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<p class="MsoNormal" style="line-height: 150%; word-spacing: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><b>by Frances B. Brock </b></p><div align=left>
<p class="MsoNormal" style="line-height: 150%; word-spacing: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><b>by Frances B. Brock </b></p><div align=left>
[[Image:Khitomer_Accords.png|Gowron re-signs the Khitomer Accords]]<br>
[[Image:HallofKhitomerConference.png|The Hall of the Khitomer Conference]]<br>
Gowron re-signs the Khitomer Accords <br><br>
<b><u>A Brief History:</u></b><br><br>
<b><u>A Brief History:</u></b><br><br>
With the imposition of the Organian Peace Treaty, intermittent negotiations continued with no major progress made in establishing any binding relationship between the Klingon Empire and the Federation.  Of these events, the most notable was a series of negotiations held at the Korvat Colony in 2289, between Curzon Dax, representing the Federation, and Kang, representing the Klingon Empire. No binding agreement was reached at the negotiating table at that time, but Dax was able to gain a grudging respect from the Klingons and establish a lasting rapport. <br><br>
With the imposition of the Organian Peace Treaty, intermittent negotiations continued with no major progress made in establishing any binding relationship between the Klingon Empire and the Federation.  Of these events, the most notable was a series of negotiations held at the Korvat Colony in 2289, between Curzon Dax, representing the Federation, and Kang, representing the Klingon Empire. No binding agreement was reached at the negotiating table at that time, but Dax was able to gain a grudging respect from the Klingons and establish a lasting rapport. <br><br>
[[Image:Gorkon.jpg|Chancellor Gorkon]]<br>
Chancellor Gorkon <br><br>
Fourteen years later, in 2293, the Klingon moon, Praxis, exploded causing severe damage ecologically and emotionally on the Klingon Homeworld, and almost completely caused the Klingon economy to shut down.  With the environmental damage that was caused and the loss of energy production to Qo’noS, Gorkon, who was Chancellor of the Klingon High Council at the time, made the controversial decision to initiate full peace talks with the Federation. It was Captain Spock, serving as special envoy to the Empire during the talks, and Curzon Dax representing the Federation, that would see the military outposts on both sides of the Klingon Neutral Zone dismantled and a new alliance forged between the two cold war enemies. Also present at the negotiations were Romulan Senator Pardek. The talks were originally scheduled to be held on Earth, but Gorkon was assassinated enroute, in a plot conceived by individuals associated with the Federation, the Romulan Empire, and General Chang, Gorkon’s chief of staff. After Gorkon’s demise, the Klingons insisted that the talks be moved to Camp Khitomer, on the planet Khitomer, to continue the talks in secret, in order to prevent any further assaults.  His death was not in vain, though. Gorkon’s daughter, Azetbur, became Chancellor, and continued to champion her father’s dream of the peace initiative. It was only after a full disclosure of a conspiracy behind his murder was discovered that successful negotiations were reached and eventually normalized the relationship between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets after many years of hostility. <br><br>
Fourteen years later, in 2293, the Klingon moon, Praxis, exploded causing severe damage ecologically and emotionally on the Klingon Homeworld, and almost completely caused the Klingon economy to shut down.  With the environmental damage that was caused and the loss of energy production to Qo’noS, Gorkon, who was Chancellor of the Klingon High Council at the time, made the controversial decision to initiate full peace talks with the Federation. It was Captain Spock, serving as special envoy to the Empire during the talks, and Curzon Dax representing the Federation, that would see the military outposts on both sides of the Klingon Neutral Zone dismantled and a new alliance forged between the two cold war enemies. Also present at the negotiations were Romulan Senator Pardek. The talks were originally scheduled to be held on Earth, but Gorkon was assassinated enroute, in a plot conceived by individuals associated with the Federation, the Romulan Empire, and General Chang, Gorkon’s chief of staff. After Gorkon’s demise, the Klingons insisted that the talks be moved to Camp Khitomer, on the planet Khitomer, to continue the talks in secret, in order to prevent any further assaults.  His death was not in vain, though. Gorkon’s daughter, Azetbur, became Chancellor, and continued to champion her father’s dream of the peace initiative. It was only after a full disclosure of a conspiracy behind his murder was discovered that successful negotiations were reached and eventually normalized the relationship between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets after many years of hostility. <br><br>
[[Image:KhitomerConference.png|The Khitomer Conference]]<br>
<b><u>The First Khitomer Accords:</u></b><br><br>
<b><u>The First Khitomer Accords:</u></b><br><br>
Part of the agreement contained in the First Khitomer Accord was that the Empire agree to relinquish its historical claim to the Archanis section, located in Federation territory on the Klingon Border, and to do away with the Klingon Neutral Zone. <br><br>
Part of the agreement contained in the First Khitomer Accord was that the Empire agree to relinquish its historical claim to the Archanis section, located in Federation territory on the Klingon Border, and to do away with the Klingon Neutral Zone. <br><br>
Of equal significance was the Battle of Narendra III, which occurred in 2344. The Klingons realized that when they were betrayed by the Romulan Star Empire and the courage of the Enterprise-C in ending the conflict, it shed a new light on how the Klingons felt about their relationship with the Romulans. They ended their relationship with the Romulans, and solidified their bond with the Federation. <br><br>
