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by by Brigadier General MemtoK’ zantai-BuQ’wI’
AKA Gary Hollifield, Jr.

File: klingondefense/kdf/floorplan


The information that follows has been gathered by several covert operations into the Klingon Defense Forces Training Facilities Headquarters by several incursions via Section 31 operatives, Starfleet Marine Corps Special Operations teams, and Starfleet officers over the course of sixty years. This document does not officially exist, and any question into the validity of said document will be renounced and denied by the Federation President and/or Council. During the latest Klingon-Cardassian Treaty, although for a brief time, it was believed Starfleet would be ordered behind then enemy lines to destroy the Defense Forces Command and Training Facilities. Since the Klingons denounced the Cardassians and became allies of the Federation once more, and importantly before the War with the Dominion was over, the plans to destroy the facility were henceforth cancelled. The layout for the Klingon facility, however, have been saved. I

It is important to note that while the Federation and Klingons are allies, we can never be too careful in the pursuit of Homeland Security. These documents are the most up-to-date, as having information and intelligence more than three months old could mean total disinformation. There are operatives still in the Defense Forces, having been cosmetically altered to appear and sound like Klingons, and they are submitting information to an undisclosed source within an indisclosed division of Starfleet Intelligence.

The Defense Forces Training Facilities Headquarters (henceforth referred to as KDF HQ) lies on a campus that consumes approximately 50 acres on Qo’noS’ in the city of Be’thul, a province in the more tropical areas of the planet. The reason for the tropical climate soon becomes clear, as the temperature is a humid 85 degrees Fahrenheit mostly year round, aiding in the training and molding of future warriors. The main facility is five stories high and takes up about 15,000 square feet of space consisting of offices, the armory, the inside training room, and a gym large enough to fit eight large Type 2 runabouts inside of it. The residences of the Instructors and commandant are also housed in this building.

As you enter the Main Building, there is the Klingon Shield emblazoned on the floor. There is no air conditioning in the main foyer, and a large hallway leads off in two different directions making a complete circle around the entire building. Upon entering, the heat is overpowering and the walls appear to be hewn from stone and rock, adding a more authentic feel to the ambience permeated throughout Klingon society. The air is thick with the smell of sweat and blood, fresh gagh and bloodwine, and the air is a thick, red color to further add to the ambience. The foyer, or waiting room, has no chairs, no lamps, nothing that would speak of human décor. There is a desk with a Klingon lieutenant, usually an aid serving planet-side for his tour of duty, who will assist the visitor or Klingon initiate as needed.

As you turn to the right and start down this side of the hall, you will notice there are no windows throughout the hall. The path is lit by recessed lighting in, again, the color of human blood. The wall to your right, the exterior of the building, is leaning ever so slightly inward as it goes up due to the building itself being shaped as a large cone without the peak at the top. This entire bottom floor is the gym, and since the Klingon officers and enlisted all train at different hours, the gym is always busy. You can hear shouts, screams, and bodies slamming onto the floor. You can also hear the beats of the Klingons running through gym for their track exercises. Walking around the bottom floor shows there are five entrances/exits to the gym and exercise area, and since the entire first floor is comprised of this, that’s all the doors you will see. As you approach the lobby again, you will see a staircase going up to the second floor.

On the second floor, the walls still have no windows as Klingons aren’t here for aesthetics of the facility, but the harsh training that will make them warriors. On this floor, two thirds of the floor is given over to weapons and combat training. Here, Klingons will learn the finer points of handling their bladed weapons such as the bat’leth, the mek’leth, and other blades. There are practice dummies, and senior instructors will act as live combatants to the more experienced cadets. Only the enlisted train in this complex, as the officers are trained in another facility on the third floor. The other one third of this floor is the dining hall for the enlisted men. The dining hall is open twenty four hours a day, and serves the usual Klingon fare. A lift is available to take you to the third floor.The third floor is where the officers train with their bladed weapons, honing their skills to absolute perfection. Martial arts and bladed weapons combine as one, and the complex always smells of Klingon sweat from the intense heat and training that takes place. This complex takes up two thirds of this floor, with the other third being devoted to practice with the disruptor weapons, both the handheld and the rifle versions. Officers and enlisted both practice here. This is the only holodeck in the entire campus, and there are no recreational or relaxation programs available, only the most strenuous exercise and shooting simulations are available. Yet again, there is a lift provided to take you to the fourth floor.


