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Below is a copy of the Memorial Service held by MFI, SFI and some others in an IRC room. It has been edited to remove actions or speach not a part of the service and for ease of reading. Otherwise it is intact in its entirety, including any delibrate actions, and spelling/gramatical errors. An unedited copy is available from CompOps upon request.

<SFIChaplain> Okay......before we start, for the benefit of Ben's family and friends watching, I'd like everyone to identify themselves. After that we will be going moderated for the service.

<DallasWV> <-- Col Dallas Vinson, Cullman, AL.

  • SFIChaplain is Rev. Dennis Rayburn, Chief of Chaplains/Counselors, STARFLEET; Commanding Officer, STARFLEET Special Operations
  • CommMaryKane is Commodore Mary Kane, USS Hornet, Charlotte, NC, Region 1 Co-Treasurer, Asst NCSC Sec Rep, R1 Wideband Communicator, and Southern Belle of John "Kiwi" Kane
  • VADM_MikeU is Vice Admiral Mike Urvand, Commander, 6th Fleet Starfleet

<Chaplain-Bill> Chaplain Bill Is Bill Herrmann, USS RUTLEDGE NCC-74215 in Ladson,SC

  • MAL_Adjusted is Commodore Martin A. Lessem, CO, USS Asimov, OIC, 7th BDE, etc. etc.
  • ReGlo is Gloria Hanson, Vulcan Academy of Science Director
  • Col_Griffyn is Col. Sean Niemeyer, SFMC - Chief of Ops USS Asimov NCC 1647
  • VAdm_Susan is Susan Bolick of the USS Maat, here with daughter Sarah - we're in western NC
  • MGen_Williams Major General Dustin Williams, Director Recruitment Network , USS Panther City, Ft Worth Texas
  • COMM_Kimara is Commodore Kimi Brooks * 2nd Officer/Chief of Ops, USS Malverne * OIC - 41st MSG * CO of the MFS Resolute *
  • tony is Tony Rowley, USS Malverne
  • Jazdan is Jill Rayburn, DCO-Academy TRACOM and School of Lit. director
  • LtCmdrva| is Brandy Hallman, Second Officer USS Dominator, R1, associate of USS Jaguar
  • RAdmSam is RAdm Sam Black, USS Lone Star, Lubbock, TX, R3
  • Will is Commodore J. William Robertson; Maquis Forces International; Commander in StarFleet; Friend of Ben's first outside of the organizations.

  • Chaplain-Bryan is COL Bryan Jones, Chaplain, 5th Battalion, 1st Brigade; Deputy Officer-in-Charge, 144th MSG.

<MFI_SpecOps> BGen Logan Andrews, Maquis Forces International, Awards Director, Commander Special Ops, Chief Negitiator Diplo Corp, CO MFS Trinity zone 2

<SFIChaplain> Is that everyone?

<COLRogers-773OIC> Colonel Dean Rogers - OIC, 773rd MSG "Tartan Mavericks", Vice Chief of SFI Public Relations. USS Highlander NCC -10530 Region 7

  • Wolfpack is Joe Brouhard, Shuttle Proxima
  • SFI_Morale James Whatley
  • COMM-Carl-memorial is Commodore Carl Lewis, CO of the USS Dominator, Ben's CO

<CommMaryKane> dragon is DJ Allen

<SFIChaplain> We are gathered tonight to salute our honored dead, and to celebrate the life of Ben Kokochak. We are especially honored tonight to have Ben's parents and friends from his church with us. It has been our tradition to have these services in the chaplains/counselors channel normally, but in light of Ben's help in the establishment of Corpschat, it just seemed right that this service take place in this channel, in which he worked to help so well. As we always do, anyone who wishes to share their thoughts and memories of Ben may do so..... All you need to do is send me a private message and I'll voice you when your turn comes up. So, any who would like to share, please message and we will begin. First is Dustin Williams

<MGen_Williams> Good evening ladies and gentle friends and family, I am Dustin Williams from Fort Worth Texas, Ben was a very dear friend to me. We more so on a bud relationship versus fleet, we chated about many thing and about many troubles in our lives. Either way it went for either one of us. he was allways able to share such words of stength and comfort to me. He was a man of honor and courage to me and he made me know that life in this world was just something special because no matter what we had friends watching over us. I want to let you his friends and family and my fellow fleet members he was a man of great integrity and i will miss him. He will also be remembered on my radio show this week. Please tune in. I will continue to pray for you all through out the months an years to come. Thank you

<SFIChaplain> Okay.....give me a second.......I'm covered up with request
<SFIChaplain> requests
<SFIChaplain> Next is Scott Grant

<SGM_SFMC> Greetings to one and all, While I never met Ben we had some workings within the SFMC and FLEET. He had a twinkle in what ever he did and a passion that you do not see very often these days. He always had kind words and though of everyone before himself. He makes me think of words that I have used and he was one of the few who really means them to people like me. Semper Fidelis will be missed but not forgotten. Thank you...

