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Name: Joshua Laury (Deletham Vaurek)
Rank: Brevet Force Captain
Member Number: MFI-RM-1007
Department: Command
Join Date: 2010-04-09
Assignment: MFS Exploration MCC - 41786 / Chief of Operations, MFI
Position: Commanding Officer
Date of Birth: April 17, 2350 | Stardate: 35004.17
Planet of Birth: Romulus (Raised on Vulcan)
Species: Romulan / El-Aurian (Surgically Altered To Appear Human)
Age: 25 (Earth Years)


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2010-04-09 - Joined MFI; Assigned the rank of Commander; Assigned to MFS Blazing Swords RSD-94946
2010-04-10 - Assigned to the First Officer (XO) Position on the MFS Blazing Swords
2010-12-12 - Transferred to MFS Intrepid II
2011-01-02 - Assigned to the Second Officer's Position on the MFS Intrepid II
2011-01-15 - Presented the MFI Achievement Medal by Force Colonel Anne Zecca - for the hard work done in the Maquis Information Project.
2011-01-15 - Presented the MFI Rebel of the Year Award By Force Admiral Christina Doane - For his dedication to the Maquis way, for his dedication and sense of espirit de corps. And for generally being a good Maquis
2011-05-14 - Organized & Attended the memorial for Commander Noah Henry.
2011-07-12 - Assigned the rank of Captain; Transfered to MFS Exploration as Commanding Officer.
2011-08-08 - Promoted to Rank of Brevet Force Captain and made the Chief of Operations for MFI



Ship: MFS Exploration
Registry Number: MCC - 41786
MFI Database Number: MFI-RC-183332
Commanding Officer: Brevet Force Captain Joshua Laury
First Officer: Captain Brian Mullins
Position: Commanding Officer
Transferred From: MFS Intrepid II
Time on MFS Exploration: July 12, 2011 - Present | Stardates: 64807.12 - Present

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Department: Coordinator Council
Position: Chief of Operations
International Coordinator: Force Admiral Christina Doane, IC
Vice International Coordinator: Rear Admiral Frank Parker, Jr, VIC
Chief of Staff: Admiral Steve Lackey, COS
Member of the Coordinator Council: August 8, 2011 - Present | Stardates: 64908.08 - Present



Ship: MFS Intrepid II
Registry Number: MFI-RC-112107
Commanding Officer: Force Captain Donna GS Parker
First Officer: Captain Joann Nickerson
Position: Second Officer
Transferred From: MFS Blazing Swords RSD-94946
Time on MFS Intrepid II: December 12, 2010 - July 12, 2011 | Stardates: 64312.12 - 64807.12


Ship: MFS Blazing Swords RSD-94946
Registry Number: MFI-RC-183320
Commanding Officer: Captain John Kraly II
First Officer: Commander Joshua Laury
Position: First Officer (Executive Officer)
Transfered From: N/A - I joined Maquis Forces International and Joined the Blazing Swords
Time on MFS Blazing Swords: April 09, 2010 - December 12, 2010 | Stardates: 63604.09 - 64312.12



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New Member Exam Ribbon Leadership Development Ribbon with three Gold Stars attachments Medical Ribbon
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Communications College ribbon with Honors Science Academy Ribbon Zone VR Rebel of the Year Ribbon
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MFI Rebel of the Year Ribbon Law Academy Ribbon


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Coordinator Council - Tier I Commanding Officer - Tier IV Executive Officer - Tier V
MFI Member - Tier VI


MFI Achievement Medal





              101: MFI Netiquette 


              101: Introduction to Law
              104: Introduction to Planetary Law 


              101: New Member Exam 
              102: Basic Convention Security               
              103: Maquis Rank Recognition
              104: Ribbon Recognition
              201: Cell Command College 
              202: Advanced Convention Security                 
              301: Convention Security Commander 


              101: Terran History: American Presidents 


              101: Basic Medicine 
              103: Medical Terminology
              110: Ship's Counselor 


