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Just after Spock mentions Kahn is inexperienced and thinks in two dimensions. Kirk orders "Z minus 10000 meters, stand by photon torpedoes."

Do you have information on the Z-Axis?

COL Doyle

What you're referring to is Thruster Maneuvering, which will also be part of this page. Right now, the preliminary info is on one of my samdbox pages. As I acquire more information, it will be added so I can create the Maneuvering/Nebula Warfare course I was telling you about.

When using the X, Y & Z Axes, you're basically talking RCS Thrusters. When talking Three Dimentional Compass Navigation, the X, Y & Z Axes get reduced to simply "Bearing" and "Mark".

FADM Johnson

Here are some links to BEARING, HEADING, and general Naviation and Warp Propulsion

Some of these site have the latest in tech, graphics, and theories! You can probably find everything else you need within these sites. Hope these help you. If i come across any more pages, ill let you know.

COL Doyle, RE

Nice links for basic Engineering pages, but they proved to be little to no help for Navigation.
Thanks for trying though. If you find some good Navigation sites, please post the links.
FADM Johnson

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