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       Sword of Honor 
         According to oral history Kahless forged the first bat'leth by
         dropping a lock of his hair in the lava of a volcano and a nearby lake
         and twisting it into the first Honor sword. Prowess with this weapon
         is a highly prized skill and regular tournaments are held for warriors
         to prove their skill.

batletht.gif width="295" height="89"

       Belly Spear
         This spear, in a smaller version, is used in the children's game of
         qa'vak. The game incorporates spinning hoops and hones the skills
         needed for the hunt. Once a male reaches the age of ascension he is
         gifted with an adult version of this spear by his father on the
         occasion of their first hunt together as men.

chonnaqt.gif width="334" height="57"

'oy 'naQ
         Used as part of the Age of Ascension
         ritual, this weapon is capable of killing a two ton Rectyne Monopod.

oynaq.gif" width="314 height="57"

chu' nISwI' HIch
ca. 2359 - present

         this is a standard issuse disruptor pistol
         in use by for Klingon Defense Force and the wealthier families and
<p align="center"> kdisrupsm.gif width="149" height="86"

Sharp Dagger

         Technically, this weapon is not a dagger.
         It is wielded more like a Terran pair of brass knuckles and used
         similarly. It can also be used defensively to ward off knife attacks.
         Also when properly weighted and balanced it can be used like a Terran
         throwing star.</font>
       <p align="center"> jejtaj.gif width="94" height="60"</p>
       Ceremonial Knife
This is the traditional warrior's knife. It is used in many ceremonies and rituals. Historically it has been used to kill the first captured prisoner in an effort to weaken the opposing leader's control.
       <p align="center"> daqtagh.gif width="135" height="79"</p>
nISwI' beH
       Disruptor Rifle
This gun has a bigger charge pack. It is capable of a higher setting, longer effective range, and better duration between chargings than the standard disruptor pistol.
       <p align="center"> driflet.gif width="173" height="84"</p>
       <p align="center"> weaponst.gif width="407" height="272"</p>

</table> <p>from http://www.geocities.com/janestarz </p> <p align="center" style="word-spacing: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> </p> <p class="Default">  </p> <p class="MsoNormal">  </p>

return KTF Main Page
LFrench 4:40, 04 November2005 (EST)

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