Cell:SV Spectre

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Welcome to the Bridge of Scout Vessel Spectre. The Spectre is a Talon Class Vessel used for long range reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, special ops, and executive transport. The Spectre is a modified Talon Class vessel outfitted with a cloaking device and extra accommodations for the insertion of Seals, or Marine recon teams. The Spectre is Commanded by Force Colonel Paul Williams .



Talon Class Scout as refitted for SEALS Team V insertions.Additionally the upper and lower hatches give the vessel the ability to attach to a starship's hull , breach it and allow access to the enemy's vessel by SEALS.Bunk facilities allow for up to 8 SEALS and a rotating flight crew of 4 hotbunking a bunkbed. Additionally a larger airlock has been added to the aft section to allow for the SEALS team to depart quickly, all at once. The Modified Talon Class Scout appraches the deplyment area by stealth, using cloaking technology supplied by our Klingon friends, it can reamin cloaked while deploying SEALS on a planets surface

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