              101: General Science 


ENG 101: Introduction to Engineering
ENG 201: Mekk Engineer Course
Medicine 104: Medical Equipment
RS101: Intro to Romulan Language


NAME: Joshua Laury (Deletham Vaurek)
NICKNAME: Serron (Vulcan for Son)
SPECIES: Romulan / El-Aurian (Surgically Altered To Appear Human)

DATE OF BIRTH: 35004.17 (April 17, 2350)

FAMILY: Father: Mother: Adoptive Father: Adoptive Mother:
NAME: Dhiemm Vaurek Lerian Vaurek Taurik T'Prynn
SPECIES: Romulan El-Aurian Vulcan Vulcan
STATUS: Deceased Deceased Active Active
PROFESSION: Co-Chairman of the Tal Shiar Housewife Scientist at the Vulcan Science Academy Doctor at the Vulcan Ministry of Medicine


Deletham Vaurek was born on Romulus on Stardate 35004.17 and his parents were Admiral Dhiemm Vaurek (Romulan National) and Lerian Vaurek (El-Aurian Refugee). Dhiemm was a ruthless father who demanded complete obedience from Lerian and was not pleased at her being pregnant with Deletham. According to the information provided by Lerian there were a lot of beatings and threats against her life. Dhiemm was an Admiral within the Romulan Military and also Co-Chairman of the Tal Shiar.

On Stardate 35008.20 Lerian stole a Romulan Patrol ship and attempted to defect to the Federation but when attempting to cross the Neutral Zone Dhiemm pursed her in his personal Warbird (IWB T'Tpalok) and attacked the patrol ship. Captain Nikolai Lozarron of the USS Valley Forge (Excelsior Class, NCC - 43305) responded to the violation of the Neutral Zone. According to Captain Lozarron when they approached the Neutral Zone they detected a vessel re-cloaking and re-entering Romulan Space and found debris of a small vessel. No visual contact was made.

The USS Valley Forge proceeded to examine the wreckage of the vessel and discovered it was Romulan in origin and decided to see if anything was salvageable. The away team which included Commander T'Prynn (Chief Medical Officer) & Lieutenant Commander Taurik (Science Officer) both Vulcan officers who had experience in Romulan technology.

Apparently upon arrival they found Lerian barely alive and she asked if they would take Deletham with them to Vulcan so he could have a chance at a life. T'Prynn attempted to save Lerian but her wounds were too severe. She was defecting so she and Deletham could start a new life within the Federation. She gave T'Prynn and Taurik a data rod that contained holo-images of Deletham and Herself and all of his personal data. She passed away not long after that.

T'Prynn & Taurik decided that they should honor the final request of Nalah and had Deletham sedated and beamed back over to the Valley Forge and was kept hidden from all on board. [According to Starfleet Intelligence Admiral Vaurek was executed by the Tal Shiar on Stardate 35010.01 because of the fact that his wife and child attempted defection to the Federation]


T'Prynn & Taurik returned to Vulcan with the infant child and discussed how to raise the child. T'Prynn and Taurik had been married for over 80 years but were never able to have children. They decided to raise the Deletham as Vulcan and teach him the Logic of Surak. But there was one major decision that was needed…what to do about Deletham's Appearance. (Vulcans and Romulans are slightly different in appearance)

They knew if they altered Deletham's appearance to be that of a Vulcan he (Deletham) would never be able to fully master the Vulcan way of life. Romulans do not posses the mental capacity to have the telepathic capabilities that Vulcan's have. Plus trying to explain his chaotic behavior to the others would prove to be difficult. So the decision was made to alter his appearance to look Human. They had his name changed to Joshua Laury and falsified his birth records.

Taurik requested a transfer to the Vulcan Science Institute so he could be closer to home. During Taurik's time there he developed an advanced form of an Edict Pin, which not only projects a false Bio-Sign but also alters DNA Scans. The pin was hidden within a Vulcan Pendant that was put around Deletham's Neck and was always to be worn.

