User:Azecca/sandbox 1

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Pd romulan2.jpg
Name: Sien'ael i-Ra'tleihfi t'Hwaerianh
Rank: ihsein'Ssiebh (Force Colonel), RL Reserves Rom slvr 2.jpg
E-mail: [1]
Homepage: MFI Romulan Legions Religion
MRL Position: Galan nnea Jaeih (Priestess of Air)
Birthplace: s'Hwaerianh Compound, Val'danadex Trel, Romulus

Persona Background:
Sien'ael i-Ra'tleihfi t'Hwaerianh was the oldest daughter of Senator (en'deihu) Atalan e'Tei tr'Hwaerianh (a retired naval admiral) and his wife Thea i-Mheissan t'Hwaerianh, a priestess serving in the capital of the Romulan Empire, Val'danadex Trel (known in Old Rihannsu as Ra'tleihfi).

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