Of equal significance was the Battle of Narendra III, which occurred in 2344. The Klingons realized that when they were betrayed by the Romulan Star Empire and the courage of the Enterprise-C in ending the conflict, it shed a new light on how the Klingons felt about their relationship with the Romulans. They ended their relationship with the Romulans, and solidified their bond with the Federation. <br><br>
|In 2372, after Gowron had become Chancellor, he withdrew the Empire from the Khitomer Accords in response to the Federation Council’s condemning of Gowron’s ordering the invasion of Cardassia Prime. The following year, Gowron decided to reinstate the Treaty, when a newly-formed alliance between the Dominion and the Cardassian Union threatened to throw the Alpha Quadrant into war. <br><br>
In 2372, after Gowron had become Chancellor, he withdrew the Empire from the Khitomer Accords in response to the Federation Council’s condemning of Gowron’s ordering the invasion of Cardassia Prime. The following year, Gowron decided to reinstate the Treaty, when a newly-formed alliance between the Dominion and the Cardassian Union threatened to throw the Alpha Quadrant into war. <br><br>
<div align=center>
http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Khitomer_Accords <br>
http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Khitomer_Conference <br>
http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Gorkon <br></b>
|[[Image:Khitomer_Accords.png|Gowron re-signs the Khitomer Accords]]<br>
Gowron re-signs the Khitomer Accords <br>
<b><u>The Second Khitomer Accords:</u></b><br><br>
<b><u>The Second Khitomer Accords:</u></b><br><br>
The Second Khitomer Accords were signed in 2368, between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. But, by this time, other Alpha Quadrant powers also participated in this Treaty. It has been argued that this Treaty is the least influential of any treaty, to date, with many of the provisions in whole, or in part, ignored by many of the powers. <br><br>
The Second Khitomer Accords were signed in 2368, between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. But, by this time, other Alpha Quadrant powers also participated in this Treaty. It has been argued that this Treaty is the least influential of any treaty, to date, with many of the provisions in whole, or in part, ignored by many of the powers. <br><br>
The major points of the Treaty were: <br><br>
The major points of the Treaty were: <br><br>
Organians consider intervention in the affairs of others to be most disgusting, but felt they had no choice when they imposed the peace treaty in 2267 – they simply could not watch idly as the Federation and the Klingons slaughtered each other and perhaps others. They find the discordant emotions of less evolved beings highly painful. As a gesture of hospitality to visitors, they create conventional points of reference – physical bodies for themselves, buildings, and other objects. In 2267, the setting they created was reminiscent of a primitive agrarian community. <br><br>
[[Image:klingonsm.gif]]Subspace weapons were banned, but provisions were made for low-yield subspace munitions such as the Federation’s Tri-cobalt device, provided that their usage was not widespread. <br><br>
Now we will review the circumstances surrounding the Treaty of Organia and why they imposed it upon the two nations. The Treaty of Organia, also known as the Organian Peace Treaty, was an agreement enforced by the powerful non-corporeal beings of Organia upon the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire, ending the Federation-Klingon War in 2267. The treaty established a Neutral Zone between the two powers. A Neutral Zone is much like a demilitarized zone, such as between the Federation and the Cardassian Union of the 2280’s. According to the terms of the treaty, each side could lay claim to a disputed planet inside the Neutral Zone  between the two powers, and was given the opportunity to demonstrate its ability to develop that planet most efficiently. Also, each side was granted the right to demand use of the other's shore leave facilities along the border. The Treaty of Organia was eventually superseded by the Khitomer Accords of 2293, which bore out the Organians' prediction that the Klingons and the Federation would one day become friends. <br><br>
[[Image:klingonsm.gif]]The use of biogenic and other “Weapons of Mass Destruction” were also prohibited. <br><br>
The Organian Peace Treaty was a peace treaty forced upon the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire by the Organians in 2267 shortly after the outbreak of war between the two interstellar powers, which had resulted in the Klingon occupation of Organia. The treaty was agreed to under the threat of the Organians immobilizing both side's space forces if they did not cooperate - a power the Organians had already exhibited by disabling forces from both sides above, and on, Organia. In addition to an end to direct hostile acts, terms of the treaty included shared occupation rights. The Klingon High Council felt compelled to agree to the treaty under the Organians coercion, but were not pleased with the state of affairs and immediately began to formulate tactics to circumvent it; these included espionage, and the manipulation of the Romulan Star Empire into an alliance, in which they hoped to use to the Romulans to wage war against the Federation. Makrecha IV was one of the disputed worlds under the Treaty of Organia. A Klingon settlement existed there by 2285 and a Federation colony was established in that year. <br><br>
[[Image:klingonsm.gif]]Provisions were also made to protect Prisoners of War and non-combatants during wartime. <br><br>
When the Klingons began staging attacks inside a wormhole near the Neutral Zone in 2285, Admiral James T. Kirk wondered how the Organians could allow it under the terms of the treaty. Kirk investigated further, and discovered that the Organians were unable to enforce the treaty due to manipulation from the race known as the Excalbians. Once freed from Excalbian control, the Organians engaged the Excalbians in a battle that resulted in the two races leaving the material plane and the dissolution of the treaty. <br><br>