T'Prynn transferred to the Vulcan Medical Institute and began research into how to change his blood from green to red. The process although successful was not without side effects. Deletham's blood was changed from green to red but he required weekly injections to keep it that way but also his body would have major difficulty adapting to the changes. Being a Doctor, T'Prynn was able to keep his true self away from the others.

The Alterations were successful and Deletham Vaurek a Romulan Child became Joshua Laury a Human Child. [Much of Josh's Personal Life on Vulcan is unknown to Starfleet at this time]


Josh joined Starfleet Academy on Stardate 36808.25 (August 25, 2368) and excelled in Psychology and Alpha/Beta Quadrant Histories. He graduated near the top of his class on Stardate 37206.21 (June 12, 2372)

Ensign Laury was assigned to Starbase 234 near the Romulan Boarder as Counselor and Historian on Stardate 37207.15 (August 15, 2372). According to the testimonials of T'Prynn and Taurik it was at this time that they revealed the fact that he was actually a Romulan.

It was also at this time that Starfleet learned of this deception and terminated Josh's commission in Starfleet on Stardate 37211.25 (November 25, 2372) and was going to bring him up on charges of being a spy for the Romulan Star Empire but was convinced otherwise by his adoptive parents T'Prynn and Taurik.


Josh and his parents returned to Vulcan and Josh was outraged at the fact that Starfleet judged him based on where he was born. "I was raised by Vulcan parents and lived by Federation Rules and Regulations. But I am still being judged by where I was born!." is the things he was "preaching" on Vulcan. During this time he began to show sympathy towards the Maquis situation forming in the DMZ. During this rebellious stage according to his parents he ran away from Vulcan to join up with the Maquis to fight the Cardassians for their homes and freedom.

MAQUIS SERVICE RECORD: No Information Available At This Time


After the outbreak of the Dominion War the Maquis were almost completely eliminated and Starfleet was experiencing a severe manpower shortage so an agreement was made to bring the remaining Maquis back into Starfleet to help in the fight against the Dominion and Cardassian Forces. [At some point during this re-absorption Josh had part of his Romulan appearance restored (i.e. the pointed ears) because the Maquis didn't care about the fact that he was Romulan.

The Maquis forces were assigned to the Defiant Class Starship USS Maquis so they could help the Federation Alliance (The United Federation of Planets, The Klingon Empire & Romulan Star Empire) defeat the Dominion. Josh's (Deletham) Starfleet commission was re-instated and was promoted to Lieutenant (Junior Grade) by Commodore Parker and is currently serving as Ship's Counselor on the USS Maquis.



Name: Joshua Laury
Age: 25
Date of Birth: April 17, 1986
Place of Birth: Rocky Mount, Virginia
Current Location: Dover, Pennsylvania
Groups I Belong To: Maquis Forces International & Starfleet International

Star Trek Series' I Own:

  • Star Trek: The Original Series
  • Star Trek: The Animated Series
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  • Star Trek: Voyager
  • Star Trek: Enterprise

Favorite Star Trek Movies:

  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
  • Star Trek: Generations

Favorite Music:

  • Al Jolson
  • Bing Crosby
  • Frank Sinatra
  • Dean Martin
  • The Rat Pack
  • Matt Monro
  • Roger Miller
  • Trans-Siberian Orchestra
  • Brent Spiner

Favorite Books:

  • A Christmas Carol
  • Sherlock Holmes Books
  • Uncle Wiggily Books (1916-1965)
  • James Bond Books
  • History Books
  • The Canterbury Tales
  • Dante's Divine Comedy


Facebook Page:
Starfleet Profile:

I have complied a list of Maquis Episodes on the following page: feel free to lok and give me any recommendations you think I should add or subtract or whatever.

Here is a link to the one Star Trek Book I found that dealt with the Maquis:

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