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I vote for the following (grin)..

Pd vfa-01.jpg Pd mfi.jpg Pd mfi2.jpg Pd vfa-02.jpg Pd acad grad.jpg Pd hq.jpg Pd co.jpg Pd acad staff.jpg
- FADM Gary Davis


Rob's Vote

I like all the current proposals, but think the Empok Nor pin Pd naval.jpg should be used as the HQ pin.

After all... Empok Nor IS MFI Headquarters.

Perhaps use a Maquis Raider, across the Shell/Claw, to represent MFI Naval, as the "Original" (Canon) Maquis "Naval" Forces, or Maybe Ben's Composit Raider-Shell Shell-Raider.png?

Rob Johnson

Samuel's Vote

I second Rob's vote... I like the Empok Nor logo for the HQ design. What say y'all?

I LOVE the Raider idea, Rob... Good suggestion!


Will's Comments

Gary, remember the lady justice? I'd like to see a CC only pin done with that. You showed me the image at the conference. Mind doing that up for us?

Paul's Comments

I designed 2 Logos for this Project, one for the Advisors Council and one for the MFMC General staff. I'm hoping Gary puts them up !

Cheers Paul

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