[[Image:klingonsm.gif]]The “Evacuation Protocol” was implemented, which stated that civilians should be allowed to leave the warzone and not harassed during this process. <br><br>
After a period of continuing tensions between the Klingons and the Federation a new peace was established under the terms of the Khitomer Accords in 2293 which eventually lead to the two powers becoming staunch allies, much as the Organians had predicted, when they forced peace years before. <br><br>
[[Image:klingonsm.gif]]The conference system was implemented for conflict resolution.  It made provision for any signatory to file a complaint about another and to have this matter resolved by a conference of signatories. This conference system was infrequently used as more informal “border diplomacy” between ship’s Captain’s was much more prevalent. <br><br>
And now, in closing, we will review the exact Treaty of Organia as imposed by the Organians without negotiations on stardate 3199.5. <br><br>
<b>Section 1</b><br>
It should be noted that the actions of the Klingon Empire during the Second Federation-Klingon War, were not governed by the Accords due to the Empire having pulled out of the accords. They also did not apply to the Klingon-Cardassian War, since the Cardassian Empire was not, at that time, one of the signatories. The Dominion War was also conducted outside of the rules of conduct of the Second Khitomer Accord, as neither the Dominion, nor the Cardassian Empire, were signatories during that period also. <br><br>
This Treaty of Peace is imposed, effective stardate 3199.5, upon the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets. All hostilities, both space borne and planet bound, between both parties and their respective allies shall cease immediate. All belligerent armed forces are, and shall remain, disabled pending the assent of all parties to this condition. <br><br>
<b><u>Summary Timeline of Events Affecting the Accords:</u></b><br><br>
[[Image:klingonsm.gif]]<b>2293:</b>  The explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis causes an ecological disaster, disposing Chancellor Gorkon to pursue a full peace treaty with the Federation. Despite the subsequent assassination of Gorkon, his daughter and new Chancellor, Azetbur, participates at the Khitomer Conference, which leads to the Accords establishing a lasting peace between the two powers. <br><br>
<b>Section 2</b><br>
[[Image:klingonsm.gif]]<b>2346:</b> With the help of the traitor Ja'rod of the House of Duras, the Romulans commit the Khitomer Massacre, killing almost all of the 4,000 Klingon colonists on Khitomer. <br><br>
Between the adjacent territorial boundaries of the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets, there is established a neutral zone, seven point five parsecs in width in the horizontal galactic plane and to the galactic boundaries in the vertical galactic plane. <br><br>
[[Image:klingonsm.gif]]<b>2366:</b>  In order to avert a civil war, Klingon Chancellor K'mpec conceals Ja'rod's treason, due to his house's influence in the High Council. <br><br>
[[Image:klingonsm.gif]]<b>2367:</b>  After K'mpec dies of poisoning, Gowron, who is opposing the House of Duras, becomes new Chancellor. His position is quickly challenged but eventually affirmed in the brief Klingon Civil War against the Romulan-influenced, but ultimately inferior, House of Duras. <br><br>
<b>Section 3</b><br>
[[Image:klingonsm.gif]]<b>2369:</b>  A clone of Kahless created by clerics from Boreth assumes the re-created, but now purely representative, position of Klingon emperor, while Gowron remains the Empire's Chancellor and factual leader. <br><br>
All personnel and facilities of any kind whatsoever identifiable with either party shall be removed from the Neutral Zone no later than 500 days from the date of this armistice. No such personnel or facilities shall be re-introduced to the Neutral Zone. Any military unit intruding upon the Neutral Zone hereafter shall be immediately disabled. <br><br>
[[Image:klingonsm.gif]]<b>2371:</b>  General Martok is covertly abducted and interned by the Dominion, while a Changeling replaces him. <br><br>
[[Image:klingonsm.gif]]<b>2372:</b>  Led by the Martok-Changeling, the Klingon Empire starts an invasion of the Cardassian Union, which is subsequently condemned by the Federation. Later that year, the Federation's and Klingon's old dispute over the Archanis sector escalates, leading to the Klingon's withdrawal from the Khitomer Accords. <br><br>
<b>Section 4</b><br>
[[Image:klingonsm.gif]]<b>2373:</b> The real Martok is freed after the Changeling impersonating him is revealed earlier this year. The Cardassian Union joins the Dominion, swiftly resolving the Klingon's conflict with the Federation and reinstating the Khitomer Accords. Later that year, the Dominion attacks and captures the Federation station Deep Space 9, beginning the Dominion War against the Empire and the Federation. <br><br>
There shall come a time when the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire shall be allies and friends, working together to advance the cause of peace and harmony. Until that time, neither party shall deny the other peaceful access to its bases or facilities within the Neutral Zone. <br><br>
<b>Section 5</b><br>
We are aware that there are, within the Neutral Zone, many civilizations which could benefit from contact with the advanced cultures of the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. Therefore, Organia will permit such peaceful contact and cultural exchange. In each case, Organia shall mediate and award rights to that party which in our sole judgment shall be best able to aid said cultures. <br><br>
<div align=center>
<div align=center>
http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Organian_Peace_Treaty <br>
http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Klingon_history <br>
http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Organian_Peace_Treaty <br>
http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Khitomer_Accords <br>
http://database.obsidianfleet.net/wiki/index.php?title=Khitomer_Accords <br>
http://www.startrekfreedom.com/wiki/index.php/Khitomer_Accords <br>