<SFIChaplain> Thanks Scott
<SFIChaplain> and Thanks to Dustin
<SFIChaplain> Next is VADM Susan

<VAdm_Susan> <Sarah - but mom typing for me> Hello. My name is Sarah Bolick. I am Susan's daughter. My ship is the USS Maat 1794A. I remember that whenever I would join starfleet channel and Ben was there, and he would give me a "Ben hug" and he would serve me "hot chocolate" and "tiramisu", and he would hide the can it came from. He would always be so nice and he was a very caring person. to Ben's parents: your son was a very special person to me, and to everybody. That's why we're all here tonight, because we all cared about him and we will miss him very much. I hope you don't mourn for him too much because he's gone to live in a better place. "And He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more crying." Thank you

<SFIChaplain> Thanks, Sarah
<SFIChaplain> Next is CmdrRobin

<CmdrRobin> I am Cmdr Robin Van Cleave of the U.S.S. Joan of Arc. I am also the director of FDP-youth. There are many things I would love to say about Ben, but we all know that his heart was bigger than Texas, his wisdom beyond his years and his friendship extends into the galaxy. I will miss his "Big Ben bear hugs" and his ability to make me laugh. He is now is a safer place. thank you.

<SFIChaplain> Thanks, Robin
<SFIChaplain> COMM-Carl is next
<SFIChaplain> Carl, you can proceed

<COMM-Carl-memorial> Thank you. I am Carl Lewis, I am the CO of the USS Dominator, Ben's last chapter. I want to say first how shocked I was to hear of his passing. I had just gone into the hospital myself, when I was told that Ben had left us. I just laid there, numb. Ben has only been a member of the Dominator for about 11 months, but those 11 months were some of best in this chapter's history. Not only was he a good crew member, but a great friend to anyone on the crew. Anytime I saw him online, we would chat about chapter matters, or just about life in general. He never turned anyone away who wanted to talk. His zeal for life was very evident in the way he hit any project..head on. There was never a project that was "too much" for him to help in. He came to us wanting to start a shuttle, but when that fell through, he searched for mor things to help in....chief engineer, website redesign, fall conference name it. I have spoken t others throughout fleet and all I ever heard about Ben was good things. Positive things. I know he made an impact on many lives....and will be sorely missed by many. My only regret is that I was not able to meet him in person. Knowing him though, has been a pleasure and one that I will not forget for my lifetime. Ben, you will be missed......but I will meet you one day.

<SFIChaplain> COMM_Kimara is next

<COMM_Kimara> I'm Kimberly Brooks, representing my kids, Matt and Morgan, and my mother, Nancy Fields. I'm one of the first people Ben met in SFI, and I am glad to say he took up a big space in our hearts. He touched each of us in many ways, was supportive in anything we worked on together. Ben had asked me to make him a uniform, and I'll always regret that I never did. Just like going to see him, I thought we had plenty of time. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of something I need to show him, or get his help on. Ben never said no to me, and always gave good advice. He was a surrogate son to me, and I loved it that he called me his SFI Mom. Ben always looked for the positive side of any situation, and we could all learn from that. I treasure every memory I have of Ben. Thank you.

<SFIChaplain> Thanks, Kimi
<SFIChaplain> Anyone who wishes to speak, message me to get in line and you will get the chance
<SFIChaplain> ReGlo is next

<ReGlo> I'm sorry to say that I didn't know Ben very well. I've talked to him in fleetchat and he was always kind and polite. I was looking forward to getting to know him better. He had just signed up for his first VAS class. I want to congratulate his parents on raising an extraoridinary man. He will be sorely missed by everyone.

<SFIChaplain> Thanks, Glo
<SFIChaplain> Bsistler privated this to me:

<SFIChaplain> <bsistler> Ben's Mom says it was their privilege to have such an extraordinary son to touch their lives...

