Fan Fiction /Labor Day 2011/Las Quevas

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The following is a short fiction of the discovery and attack on an enemy hidden base near .

Written by Colonel Mike Tolleson.

Mission Report: MFS McNelly

Maquis Command : this is MFS Las Quevas (Danube class Runabout)
Las Quevas this is Maquis Command

This is Col. Tolleson and while under cloak in route to mission objective, we came upon a hidden compound NNW of our insertion point. Scans are as follows:
Please advise.
Las Quevas – Maquis Command: investigate and report your findings. Your current mission has changed.

Current Mission Orders:
Recon and find out everything you can. Report all Intel and report back to Command.

Maquis Command – Las Quevas: roger that orders are confirmed.

The 333rd Recon turned and changed mission to discover the origin of the hidden compound.
The Las Quevas set down NE of the location and puts a plan together.

Red - Las Quevas landing zone
Black – compound location
Distance from the compound is about twenty clicks from LZ

The 333rd used their Buggies to travel to the compound. Will make the surprise approach better by using the Runabout as it would have been spotted. The Runabout will be held at the ready for a fast escape if the need arises. The young Cadets will stay with the Runabout, with comms open if we need them.

After arriving at the location the 333rd split into three different teams.
Alpha team: consisting of Clark, West , and Murphy

Bravo Team: consist of Carsten , Jones and Batts

X-ray team: on over watch with Tolleson(Sniper)/ Glenn(Spotter) As the Commander and person in over watch I will be directing the teams.

Recon teams eavesdropped on the Corporation compound using parabolic microphones and tri-corders. Inflating the compound under cover of night, we delivered 3/3 man observation (obs) teams. The obs teams snuck into position, getting as close to the enemy positions as possible. Once concealed in the jungle foliage and building they began monitoring the compound, listening in on the rebel's conversations via parabolic microphones. As the assault teams rehearsed their plans, the OP teams sent back vital intelligence on the strength, disposition and morale of the enemy forces. At this time convoys of vehicles approach the front gate. CPO Glenn pears threw the spotting scope. There are three vehicles, two escorts and one protected vehicle in middle. The vehicles pull into garage, and one of the main leaders of the Corporation got out. In the mean time eight more of the same set up show up with more of the high ups of the Corporation.

COL Tolleson: All teams be on the alert, we have a very hostile environment and several Corporation leaders have arrived. Stay under cover and watch your ASSES!

Alpha/ Bravo teams: Roger that Sir.

The sniper/spotter started cataloging and recording all face ID’s and the numbers that arrive in the camp.

At that moment the gates opened and a final single vehicle well protected arrives. A stir began to arise as this vehicle appeared. One officer steps out and calls for formation. The mother lode appears, out of the vehicle the Corporation High leader himself steps out. CPO Glenn: Holy Drek, Sir, Do you see what I see?
As the COL peered thru the scope and there he was The Corporation leader himself addressing the group.

COL. Tolleson: CPO Glenn get on the comms and call HQ, inform them of the situation. Glenn calls the Runabout and relays the message. Notify us ASAP on the response.

MC: Your orders are as follows:
• Gather all available Intel on the strength and purpose of the Corporation • Capture if possible the High leader of the Corporation, or Kill him. • This will be a last resort This message was relayed to the COL.

COL. Tolleson: Alright, orders are, move in and gather all Intel about the Corporation. I will kill the High leader and cover your escape.

Both Teams: roger that Sir.

Since stealth was impossible, the plan was to hit the compound with maximum speed and firepower, hopefully catching the Corporation off guard so they had little time to react. The shock and awe of the attack, supported by all teams had worked. Many of the Corporation troops were caught off guard by the surprise. Adding to the confusion, the teams emerged from hiding in the nearby area and engaged in the surveillance planting details. Bravo team enters threw the gate along with the convoy under cover.

Charlie team enters to the north over the wall behind the Main Building. Both teams move into position to plant and observe the meeting in the building. Once in position, Clark reports in as well as Carsten. They begin relaying images and sound back to the Runabout.

COL Tolleson- Clark: you will not believe this, there is a plan to …… Hell, take cover.

As the sound of gun fire rings out through the comms.

Bravo Team – COL Tolleson: Be on your toes Charlie is under attack.

Suddenly the alarm sounds and the base is lit up like a Christmas tree.

I start popping rounds at the enemy and putting them down trying to cover the exit of both team. There was a lot of confusion in the mix. Both teams linked up on the South end of the building and headed towards the gate.
Suddenly the Garage opened and several shuttles launched out and headed for space. As the teams got out into the open several explosions came up and lit up the whole area. When the smoke cleared the ground was cratered and both teams were dead. When the alarm went off, mines were activated around the main gate.

Shuttle/COL Tolleson: emergency pick up now. Our cover is blown.

The fighting was tough and the Corporation were no pushovers. Despite lacking discipline or any real sense of tactics they seemed to be completely fearless. Some believed that they were protected by magical amulets. This was known due to the scans obtained.

While in route back to the McNelly we decoded all the Intel from the mission and prepped the report to Command. When we decrypted the conversation we found out that they had made plans to leave the planet and go into hiding for a while and rebuild there army.

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