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The fourth floor is home to the quarters of the Klingon officers only. The officers, however, no nothing of major creature comforts except for air conditioning, one replicator, and a communal showering facility. The officers are bunked two to a room, and the room itself is large enough for two beds, two desks with computer terminals, two closets for the officer’s clothing, and small sitting area for studies. The hallways on this floor are provided with windows so the officers can peer outside whenever they feel inclined, even though the view rarely changes. The canopy of the large, tropical trees allow little sunlight in, and the canopy also holds so much humidity on the ground, the windows are usually fogged with condensation due to the intense temperature changes. The lift, after this point, is for the instructors and the La”a’, or commandant.

The fifth floor is home to the various instructors and the commandant, and since this is their home year round, there are more personal artifacts and memorabilia amongst the rooms. Each instructor is entitled to his own living space, and each apartment is decorated to the personal taste of each instructor. The largest apartment is saved for the Commandant. The Commandant of the KDF Training Facility is responsible for the overall operations of the facility. He ensures all of his instructors are well versed in their own areas of expertise, all students are receiving the education they need, and that anyone not performing their duties, either as a teacher or student, are rectified immediately. Since the Training Facilities are overseen by the Klingon High Council, the Commandant reports directly to the Chancellor of the Klingon Empire, and no one else. The current La”a’ is Chu’Rad Sa’, or General Churad. He is a veteran of the Klingon Defense Forces himself, and unlike some older Klingons who get a little large around the middle in the comfy high ranking jobs, General Churad can still outperform his instructors in all areas of education; weapons, combat, hand to hand, disruptor firing, hiking, climbing, everything. He does not rule from his offices and quarters, but is an active participant in the educational processes.

As you leave the main building, turn to the right and take the roughly hewn and foot worn path down to the enlisted cadet’s quarters. There is no privacy for the enlisted men; they shower in the same communal shower, use the same communal restrooms, and sleep in one large, hot, bunkhouse on nothing more than a cot with a two inch thick mat. This facility is one of ten, and each bunkhouse holds about 200 cadets and enlisted men. They are divided by age/cadet level. These Klingons exercise together, eat together, run together, and practice together. They learn to be a warrior that closely resembles the way Klingons did over 2,000 years ago: rough, no creature comforts, and working as a team.

Each bunkhouse is administered by a Sogh or la’ (Lieutenant or Commander) depending upon the age and experience of the cadets and enlisted men they are overseeing. The administrator is the same as the Drill Sergeant of the old Earth militaries; the cadets and enlisted are tasked with obeying, without question, the orders of their Sogh to the letter and every time. Again, questions are not tolerated and a cadet could get a busted mouth or more cleaning duties.

There are no parade grounds; there is the exercise field (encompassing two acres) where cadets run and exercise. The rest of the Training Facility’s acreage is comprised of hills, mountains, and rivers where the instructors will train their cadets in the finer skills of extreme survival, hardening them to be the ultimate warrior. The intake and processing office is located just to the left of the main building. This is only a one floor building but spans twice the length of the main building.

Intake and processing is where the new cadet or soon to be officer go before reporting to their bunkhouses or quarters. Klingons are shown in and tested strenuously, and then according to their scores, I&P will determine which position aboard ship or in the ground forces the cadet is going to be assigned to. Every Klingon is a warrior, but each Klingon has a specialty they work in aboard ship or in garrison duty. I&P is also so large because this is where the “class work” is completed. Yes, Klingons do have to read some manuals and become experts in their fields. Klingons do not just know how a warp engine works, even though they are fierce combatants; this and other skills have to be taught. This is the reason I&P is so large.

Each building is patrolled at all times by armed guards, there are security scanners at all entrances, and the perimeter is surrounded by a plasma charged field (whether the field is to keep nosy people OUT or keep the cadets IN is still something of a question). There are turrets along the perimeter that are also manned twenty four hours a day.

Cadets undergo an extremely grueling training process. The entire program is two years for enlisted with an additional year of specialty training in their chosen field. Once warriors are selected to be officers, they undergo a three year training phase with an additional year of command training. The typical day for a cadet, whether officer or enlisted, is sixteen hours. Combat, hand weapons, and classroom work are all combined. The students attend classes six days a week, with the seventh day being a “free day” for more studying and combat practice. Cadets who have served on their familial ships can skip some training, depending upon their test scores during I&P.

The overall goal of the Training Facility is designed to incorporate Honor, Integrity, and Loyalty into each warrior before they are sent into service for the Empire.

This document may be amended, deleted, or changed in any way at the discovery of more information.

End File: klingondefense/kdf/floorplan


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