<SFIChaplain> Will, you are next......go ahead

<Will> I first met Ben when he joined my side channel #THEY, a hang out not related to any of the Star Trek things going on around us. Ben had a way of cheering everyone up when we were down. I remember him counseling me when my Aunt Karen died. I wish he was still here to counsel me in his death. When I found out he was making a new logo for Maquis Forces International, I was estactic, that I had a friend all this time, in the Maquis, a good friend that I had not actually recruited. This logo has earned Ben the highest awards in the Maquis Forces International, the Order of the Maquis. We unfortunatly did not award it till after his death. A short message to Ben, whereever he is, Remember Ben, the circle is open, but never broken. I will see you in the next life. Thank You.

<SFIChaplain> Thanks, Will
<SFIChaplain> Chaplain Bill is next.........go ahead Bill

<Chaplain-Bill> When I think of Ben- I think of that verse in Matthew 5:16--Let Your Ligght so shine among men and women that they Glorify Your Father in Heaven. Ben was one of the Stars in Starfleet International. He was radiant and illuminating in his friendship and fellowship and left a indelible impression upon all who came into contact with him. Ben stands today- out of the wheelchair- liberated by Love Divine and walks the streets of Glory examining all the limitless wonders of Heaven. I know this is true- because he wals those Golden Pristine Streets with my Mother- who he Prayed for over the last 11 months... Bill was 30 years younger than I am and yet- God chaose that remarkable young man to lift me up and help my Mother as she went through her own valley of the shadow of death. I cannot tell You Mr and Mrs Kokochak how very precious the Life of your Son was to all of us. I can only tell You how precious it was to me. Thank You both and Your Family- Aaaron and all his Friends at Church for sharing Ben with us. For sharing Ben with me. Ben served in Starfleet and the Starfleet Marines with remarkable and inspirational devotion. Excuse me my eyes are filled with gratitude to the both of You for the gift of your Son in our lives. It is so true that Ben Kokochak was a young man of principle and integrity & character. But Ben was also a faithful Christian and I can say that he epitomized the very ideals laid dwon by the Apostle Paul as pointed out in 1st and 2nd Timothy. So- As We recall the life of this remarkable and talented member of SFI, I am grateful to the Lord and to the Kokochak's for allowing him to cross our paths. He will be remembered with Honor- and as that light shining so greatly and so warmly ,filled with Love and Friendship in all our Lives. May God Bless All the Kokochak Familya nd Ben- say Hi to my Mom and Thanks Ben for being there when I needed You. Thanks Everuone

<SFIChaplain> Thanks, Bill!
<SFIChaplain> Next is SFI Morale

<SFI_Morale> I am Capt James Whatley, CO of the USS Draco in Region 2, and Director of the STARFLEET Morale Office. Ben was a good friend and Officer. He was the type of person that wanted to make everyone happy when he could. I guess that is why when he heard i was looking for people to help in my office he jumped at the chance to help me to try to bring a smile to everyone. He was always there when you needed someone to talk to, or just vent about something that went wrong that day. he would most of the time point out the silverlining to you and then you could move on to the next thing that you needed to do. I just would like everyone to remember we may have lost the person but his spirit is in the work he did be it art or a newsletter or whatever. Just think of him when you see something he did and he will be with you in spirit. We may miss him but he is still there in some way. Good bye my friend and may you be with us all.

<SFIChaplain> Thanks, Jimmy.......again, anyone who wishes to speak, message me and I'll get you in line.

<CommMaryKane> Ben was a real sweetheart, and an incorrigible flirt! I only knew him through IRC and his posts to the Excalibur and Dominator lists, but I considered him to be one of my Starfleet nephews. We had private chatted some, on IRC, especially when he needed advice on the difficulties facing his family. (I'm an old lady of 50.) This helped me, as an R1 Co-Treasurer, to be able to reassure R1RC Robin Pillow, when he was later contacted (by Carl Lewis), because I could verify that the situation was one of long standing. I feel honored that Ben chose to place such trust in me. I, too, will miss his Big Ben Bear Hugs, but I am glad for him that he is now in a place where his physical body can no longer impede his spirit. Even so, he never whined about being in a wheelchair but chose to make a positive impact in the ways he still could. Ben was a very special person and has made a lasting impact on the world. His spirit shines on.

