Maquis SIM Project/Base Stations

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Simulated Bases



Empok Nor

Empok Nor is the Sister Station to Terok Nor (aka Deep Space 9), originally located in the Trivas system. Both Stations are converted Cardassian ore processing stations, which were abandoned when the Federation established their presence in Bajoran space.

Originally, Federation Engineers from DS9 were scrounging replacement parts from Empok Nor. Later, Maquis forces found Empok Nor, were able to get her RCS Thrusters operational and proceeded to refurbish it while moving it into the Badlands. Eventually MFI made Empok Nor their official Headquarters and base for coordinating Maquis operations.

Promontory Base

Promontory Base

Promontory Base is stationed in the remote regions of the Badlands along the border of Cardassian territory. As the Maquis Sim Fleet regain more and more of their original territory, Promontory will be able to relocate and advance with them, acting as a launch point for other vessels of the "relocation" forces.

Promontory is a "Helenic" model Starbase designed by one of MFI's younger Engineer/Designers, Ben Kokochak.

Regula Station

Regula Station

While Spacedocks would be built in secure, high traffic areas of the Federation, other sectors needed starbases as well. These sectors didn't need a massive Space Dock, and most didn't have a Class-M planet for a planet side base either. In 2279, the first of the Regula Class of Starbases was built in Mutara Sector. This gave Starfleet a new, small type of Science and support base.

The Regula series of stations were designed as small, flexible platforms for long-duration scientific missions in isolated locations. These kinds of missions could last for years, keeping a science team on station for that length of time would require the commitment of either a major starship asset or a fleet of small science vessels relieving one another every few months. Either of these was a significant draw on resources, while a small fixed station would offer the same capability at a fraction of the resources. The stations were designed to be as simple and quick to build as possible, while offering the maximum flexibility in equipment.

The Maquis acquired a Regula Class Station and recognized its potential as an orbital platform for deploying its Peregrine Tactical Fighters. The modular nature of the Regula stations made it easily adaptable. Adding two to its already four landing pods, the stataion could support and entire squadron of fighters as well as pilots, maintenance crews, and support personnel. Adding a station complement, starship shield generators, phaser banks, and photon torpedo launchers, both mobile, and stationary, the Regula Air Station is a formidable platform once deployed in a strategic system. The station can not only monitor enemy entry into its secure area, but then deploy its squadron to deal with it.

Other Bases / Dry-docks

Space Station Alpha

Space Station Alpha

Space Station Alpha is a remote Maquis Command Station. AS the Maquis continue to regain territory and Promontory pushes deeper, Command Stations such as Alpha will be built to act as relay points for MFI personnel.

Mobile Dry-Dock

Mobile Dry-Dock

Information coming

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