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by Dewald de Coning

Praxis destroyed
In 2293 a combination of overmining and insufficient safety precautions led to the Klingon moon Praxis – the Klingon empire's key energy production facility – exploding in a violent cataclysm that had numerous far-reaching consequences. The Klingon moon exploding caused significant disruption in the atmosphere of Qo'nos by destroying most of its ozone layer, leaving the planet with approximately fifty standard Earth years of oxygen. It emitted a subspace shock wave traveling in excess of the speed of light, deduced from the fact that a Federation star ship on the other side of the Neutral Zone, the USS Excelsior, was buffeted by the subspace shock wave from the exploding moon within a matter of minutes. This incident has been seen by many as evidence of the incredibly advanced level of Klingon power generation technology. With regard to this event in Klingon history, some interesting questions have subsisted over the years. Even more interesting explanations have been given to some of those questions. But in order for us to investigate the validity of those explanations, we must first understand the concept of “subspace”.

What is “subspace”?
Subspace is one of several “layers” of the spacetime continuum, and exists colinearly with real space and hyperspace. Objects in subspace can interact with objects in real space. A longrange subspace sensor return signal would be useless if it did not reflect off objects in real space. All points in subspace coincide with points in real space. That is why subspace sensors can determine both distance and direction. There is a weak interaction between subspace and real space. Objects in subspace can apparently travel at virtually any desired speed. Objects can exist partially in subspace. Most of the mass of a star ship is “submerged” in subspace when it activates its socalled “mass-lightening field”. Subspace contains very little matter or energy. Objects in subspace will not naturally stay there out of their own accord. A natural attraction draws mass or energy from subspace into real space, unless it's actively being kept in subspace by some technological means. Subspace responds very strongly to mental manipulation. There appears to be little or no inertial resistance to acceleration in subspace. Star ships apparently do not have to expend any energy to accelerate the portion of their mass that is submerged into subspace.

Some interesting questions raised
• How could a shock wave move at speeds in excess of the speed of light? We know from our current understanding of nuclear physics that even an infinite amount of energy will not accelerate subatomic particles beyond the speed of light.
◦ We are entering the realm of conjecture here, but it would seem that most of the energy of the Praxis blast may have been pushed into subspace. Since Praxis was an energy production facility, it's entirely possible that it might have been employing technology that could have caused this to happen.
• What did this shock wave consist of? A shock wave is a pressure wave that moves through matter (for example earthquakes). In the vacuum of space a shock wave can only exist as a moving “front” to matter. But where would all this matter come from, in order to produce a shock wave that is still visibly dense after dispersing over a distance of many light years? The mass of Praxis would have been insignificant at this distance.
USS Excelsior riding subspace shock-wave
◦ The “simple” answer to this question is that this shock wave could not conceivably have contained any solid matter. A moon (or even a planet, or a star) simply does not contain enough mass to produce a consequential shock wave many light years away. If we assume that the mass of Praxis was entirely converted to electromagnetic radiation and hurled into subspace, the USS Excelsior would have been buffeted by less than 10 Gigajoules of energy at that distance. Since this is nowhere near its shielding limits, it would explain why it wasn't damaged. But, that said, why then was the Excelsior still knocked off-course by the impact of the blast? As the ship was traveling at high-impulse power at the time, most of its mass would have been submerged into subspace. We now know that there is absolutely no inertial resistance to acceleration in subspace. Consequently, we can assume that the only resistance to acceleration would have been the portion of the mass of the Excelsior that was still in real space. That portion of its mass would have acted as an “anchor”, to slow down the subspace-submerged portion of the ship that would otherwise have been dragged along with the energy of the shock wave. Since almost all of the mass of a Federation starship is in subspace during high-impulse (up to as much as 99.999999%), this explains the large recoil experienced by the Excelsior, in spite of the small increase in momentum that should have resulted from the blast. Interestingly enough, the Excelsior might have been virtually unaffected by the blast, had it been coasting in stead of running at high impulse.
• Why didn't the blast destroy Qo'nos?
USS Excelsior coming out of shock-wave
◦ Precisely because the mass/energy of the moon was submerged into subspace, it passed through Qo'nos with minimal interaction. Electromagnetic interaction between the blast wave and the ozone molecules in the atmosphere of Qo'nos resulted in the disruption of molecular bonds in those very ozone molecules, which led to the loss of the ozone layer itself. This also explains why space stations in the vicinity of Qo'nos were not destroyed. As they are stationary, their mass would have been entirely in real space (just like the mass of Qo'nos itself) and they would have sustained only slight damage as a result of their weak interaction with the subspace energy of the shock wave. All of the denizens and structures on Qo'nos would have suffered mild cellular and molecular damage, since the blast wave would have passed through the entire planet with the same weak interaction that had caused the destruction of the ozone layer. The Klingon High Command may have conceivably concealed this information from its populace and outsiders to keep the true extent of the disaster from becoming public knowledge.
• How could we see the shock wave moving towards us? After all, it was moving in excess of the speed of light, so we should not have been able to see anything until the moment the shock wave had reached us, as it would quite literally have been outracing its own image.
◦ The scene must have been depicted from the perspective of a starship or space station near Qo'nos. View screens on star ships and space stations are programmed to create visible representations of objects that are not normally visible.
• Why was the shock wave a planar ring?
Praxis exploding
◦ Simply put, the shock wave could not have been a planar ring. It must have been a spherically-expanding phenomenon. The planar shape of the blast wave had to be part of the visual algorithms of view screens on nearby star ships and space stations. These algorithms are designed to depict space phenomena in such a manner that the crew can see the phenomena and react to it, without having the entire view screen obscured. If the shock wave had to be depicted in its true, spherical shape, then nothing behind the wave

front would have been visible to the crews on nearby star ships and space stations.