<SFIChaplain> thanks, Mary
<SFIChaplain> DallasWV is next
<SFIChaplain> From Ben's parents:
<SFIChaplain> <bsistler> All you have to do is look at the sunset....He's probably asking God if he can help paint it every evening!! Mom & Dad K

<DallasWV> I knew Ben for some time. He was always there to help others, never really thinking about himself. Even though he and his family were in financial distress, he didn't think twice about sending what little he could when my partner and I fell on hard times. Ben was always there for anyone who needed him. Be it to do some graphics worl, or just to be an ear to talk to. People sometimes wonder: "Who do the counselors go to for counseling?" Well, I'll tell you, THIS counselor went to Ben. Ben and I were planning on getting together at IC next year in BHAM. Now that meeting will have to be postopned until the good Lord decides that it is time for us to keep that meeting. To his paren'ts, family and friends in both FL and WV, know that I will keep you in my prayers and ask that you do not morn his passing, but rejoince in the fact that he is now at our Lords side STANDING, no longer bound to the restraints of a chair. And I know that when we get to heaven we will see him come RUNNING toward us to welcome us home. I'll step down from the podium now and give this simple rose to Bens mother: -`-,-`-@

<SFIChaplain> Thanks, Dallas
<SFIChaplain> MCaptWhite is next

<MCaptWhite> I didn't really know Ben all that well. In fact, I had never met him until I took over the newsletter for SFSO. I was looking forward to working with him. I remember when I first saw his work. I was stunned. Here was someone who had great artwork, and I can't even draw a straight line with a ruler. Even though he was undoubtably busy, he took the time to chat with me for a good two hours. I wish I had gotten to know him better, but I do know something. God called him home to create vibrant sunsets and paint the wings of butterflies. And I know that he's looking down, watching over us and saying "I knew them." Thank you.

<SFIChaplain> Thanks!
<SFIChaplain> LtCmdrva| is next

<LtCmdrva|> I am not much for words in this type of situation so I'll try to keep this short. Mr and Mrs Kokochak, your son was always welcomed in my channel, #Lounge. We enjoyed his humor and his time, he enjoyed being with us. We will keep his ops status in lounge as long as the channel holds in memory of Ben. We will surely miss him. I wish I was able to meet him as well. Thank you for joining us tonight in memory of your son.

<SFIChaplain> Thanks, va|
<SFIChaplain> MFI_SpecOPs is next

<MFI_SpecOps> I am sad to say that I have never even talked to Ben. Not Online or anywhere. Yet his impact seems to have reached even to me. From all that I had heard about him, both tonight and prior to this memorial, I give to you the words of a song that I know that seems most appropriate at this time:
A hand to aide along the road A laugh to lighten any load
A place to bring a burden heart And heal the ache of sorrow's dart
Who'd willing share in joy or tears And help to ease the darkest fears
Or my soul like his own defense And all because he was my friend
No grave could hold so free a soul I see him in the frisking foal
I hear him laughing on the breeze That stirs the very tops of trees
He soars with falcons on the wing He is the song that night birds sing
Death never dared him captive keep He lies not there, he does not sleep
But there is silence at my side That haunts the place he used to ride
And my companion can't belay The loss that I sustained this day
How bleak the future now has grown Since I must face it all alone
My road is weary, dark and steep And it is for myself I weep
Zhai'helleva Ben....Wind to Thy Wings. Thank you

<SFIChaplain> Thanks!
<SFIChaplain> MAL_Adjusted is next

<MAL_Adjusted> I am Commodore Martin A. Lessem, CO, USS Asimov, OIC, 7th BDE, Director-International Translation Corps, Branch Director-Maritime Operations, SFMCA, Director, Comp Ops-Special Projects. I knew Ben primarily from #lounge here on IRC And also #corpschat where he served with myself as an Op. Ben was always there to talk, wether it was myself or I saw him willing to talk to others. He was willing to give of himself, which in todays world is a rare and valuable trait. Ben will be sorely missed. I was very priveleged to know him. Thanks.

<SFIChaplain> Thanks, Martin
<SFIChaplain> Next is Jazdan

  • Jazdan is Jill Rayburn, DCO-Academy TRACOM, among other things.

<Jazdan> First off, I wanted to say that John Roberts, COTRACOM, is sorry that he was not able to be here, but his chapter meeting is tonight. Although he was not officially with TRACOM for very long, he was a valued part of our team, and we are all saddened by his passing. As for personal memories, I don't have as many as some here, but I do remember that he was always there for people. That was important to him, that he helped others in any way possible. I am very pleased to let everyone here know that, for as long as I am in a position to keep it such, some of his graphics work will be part of a new PD course that will be released in the next few weeks. The special thing about this work is that it is for our cadets. He was excited that he could help with a course that would be used to serve our younger members. That was something special to him. His contributions are coloring book pages of some of our logos, and they are, like his other work, very well done. I know he will always be looking over us and helping us, and as I was telling Dustin on the phone a few minutes ago, we may not know why or understand, but God had his reasons, and Ben is now helping him as well as looking over us. Thank you.

