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Maneuvering with Reaction Control System (RCS) Thrusters


Reaction Control System

Background of RCS

Depending on the starship type, the system consists of a number of thrusters mostly located at the edge of the saucer hull (generic).


Lunar Module RCS
20th/21st C. Shuttle RCS
24th C. Thruster Module

Thrusters (aka: Maneuvering thrusters) are used by starships and other spacecraft to make precise movements at very slow speeds in lieu of primary impulse or warp engine use. Thrusters are low-power reaction control jets that may be used for fine positional and attitudinal control, including station-keeping. They are typically used in docking maneuvers.

Thruster systems rely on Newton's Third Law which states: "Every action must have an equal and opposite reaction."

Positively and negatively charged particles are separated. Using a set of magnetic fields, these particles are accelerated to the direction opposite the direction the vessel or other body is trying to reach. Due to the impulse of these particles as they're expelled, a force acts on the body in the opposite direction, equal to the force with which the particles are expelled. As a result, the body is accelerated in this direction.

Thruster Location

Insert graphics showing RCS Placement

RCS Thruster Maneuvering

  • Find several graphics of Cubes using 3 vectors/axes (X Y & Z).
  • Upload graphics of Mutara Nebula (Kirk v Khan) maneuvering.

XYZ Coordinates.jpg
X = Straight Forward & backward; Y = Port & Starboard; Z = Straight Up & Down

To Move:
Forward - all Aft Facing Thrusters would activate
Reverse - all Fore Facing Thrusters would activate
Side Slip to Port - All Starboard Thrusters would activate
Side Slip to Starboard - All Port Thrusters would activate
Straight Up - All Ventral Thrusters would activate
Straight Down - All Dorsal Thrusters would activate

To Pivot Left - Fore Starboard & Aft Port Thrusters would activate.
To Pivot Right - Fore Port & Aft Starboard Thrusters would activate.

To Roll Left - Dorsal Port & Ventral Starboard Thrusters would activate.
To Roll Right - Dorsal Starboard & Ventral Port Thrusters would activate.

(More to come)


  1. Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual, pgs 87 & 88
  2. Federation Data-bank
  3. Babelfish Translation To assist in translating Federation Database Information.
  4. Whatever else I can find and scavenge

Rob Johnson, IC 2004-2007
15 May 2007

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