Cell:MFS Compliance/sandbox/1

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m ([f.] Promotion Authority For Higher Ranks)
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The Welcome section contains RED text to denote changes from the original.
== Transporter Control ==
(I recommend removing the RED when the final page goes up)
{{:Cell:MFS Compliance/Transporter}}
Most of the changes involve formatting to enable users to find info directly
== Ideas ==
using the TOC.  Serious consideration should be given to reducing the size of
this page.  The Appendices could be split into a sub page transfering a third
or more info out of this initial page.  (I did this...)  --Steve
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<font size="5"> '''INTRODUCTION''' </font size><br>
Dear MFI Member,
Maquis Forces International (MFI) is an alliance of Maquis clubs and individuals around the world <font color="red">joined for the purposes of the </font color="red">free exchange of ideas, information, and friendship. Like our fictional counterparts on Star Trek® who went renegade from Starfleet, most of our membership left established fandom organizations in search of a better banner to fly under. Our chapters left such organizations feeling dissatisfied and not<font color="red"> altogether </font color="red">comfortable with the politics and infighting that plague many fan organizations. MFI is much different. Being Maquis gives us the freedom to act and play as we choose without an organization dictating how we run our chapters and eliminates the need for politics. MFI is a breed apart from the standard cookie cutter Star Trek® organization in that we are here for fellowship and fun rather than politics and money. This handbook has been prepared to familiarize<font color="red"> you </font color="red">with the largest Maquis oriented Star Trek organization on the planet, Maquis Forces International.  
Our organization is<font color="red"> guided by </font color="red">a Coordinator Council, the cornerstone for an alliance of decentralized chapters across the world.  The Council oversees the Zone Coordinators, who in turn oversee the individual chapters.  Although this may seem like a "chain of command", the Council and the Zone Coordinators are merely for guidance and cohesion.  Chapters can take what they desire or nothing at all from them.  Minimal requirements for chapters are that they stay true to the standards of conduct set by the membership and to have fun being Maquis. Like the "real" Maquis on Star Trek®, Maquis chapters are independent of each other, but bound by a common goal. <font color="red">Our mission is</font color="red"> not as lofty as the freedom of the colonies of the Demilitarized Zone, ours is more down to earth, literally.  Our goal is to have<font color="red"> fun and, in so doing, spread</font color="red"> fellowship and friendship to all Maquis and other Star Trek® fan clubs. <font color="red">Ultimately, the most important person in MFI will be the individual member. </font color="red">
|[[Image:Mfi logo small.gif]]
Being a member of MFI means that you want to have more fun than all else.  This handbook has been formatted to better your fun by explaining what it means to be in MFI and <font color="red">outlining </font color="red">the responsibilities and benefits of membership.  So peruse this handbook at your<font color="red"> leisure, hopefully by the end you will better understand our vision of what an MFI member is.  Then we </font color="red">can do what all fans truly want, TO HAVE FUN.
|<font size="2">''' '''<br>
<font size="7"><font color="blue">'''MFS Blackfire''' <font color="yellow"><br>
FADM Gary Davis <br>
Maquis Forces International Founder
=== - [1.] INTRODUCTION === </center>
Welcome to the Maquis Forces International (MFI).  This club is dedicated to the pursuit of the Star Trek hobby through individual and family activities. Through our local and virtual (electronic and correspondence) chapters we seek to enjoy our hobby through in a variety of activities from exchanging Trek information with fellow members, to writing Trek stories talking about Trek and club matters via the internet, attending our annual conference, and interacting with other Trek fan.
If you are a new member, or even perhaps a renewing member, you may have questions on how this organization operates, who is in charge, where you go for information and assistance, and how can you have FUN here?  This handbook along with the MFI Constitution provides answers to these questions. Let's answer these nagging questions now so you can finish reading your membership materials and get out there and have some FUN!
You probably joined MFI in one of three ways: you picked up an application at either a Trek convention or other activity, you found MFI's address via a website or fan directory, or you heard about us by word of mouth.  You may or may not have gotten additional information about MFI.  Maybe the display or the appearance of the application appealed to you so you decided to join.  Other than what is on the application you really don't know very much about MFI.  Now that you have filled out the official application, got have your name listed on the website, and received this handbook you are probably wondering what you have gotten yourself into.