<SFIChaplain> Thanks, Jill
<SFIChaplain> Wolfpack is next
<SFIChaplain> Joe had to leave his computer........
<SFIChaplain> He wanted me to pass on that he will be sending a gift to Ben's family, a collection of some of the things that people have said about Ben, and some of the graphics he's done.

<SFIChaplain> Earlier, I posted about Ben to all of the lists which was put on the STARFLEET Memorial page at:
<SFIChaplain> (Link: {note: link is no longer good - CCO}

<SFIChaplain> I wish I could answer the question of why guys like Ben leave us so early, but that question is way above my pay grade. Ben was someone I could always count on. When I undertook a new project, or had a crazy idea, I knew I could expect an email from him, offering his help and he never let me down. Not only was he active in STARFLEET and the SFMC, but he was also a member of our leadership staff in STARFLEET Special Operations, and created our logo. He was a man of courage......despite problems and trials that came his way, he always had time for his friends and those who needed him. All of us in STARFLEET mourn a talented man, a gifted artist, and a great member............ But like I said in my post earlier this week, I mourn someone who bore a title I just don't give many folks............ I mourn the loss of a friend. Ben has come to the end of his "Gospel Road" and is now part of that great cloud of witnesses the Holy Bible speaks of that watches the rest of us. We can't bring him back, but we will see him one day. LtColTC reminded me of a line from STAR Trek II that seems to fit so well. And I close with it paraphrased........
<SFIChaplain> Ben, the word is given.......Warpspeed.
<SFIChaplain> Vaya con Dios, my friend.........I'll see you in the Morning.

<SFIChaplain> Before we close, we are honored to have Ben's parents and many of his friends with us. I now call upon bsistler who is helping them be with us to say whatever is on all of their hearts.

<bsistler> From your memorials we can see that many of you personally know and serve the same God that Ben loved. Many of you may not. If you hope to see Ben again, it's placing your faith in Jesus Christ, and trusting Him as your personal Savior that earns us the right to go to Heaven. Our son would love to meet you there. We don't want to use this time to "preach" at you. Please know that Benjamin loved all of you. It would be the desire of his heart to have you come to join him! His Dad and I, as well as bsistler, who has been gracious enough to open her home and host this for us, are available to speak with, online, or on the phone. We hope to meet many of you in the future. Please know how grateful we are that you cared about Ben, because being physically handicapped in the way he was made for a difficult life. Ben, we feel, tried to live above his handicap every day, and he could only do that because he had a Savior that he trusted to help him every single day of his life. That's the reason he was able to reach out to comfort and to give of his talents. Jesus placed the love in his heart. We're thankful that Ben chose not to turn away from it. If we never meet you, may we meet you in Heaven! Thank you for the memorials, and we can only say that Ben was the FIRST OF THE STARFLEET TO EXPLORE THE GALAXY! Love and kindest regards, the Kokochaks

<SFIChaplain> Mr. and Mrs. Kokochak, on behalf of all of us here, and I know I speak for many who could not be here tonight........Thank you for sharing your son with us.....we will treasure his memory always and all of you will be in our prayers.

<SFIChaplain> Dustin is going to start our closing prayer and then I'll close.

<MGen_Williams> please bow cyber heads
<MGen_Williams> Dear Heavenly Father, We gather here to celebrate the life of Ben Kokochak. He was a friend to many and was a true gift from God as a son. I ask that you touch the hearts of all in this room and thoes wathiching and for thoes friends and family of Ben's that could not be here. Please walk beside them in this difficult time and show them warmth and comfort through out all the pain we may face with his loss and let us understand, Dear Lord, he is in better hands now and his pain is now over. Please Give Ben a hug from all of us down here and let him know we love him as a friend or a son ,and to Ben, where erver you are up there looking down. You were a man of integrity and a great friend and son. We will sorely miss your prescence here. Please Dear Lord continue to bless us with you tender grace and mercy. Amen

<SFIChaplain> In that our brother has been called to the Father's side, we commend to your keeping, Sir, the spirit and soul of Ben Kokochak........ A member of this organization, and a Christian gentleman. I ask that Your Spirit be with all of us, especialy with the family and friends in the days ahead. When the hurts is bad, remind them of a funny moment, a laugh, a smile that came from him and remind them that he is literally strolling all over glory with You. Now, may the Peace that pass all understanding be with each of you in all the days ahead.
<SFIChaplain> Amen.
<SFIChaplain> You are dismissed

[DallasWV:#corpschat SOUND] amazing_grace.mid�

<SFIChaplain> Thanks for attending the service. The channel is now open for chatting. <SFIChaplain> Again, we appreciate Mr. and Mrs. Kokochak being with us tonight.

