Fan Fiction/Labor Day 2009/AF: Mevak Report

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Attack Force: Mevak was tasked with rescuing the slaves and prisoners held by the Traidy syndicate.

The force consisted of:

1st Recon Company from MFS Phantom (A Section)
12th Recon Company from MFS Hell's Fury (B Section)
69th Recon Company from MFS Impetuous (C Section)

The slave stable was located on Goralis IV approximately six kilometers from the main Traidy syndicate compound.
Attack Force Mevak was deployed from SOC Danube class PAVE Intruder shuttle craft 4 kilometers from the North perimeter fence.
A Section held position approximately thirty meters from the North perimeter fence while B section made their way to the East side, and C section to the West side of the compound.

At 0350 hrs. the Force made numerous breaches in the perimeter and entered without detection.
Force Snipers took out fourteen Orion Guards at the onset of the raid using suppressed TR-116-A2 SOPMODs
Attack was commenced on schedule. All Sections made quick work of clearing the stable of Orion captors, B Section lost 4 Marines inside the stable when an Orion, responding to an alarm began throwing fragmentation grenades into the slave stalls. B Section lost 2 more Marines during an exchange of weapons fire at the evac site when a group of Orion security discovered our LZ.

Total count of slaves/prisoners freed: 1,163
Total count of slaves/prisoners killed during raid by Orions: 42
Confirmed Orion personnel killed in action: 43
Marine Force Recon personnel lost to enemy action: 6

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