=== - [2.] MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS === </center>
Membership in MFI is simple, you are a part of the largest Maquis fan club on the planet, privy to access to the members’ site, listserv, and all material published by MFI HQ for as long as you remain a member.  Membership will mean different things to different people.  Involvement in the international organization can be as simple as filling out a membership application and being listed on the web site, or actively participating in the decision-making that shapes MFI as a whole.  As long as members remain true to the concept of IDIC and the foundation of understanding and tolerance of individuals and their rights and opinions, they are members of MFI.
Membership carries certain rights and responsibilities incumbent on all members:
==== [a.] Member Rights====
<font size="5">''' MCC 101995 '''<br>
<font color=Red>(Rob added)Although Mid and upper management has other rights and responsibilities,<font color=yellow> when you joined MFI you received certain rights. <font color=red>(Rob added)As a General Member<font color=yellow> You now have the RIGHT TO:
*1.  Select and change your membership option at any time.
*2.  Join the chapter of your choice.
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*3.  Transfer from one chapter to another at any time.
|<font color=black>...<font color=yellow>
*4.  Chose the amount of your MFI participation at any organizational level, barring Tier Level conflicts.
*5.  Participate in any MFI program, department, or activity.
*6.  Be a part of the voting processes in Chapter (if available), Zone, and International Elections.
<font size=2>
*7.  Apply or run for any Zone and International positions (appointed or elected) for which you are qualified.
*8.  Receive prompt and courteous responses to your inquires, suggestions, and comments from any officer at any administrative level of MFI.
*9.  You may bring any problem, concern, or suggestion to the Coordinator Council and staff, Zone Coordinator, Chapter Chairperson and officers at any time to seek timely satisfaction and resolution.
*10.. Voice your opinion at any MFI organizational level without fear of reprisal.
*11. Hear, question, and investigate all sides of an issue being discussed and debated within MFI.
*12. Talk with any MFI member about any MFI activity, program, or policy by any communication means within the bounds of common decency and propriety.
*13. Due process.
*14. Appeal any judgmental or disciplinary actions within MFI.
*15. Be informed of all MFI policies in a timely manner.
*16. Terminate your membership at any time.
*17. Join or affiliate with any other fan clubs.
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==== [b.] Member Responsibilities====
The '''MFS Blackfire''' is the Personal Flagship of MFI's founding Jedi-WebMaster. Currently operating on deep patrol in support missions for the Coordinator Council.
With your membership comes certain duties and responsibilities:
<br> <br>
*1. To practice the concept of IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations) at all times.
*2. Do not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate those who would.
*3. To live up to the standards set by your chapter, zone, and MFI.  
*4. To seek the truth, whatever and wherever it may be.
*5. To respect and listen to other opinions.
*6. To carry out your duties of your position whether it be as a general member and/or club, zone, or international officer to the best of your ability.
*7. To offer only constructive criticism and feedback.
*8. To not participate in character assassination of another.
*9. To be unbiased in judgmental matters.
*10. To help solve problems not create them.
*11. To respect the rights of all MFI members.
*12. To take and accept responsibility for your actions, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes.
=== - [4.] STANDARDS OF CONDUCT === </center>
In rare circumstances, individuals have failed to abide by the Rights and Responsibilities outlined above.  While we make every effort to resolve problems and we (under the principles of IDIC) welcome anyone to be a member, we do NOT tolerate abusive, damaging, and/or threatening behavior.  '''MFI reserves the right to refuse/rescind membership to those deemed "abusive" by the Coordinator Council/Advisory Council.'''
=== - [5.] TIER SYSTEM === </center>
While you can choose how much you wish to participate, there is a rule designed to prevent individual burn out and other problems. The Tier Policy or the 'One hat per Level' rule. Under normal situations we require members to hold a maximum of ONE position within any given Tier as outlined below.  Ambitious members may still hold ONE position in each of the Tier levels if they so choose (and many do).
====Tier I====
Coordinator Council<br>
====Tier II====
Zone Coordinator<br>
Branch Head<br>
Department Head<br>
Vice CC Position<br>
====Tier III====
Division Head<br>
Vice Zone Coordinator<br>
Vice Branch Head<br>
Academy Dean<br>
====Tier IV====
Cell/Unit Commanding Officer<br>
=== - [6.] RANK AND ADVANCEMENT WITHIN MFI === </center>
Now that we have some of the basic ideas of membership out of the way, a common question comes quickly to mind:  How do I get promoted?  Don't be ashamed of asking this question.  All of us like some type of promotion.
==== [a.] Basic Concept Of Promotion====
Promotion involves participation within and contributions to MFI.  What you put into your membership is what you will get out of it. If you participate you are going to get promoted.  It is as simple as that.  Members are encouraged to participate at the chapter, zone, and international levels. 
