Maquis SIM Project/Fighters/VAQ-09

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Maquis Reconnaissance Squadron (VQ) 09


Spacecraft and Mission

Ju'Day Raider
Sensor Ghosts

Maquis Reconnaissance Squadron NINE (VQ-09) is made up of nine Maquis Ju'Day Raider Class starships. These modified transports have been outfitted with weaponry and a variety of other mission specific equipment. Specifically tasked to Patrol the Badlands and established Maquis bases, VQ-09'S Raiders are mostly outfitted with special and highly tuned sensor equipment designed to serve as early warning for attacks or detecting hostile forces in areas in which the Maquis operate.

The mission of VQ-09 includes communications intrusion, deception and jamming of hostile units in and around the Badlands. Utilizing special jamming equipment, ships of VQ-9 can even use the sensors of hostile units against themselves by projecting "ghost" images of themselves, mirroring positions of the hostiles themselves, and generally any means necessary to ensure that they are looking anywhere except where Maquis assets are actually positioned.

A typical tactical ploy for VQ-09 upon detecting a hostile presence near a Maquis asset is to project the sensor ghosts of the Maquis squadron. The squadron of nine Ju'Day's become four to five fold prompting the the hostile unit to flee or tempting them to pursue. Either way, the tactic is to ensure the "joke" is on them and at the end of the day, the hostile winds up with nothing.

The crews of VQ-09 pride themselves on never being discovered when reconnoitering an area. Even though intrusion, deception, and jamming are their weapons in their collective arsenal, their primary strength is to employ stealth and exploit the weaknesses of their quarries. If they can return to base and avoid ever been seen, they they have done their job for the day.

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