MFI RP SIM/Library/Definition/RPG

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So... What is an RPG?

A Role-Playing game or as it is more commonly known, an RPG is a game in which participants assume the roles of fictional characters created by themselves and as a group strive to attain targets/goals and/or complete missions. RPG's can take many different forms

A role-playing game or as it is more commonly known, an RPG is an interactive and collaborative forme of storytelling in which participants assume the roles of fictional characters that they have created or been assigned in order to attain set goals. These games are often led by a "Gamemaster" or other similar body which gives the participants guidance and direction as well as starting-points.

Forms of RPG can vary from re-enacting novels or films to enaging in "custom" missions which have been initiated by the Gamemaster. Whilst this in itself may seem somewhat odd... ultimately it is a more sophisticated rendition of child-hood games such as "Playhouse" and "Cops and Robbers" with the key difference being that RPG's add a degree of enhanced social interaction to which many "role-players" ultimately acquire new relationships through.

Here in the MFSD, we employ a style of RPG known as "play-by-email" simming. This means that user collaborate and complete missions completely via email utilising available resources for communication such as Listservs and Groups alongside Tutorials which can be found in our library. Our basis is "Star Trek" therefore all of our Simms (The individual missions) take place aboard a Starship which maintains a naval rank structure. These Simms are led by a Gamemaster or Gamemasters. Due to the nature of these, in itself each simm is comparable to an episode of "Star Trek."

--Sbibb 10:09, 20 August 2008 (PDT)

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