==== [b.] New Member Rank====
All new members begin at the rank given by their respective CO’s.  If you join a chapter, your initial rank and promotion will then be determined by the promotion policy of that chapter. If you are transferring from another Star Trek fan club, MFI will accept whatever rank you held in that organization, providing you submit MFI with the proper documentation.  No new member will recieve rank above Captain. This documentation can be a letter from your previous chapter or organizational officer or a promotion certificate from your previous chapter/club.  If you wish to transfer your rank then send the documentation with your application so it can be entered in our central membership database. Appendix D contains the MFI rank structure.
==== [c.] Chapter Promotion Policy====
Your chapter commanding officer, president, or chairperson is responsible for establishing your chapter's promotion policy for the ranks of Commander/Lieutenant Colonel and below.  Some chapters may have promotion point guidelines where you earn a required number of points for promotion.  Other chapters may use promotion boards where each member's contributions are discussed and a vote is taken whether or not to promote the member. Still other chapters might use a combination of the two.  Your chapter chairperson will have more details on club promotions.  If he doesn't tell you, then ask. 
==== [d.] Captain/Colonel Promotion====
<font color=red>(Rob added)What??  We never had this. A Member may Promote themself up to Capt/Col. The issue is with Flag Ranks<font color=yellow><br>
The rank of Captain/Colonel may be awarded in one of three ways:
#It may be awarded by a recommendation of a Coordinator Council Member to Commanders/Lt. Colonels who have earned it.  This can be for meritorious promotions or accepting positions within the International organization that demands such a rank
#Upon becoming President of an operational (chartered) chapter.
#Chapter Chairpersons of flag/general officer rank may promote members of their chapter to the rank of Captain/Colonel.
==== [e.] Captain/Colonel Promotion Nomination====
Any member can nominate a person for promotion to these ranks.  To nominate a member to the rank of Captain/Colonel and above you must submit promotion nomination information to the Promotion Board Chairman who is the Chief of Staff.  Appendix E contains further information on the MFI promotion policy and nomination procedures.
==== <font color=red>(Rob added)[f.] Force Captain/Colonel Promotion====
The rank of Force Captain/Colonel is the first "Flag" rank in MFI and may be awarded in one way:
#It may be awarded by a recommendation of a Coordinator Council Member to Captains/Colonels who have earned it.  This can be for meritorious promotions or accepting positions within the International organization that demands such a rank
== <div align="left"> <font color=red>COMMAND STAFF</font color>==
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==== [f.] Promotion Authority For "Flag" Ranks====
The IC is the final authority on all "Promotion Board" promotions.  For those members who are in positions with promotion authority: you cannot promote yourself.  If a Flag Promotion is warranted due to "virtue of position" that the member is appointed to, they may be granted a “Brevet" rank until such time as they complete a “probationary" period and prove to the CC that they have or are making strides toward fulfilling the requirements for that position.
|width=200px|'''Persona / Bio'''
==== [g.] Promotion Notes====
A few words are needed about promotions. 
*First of all you don't have to hold a high office in MFI to be promoted to Captain or the flag ranks.  There are not that many positions to go around. There are hard working and dedicated members at all levels within MFI who are worthy of promotion.  Just because you work hard at the chapter level doesn't mean that you don't have a chance to get promoted to the ranks above Commander/Lt. Colonel.
*Second, these ranks are fictitious and do not mean that one member is superior to another and must NEVER be used to belittle or demean a member.  Such things as hazing, pulling rank, and expecting exclusive privileges can get you in trouble quickly in MFI whether you are an Admiral, a Crewman, or a Technician.  These ranks are for FUN and are only used to give a Trek feel to the organization. They are not real. You don't get any material benefits from having them.
*Third, rank is awarded for service and responsibility within MFI and not for political favors.
*Lastly, authority is sometimes confused with rank.  These are two different ideas.  Rank is fictitious while authority is real.  The authority of the Coordinator Council, Zone Coordinators, and Chapter Chairpersons is given to them in order to do their administrative and management jobs within MFI.  They must be able to make policies and guidelines in order for MFI to function.  This authority makes the FUN possible.  The watchword for both rank and authority is SERVICE.
=== - [7.] AWARDS === </center>
The MFI awards program is another way of recognizing a job well done by a member.  Let's face it, you like to have your ego stroked every now and then.  Awards do just that.  These awards may be certificates of achievement, commendations, ribbons, or plaques.  Each chapter and zone is encouraged to set up some type of recognition program for its members.  At the international level, awards are given to members and chapters for service to the organization, leadership, heroic acts, community service, and outstanding projects.