Latest revision as of 17:55, 26 July 2013

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by Frances B. Brock

The Hall of the Khitomer Conference
A Brief History:

With the imposition of the Organian Peace Treaty, intermittent negotiations continued with no major progress made in establishing any binding relationship between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. Of these events, the most notable was a series of negotiations held at the Korvat Colony in 2289, between Curzon Dax, representing the Federation, and Kang, representing the Klingon Empire. No binding agreement was reached at the negotiating table at that time, but Dax was able to gain a grudging respect from the Klingons and establish a lasting rapport.

Chancellor Gorkon
Chancellor Gorkon

Fourteen years later, in 2293, the Klingon moon, Praxis, exploded causing severe damage ecologically and emotionally on the Klingon Homeworld, and almost completely caused the Klingon economy to shut down. With the environmental damage that was caused and the loss of energy production to Qo’noS, Gorkon, who was Chancellor of the Klingon High Council at the time, made the controversial decision to initiate full peace talks with the Federation. It was Captain Spock, serving as special envoy to the Empire during the talks, and Curzon Dax representing the Federation, that would see the military outposts on both sides of the Klingon Neutral Zone dismantled and a new alliance forged between the two cold war enemies. Also present at the negotiations were Romulan Senator Pardek. The talks were originally scheduled to be held on Earth, but Gorkon was assassinated enroute, in a plot conceived by individuals associated with the Federation, the Romulan Empire, and General Chang, Gorkon’s chief of staff. After Gorkon’s demise, the Klingons insisted that the talks be moved to Camp Khitomer, on the planet Khitomer, to continue the talks in secret, in order to prevent any further assaults. His death was not in vain, though. Gorkon’s daughter, Azetbur, became Chancellor, and continued to champion her father’s dream of the peace initiative. It was only after a full disclosure of a conspiracy behind his murder was discovered that successful negotiations were reached and eventually normalized the relationship between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets after many years of hostility.