The following are the after service comments. These are completely unedited, including any and all visible changes in status, and all conversation until the recording person left the channel.

<LtCmdrva|> yes we do, thank you for joining us <MGen_Williams> yes, definately <Chaplain-Bill> It was an Honor Mr and Mrs Kokochak, Aaron and Friends <DallasWV> Tonights memorial as well as the music that has been played tonight will be made available on the memorial page in the next few days. <bsistler> ask.... [DallasWV:#corpschat SOUND] ownway.mid� <bsistler> yes?

      • Signoff: Cripdee (Leaving: Leaving)

<MGen_Williams> for thoes of you not able to tune into the radio broadcast to hear Ben's memorial segment. Please note the song that was dedicated in his honor was Vince Gill's Go Rest High on the Mountain

      • dragon has left #corpschat

<MGen_Williams> the air date of the show is still tenantive, please keep an eye on this lst for the air date to be aired early in the week <LtColTC> it must have sounded nice <bsistler> Jeannie also said she had lost your address, but has the awards info, and has found the address.... Will get that to you probably tomorrow

  • snuggleKitty bides all good night

<LtColTC> nite

      • snuggleKitty has left #corpschat

<MGen_Williams> Bsistler i want his parents to know that that song has special meaning to me. It was played for my best friend when i was a teenager and i Lost him at age 13. I have not played it since his death back in 93 <MGen_Williams> So as another best friend in which i lost at a young age. I felt it important to be played on air in his honor. <Chaplain-Bill> Good Night All!

      • SFIChaplain has changed the topic on channel #corpschat to In memory of Corpschat channel and list moderator, Ben Kokochak, 1982-2003

<Chaplain-Bryan> Good Night Bill. <bsistler> Good night, all, and may God bless you! <SFIChaplain> Nite! <LtCmdrva|> Good night all, will see you all l8r, bless you too hon

      • Heather has left #corpschat
      • Signoff: LtCmdrva| (Leaving: Team #LOUNGE mourns the death of Ben Kokochak 1982-2003)

<LtColTC> nite fair well

      • Mode change "-v MGen_Williams" for channel #corpschat by SFIChaplain
      • Signoff: bsistler (Leaving: bye)

<MGen_Williams> ok with all of that said i have to run across town and go pick up my roomate (have you ever run across town in dallas ft worth you actualy run across like 15 towns) but even so

      • Signoff: Chaplain-Bill (Leaving: Rutledge, one to beam up!)

<MGen_Williams> ill bbl, May you all leave here with love and joy in your hearts <LtColTC> got good sneakers?

      • SFIChaplain is now known as nWoQ
      • MGen_Williams is now known as CW|AFK

<CW|AFK> new balance

      • Mode change "+o Corpsbot" for channel #corpschat by nWoQ

<CW|AFK> best there is <CW|AFK> hehehe <CW|AFK> bbl <LtColTC> ull need um <nWoQ> I'd better let the bot get back to work.  :-)

      • VAdm_Susan has left #corpschat

<Chaplain-Bryan> Dennis, may I speak to you in private? <nWoQ> Sure <Chaplain-Bryan> Good night all. <nWoQ> Nite! <DallasWV> night Bryan

<nWoQ> Folks, I'll have you know this was the biggest crowd for an online memorial ever......and the requests to speak had me really hopping! <nWoQ> It really speaks to the guy we remembered tonight.

  • MCaptWhite nods

<COMM-Carl-memorial> well, he really spoke to all of us through his love and attention and desiere to help out <nWoQ> And I just know Ben was watching me, working to handle everything and laughing his head off at me!  :-) <nWoQ> Amen, Carl

      • CommMaryKane is now known as CommWaikato
      • Imaginary has left #corpschat

Session Close (#corpschat): Sun Sep 21 23:18:58 2003

Go To Ben's "Creations" Page, Ben's User Page

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