=== - [8.] MEMBERSHIP MATERIALS === </center>
MFI is a totally free organization. As such, we do not issue anything in the way of membership materials (items) as some fan clubs do except for the information provided on our web site.  The emphasis on providing such material relies on collecting dues and/or fees to support them.  MFI believes that fandom should be free and, as such, we do everything electronically to keep the cost of operating our organization to a level where we do not require any collection of funds from the membership.  We provide you with a free contact page on our website, access to the BADLANDS (MFI’s newsletter in PDF format), a listing of every chapter in the organization through our website’s cellfinder, and access to the public listserv for the free exchange of ideas, opinions, and discussions with fellow MFI members and chapters.  We also host the Maquis Academy where you can take exams essential to being members such as our New Member Exam and Leadership Development Exam, in addition to a plethora of "fun" exams in areas of Trek.  All of these exams result in the issuing of a certificate in PDF format which you can print and display.
=== - [9.0] COMMUNICATIONS === </center>
MFI believes that an informed and communicating membership is an active and caring membership.  MFI wants you to know what is going on and to participate in it's many discussions.  Members are encouraged to ask questions, make inquires, and share opinions with fellow members and MFI officials. In MFI, communication is a two-way street.  You talk and MFI officials will listen and try to help you.
MFI does have other some specialized communications.  These are the international newsletter, the public and special interest listservs, ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, and the IRC Chat Room.
==== [a.] ''BADLANDS'' - The International Newsletter====
This is the "official" written publication of MFI.  You will read about various activities and events within MFI such as chapter social events, projects, and community service functions.  You might even get some ideas of activities that you might want to suggest to your chapter to do.  The BADLANDS spreads the fun around.  You will also see articles about Star Trek.  After all MFI is a Star Trek fan club.  Finally, there is business to be discussed.  This is where positions are advertised, new services are revealed, and MFI policies are announced.  If you like to write, draw, take pictures, or know of something Trek related that you would like to share with your fellow members then submit articles, artwork, and pictures.
Your contribution will make the Chief of Communications' day.  He may not be able to promote you, but he can put YOUR name in print. A word to all of you budding reporter: In no way does "The BADLANDS" or any other MFI publication intend to encroach or infringe upon any patent, trademark, or copyright held by Viacom Inc., Paramount Pictures, Lincoln Enterprises, or the Estate of Gene Roddenberry.  All rights are reserved to these organizations and entities.  If you are not sure about something you want to write about, photograph, or draw then ask our Chief of Communications for submission guidelines.
==== [b.] "Cyberspace" -- Electronic Communications====
As an MFI member you can request access to our listserv and enjoy e-mail exchanges with other MFI members.  Through the listserv you will be able discuss issues and policy within MFI, ask questions, ask for assistance from MFI officers, and talk about Trek.  Using email, for instance, you can ask Computer Operations about your membership and receive a personal reply. Often MFI officers will participate in chats where they will be live on-line to answer questions and just meet, greet, and talk to members.  Just as the BADLANDS is the official written communications medium of MFI, the listserv is the official electronic communications medium of MFI.  <font color=red>The "Maquis-Members" listserv is open for '''''any''''' MFI member to subscribe to.<font color=yellow>  Although the Chapter CO & XO are '''''required''''' to subscribe to the "Maquis-Members" email list, '''''All''''' members are '''''encouraged''''' to subscribe.<font color=yellow>  If you would like access to the listserv contact the MFI HQ through the wiki at [[ListFAQ| Maquis Listserv]] for further details. 
When using the public listserv or the specialized interest listservs (discussed later in Chapter 5), it is helpful that you identify yourself when posting messages.  We understand that members may create their own "personas" and wish to be identified in that manner for membership, however not everyone in MFI speaks Klingon, Romulan, Vulcan, or whatever.  It is suggested for the mere purpose of politeness and professionalism to other members to identify yourself using you real name as well when posting to these listservs.