The Khitomer Conference
The First Khitomer Accords:

Part of the agreement contained in the First Khitomer Accord was that the Empire agree to relinquish its historical claim to the Archanis section, located in Federation territory on the Klingon Border, and to do away with the Klingon Neutral Zone.

Of equal significance was the Battle of Narendra III, which occurred in 2344. The Klingons realized that when they were betrayed by the Romulan Star Empire and the courage of the Enterprise-C in ending the conflict, it shed a new light on how the Klingons felt about their relationship with the Romulans. They ended their relationship with the Romulans, and solidified their bond with the Federation.

In 2372, after Gowron had become Chancellor, he withdrew the Empire from the Khitomer Accords in response to the Federation Council’s condemning of Gowron’s ordering the invasion of Cardassia Prime. The following year, Gowron decided to reinstate the Treaty, when a newly-formed alliance between the Dominion and the Cardassian Union threatened to throw the Alpha Quadrant into war.

Gowron re-signs the Khitomer Accords

Gowron re-signs the Khitomer Accords

The Second Khitomer Accords:

The Second Khitomer Accords were signed in 2368, between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. But, by this time, other Alpha Quadrant powers also participated in this Treaty. It has been argued that this Treaty is the least influential of any treaty, to date, with many of the provisions in whole, or in part, ignored by many of the powers.

The major points of the Treaty were:

Klingonsm.gifSubspace weapons were banned, but provisions were made for low-yield subspace munitions such as the Federation’s Tri-cobalt device, provided that their usage was not widespread.

Klingonsm.gifThe use of biogenic and other “Weapons of Mass Destruction” were also prohibited.

Klingonsm.gifProvisions were also made to protect Prisoners of War and non-combatants during wartime.

Klingonsm.gifThe “Evacuation Protocol” was implemented, which stated that civilians should be allowed to leave the warzone and not harassed during this process.

Klingonsm.gifThe conference system was implemented for conflict resolution. It made provision for any signatory to file a complaint about another and to have this matter resolved by a conference of signatories. This conference system was infrequently used as more informal “border diplomacy” between ship’s Captain’s was much more prevalent.

It should be noted that the actions of the Klingon Empire during the Second Federation-Klingon War, were not governed by the Accords due to the Empire having pulled out of the accords. They also did not apply to the Klingon-Cardassian War, since the Cardassian Empire was not, at that time, one of the signatories. The Dominion War was also conducted outside of the rules of conduct of the Second Khitomer Accord, as neither the Dominion, nor the Cardassian Empire, were signatories during that period also.

Summary Timeline of Events Affecting the Accords:

Klingonsm.gif2293: The explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis causes an ecological disaster, disposing Chancellor Gorkon to pursue a full peace treaty with the Federation. Despite the subsequent assassination of Gorkon, his daughter and new Chancellor, Azetbur, participates at the Khitomer Conference, which leads to the Accords establishing a lasting peace between the two powers.

Klingonsm.gif2346: With the help of the traitor Ja'rod of the House of Duras, the Romulans commit the Khitomer Massacre, killing almost all of the 4,000 Klingon colonists on Khitomer.

Klingonsm.gif2366: In order to avert a civil war, Klingon Chancellor K'mpec conceals Ja'rod's treason, due to his house's influence in the High Council.

Klingonsm.gif2367: After K'mpec dies of poisoning, Gowron, who is opposing the House of Duras, becomes new Chancellor. His position is quickly challenged but eventually affirmed in the brief Klingon Civil War against the Romulan-influenced, but ultimately inferior, House of Duras.

Klingonsm.gif2369: A clone of Kahless created by clerics from Boreth assumes the re-created, but now purely representative, position of Klingon emperor, while Gowron remains the Empire's Chancellor and factual leader.

Klingonsm.gif2371: General Martok is covertly abducted and interned by the Dominion, while a Changeling replaces him.

Klingonsm.gif2372: Led by the Martok-Changeling, the Klingon Empire starts an invasion of the Cardassian Union, which is subsequently condemned by the Federation. Later that year, the Federation's and Klingon's old dispute over the Archanis sector escalates, leading to the Klingon's withdrawal from the Khitomer Accords.

Klingonsm.gif2373: The real Martok is freed after the Changeling impersonating him is revealed earlier this year. The Cardassian Union joins the Dominion, swiftly resolving the Klingon's conflict with the Federation and reinstating the Khitomer Accords. Later that year, the Dominion attacks and captures the Federation station Deep Space 9, beginning the Dominion War against the Empire and the Federation.


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