Cell:MSS Essex/Chapter Policies

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MSS Essex being a Chapter of the Maquis Forces International reserves the right to create its own individual polices so long as it abides by the pre-set policies of the Maquis. Although the Chapter wishes not to create too many "rules", an appropriate amount of data has been collated and the policies are as follows.

Section 1 - Membership:

MSS Essex accepts is Headquartered from within Zone 10. The chapter will accept members who primarily reside within a European Member state or have citizenship with a European Union Member State.

Members of the chapter who no longer reside within Europe are advised to transfer to a vessel closer to their "area" so that events that the Chapter attends are not compromised by a lack of membership.

On all issues regarding membership of the cell, the Commanding & Executive Officer's decision is final.

Section 2 - Complaints:

All Complaints regarding Chapter Level Issues should be directed to the Executive Officer who will attempt to correct the issue. Should this not be possible the matter will be sent to the Commanding Officer who will take the appropriate action.

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