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< Talk:MFMC
Revision as of 16:17, 5 September 2007 by Azecca (Talk | contribs)

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The page was edited to correct some minor spelling errors. The spelling of MFS wIch was corrected to its original Klingon form.

Lt. Col. Anne, 1st Regiment Commander


Hey Anne... Where's your User Page?

You're doing some great work on the MFMC pages, but we've noticed there's no User:Azecca user page.

Do you have a User Page built yet?


I think it's a good PR Idea for my staff, to have a user page up !

Kindly put one up when you are able to.


I just updated the ranks for myself & Dixie Savander. Also, LP Rakkason is listed under Zone VR (not Zone 1) so I'd like to move the LP's MFMC listing to the 3rd Regiment page.

Thanks for your comments, gents. No, I don't have a user page set up yet, but will probably need some help; I don't have a lot of experience with Wiki. I'm hesitant, though, about using the current LCARS template; the phrase "Joined Maquis" is misspelled (jonied instead of joined). A persona entry does sound interesting, though.


(newly minted Colonel)

JOINED is repaired

No more 'scuses <grin> Gary fixed it.

New MFMC personnel & LP

I've added the newest MFMC unit, LP Lone Eagle, to the 1st Regiment listings. Also, another Marine has been added to MFS Freedom's listing, Major Amanda Reis (Detachment DOIC).

Welcome Colonel Doyle IX & Major Reis.

Also, I was asked by the CO of the Charleston Harbor to make a minor correction to his roster of Marines. It has been done.

Colonel Anne
Commander, 1st Regiment
Chief of Marine Operations

Name change request

Force Captain William Haines requested a name change for the DOIC of the MFS Freedom's MarDet. I've gone ahead with his request; the DOIC's name is now Amanda Haines.

Colonel Anne
Commander, 1st Regiment
Chief of Marine Operations

LP Lone Eagle Deletion

In the wake of Colonel Doyle's resignation from MFI for personal & health reasons, I have deleted LP Lone Eagle from the First Regiment roster.

The LP had already been deleted from the Zone 2 page.

Colonel Anne
Chief of Marine Operations/1st Regiment Commander

MFS Charleston Harbor Addition

The Charleston Harbor's CO just promoted XO Melinda Lord to the rank of Commander (MFI/Starfleet Merchant Marines). She will now hold the rank of Lt. Colonel in the MFMC Reserve. In addition, Major Rhonda Ricard (MFMCR) has been added to the chapter's roster.

Col. Anne
Chief of Marine Ops, etc.
MarDet Commander, MFS Charleston Harbor

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