Cell:MFS Premonition/Porthos

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Porthos - The Official Mascot of MFS Premonition

One for all and all for one!

Named by FADM Cummings after seeing a slight resemblance to the famed best friend of the Captain of the NX-01, Porthos was rescued by the Cummings family from an Indiana park at approximately eight weeks old during the first weekend of October 2008. Scrawny, severely underweight and searching for food, he was obviously born domesicated, as he had a tied on black shoe-string like collar around his neck - but still had feral tendancies - being out in streets for most of his early life. Infested with several hundred fleas which took a few hours to completely remove, he was very skittish at first... but quickly became accustomed to and a member of the Cummings family.

He's still learning the rules of the household, but he's acclimating himself well... and is still learning to ask to go outside BEFORE needing to 'go outside.'

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