning certificate, marking them officially as Dual MFI/MFA Chapter. Long Live the Maquis!!!! Back row: M'Rao, De'Zart, Trentin Anara Front row: Xiannah with Lily Klingonsbane, Sarlil zh'Theliv, Heather Scott

More of the costume contest, everyone gets into the act!!

Picture 28.JPG
Fleet Admiral Be'jen of MFA is a little...suprised by a special guest...Also titled GARY'S HERE?!?!

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