*Force Admiral Gary Davis "Selek of Vulcan"
*Force Admiral Gary "Selek of Vulcan" Davis
*Force Admiral Selek of Vulcan (Gary Davis)
=====Signature Blocks=====
Also on the subject of posting to the listservs, it is requested that "signature blocks" be limited in size as much possible.  If signature lines can be restrained to four lines of text, it will help considerably when we factor in the amount of bandwidth that is required to transmit our listserv over the web.  For some members, this is not a factor since they sign their messages simply.  Others wish to display their titles, web page, and other identifying information.  These signature blocks are welcome as they allow members to provide their "credentials" in fandom, email addresses, and websites.  However, we do need to temper signature lines to ensure that they don’t overwhelm the list in their content, which may detract from your message and distract members when reviewing listserv messages.  This is especially true when send short messages or replies.  The signature block shouldn't overwhelm the message.
|width=350px|<font color=red>'''Commanding Officer'''</font><br>
=== - [1.] INTRODUCTION === </center>
Admiral Laura Hartwell<br>
Now that we have discussed your membership within MFI, let's look at how your fan club is organized.  Earlier we mentioned that MFI's major division is the Coordinator Council (CC). The function of the CC shall be to create and enforce policies, coordinate the various departments assigned within, and serve as advisors to chapters and members alike. The CC shall be the final authority in the interpretation of the Constitution and of the policies and procedures of the organization.  The CC is charged with setting the over-all policy for the organization and management of the organization.  Policies and issues voted on by the CC require a three-fourths (3/4) vote for passage of those members voting.  All votes must have at least a quorum present to vote on any polices or issues involving MFI.  The CC has no authority over individual chapters beyond the enforcement of MFI policies and violation of said policies.  The internal affairs of said chapters are their own in regard to make up, involvement in MFI and other organizations, activities, and promotions up to the rank of said chapter chairperson.
Snohomish, Washington USA<br>
|width=200px|"Goody" - [[User:Lhartwell|Bio]]
=== - [2.] THE COORDINATOR COUNCIL === </center>
|width=100px|[mailto:Lhartwell@maquis.com http://www.maquis.com/ranks/pip_adm_upd.jpg]
====[a.] MFI International Coordinator(IC)/Force Admiral (FADM)/President====
The IC is the head of the CC is in charge of all meetings of the CC, unless absent or delegated. The IC is charged with ensuring that all information pertaining to organization policy changes is delivered to the CC members in a timely and reasonable fashion and shall serve as a reference for all CC members and organization members. The IC of the CC is by virtue the Commander and upon taking office, the Flag of the Force is transferred to the ship upon which the IC is a member. The IC is the President of the organization, and is responsible in every way for everything that occurs. The IC presides over the entire organization and is responsible for the well being of everyone connected with the organization.  
====[b.] Vice International Coordinator (VIC)/Vice President====
The VIC is the second in command of MFI and shall preside over the CC in the IC’s absence. The VIC is responsible for the smooth operation of the organization as a whole, including the commissioning and decommissioning of <font color=red>Branches, Divisions and <font color=yellow>Departments.  The Vice International Coordinator will be responsible for all issue resolutions beyond the purview of the Chief of Staff.  The VIC is to represent the ideas of the IC to the organization and to the CC; and shall represent the club as a whole to the international community and to other fan clubs.
====[c.] Chief of Staff (COS)====
The COS is the third in the chain of command of the organization.  Serves as the IC in the absence of the IC and the VIC.  The COS serves as an advisor to the IC and VIC and represents the views of the organization to the CC.  The COS also coordinates the various departments of MFI and oversees their smooth operation through liaison with the CC, Department Heads, and the Vice International Coordinator
====[d.] Chief of Operations (COO)====
Coordinates and oversees force activities.  Serves as the primary liaison with <font color=red>MFI's <font color=yellow>chapters through the Zone Coordinators and directs matters pertaining to operational forces within MFI.  Coordinates the various departments and oversees their smooth operation through liaison with the department heads and the COS.
====[e.] Chief of Communications (COC)====
Responsible for overall communications within the organization.  Provides a Moderator for the MFI Mail Listserv, officially announces vacancies of positions within MFI, serves as liaison with chapter Comm Officers, heads the team which publishes the newsletter, and coordinates the inputs from the chapters for addition to the publication.
====[f.] Chief of Computer Operations (COCO)==== 
Coordinates and maintains all electronic data and services employed by Maquis Forces International.  The COCO is responsible for the support, maintenance, and updating of the Maquis Forces International website.
====[g.] Academy Commandant (ACAD)====
Coordinates and maintains the Maquis Academy web pages. Heads the Academy Staff and Deans of the various colleges.  Oversees the functioning of the Academy and supervises the administration of Academy courses, exam grading, and assignment of pass/fail certificates.
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=== - [3.] ZONE COORDINATORS (ZC) === </center>
Zone Coordinators serve as the official representative of their respective Zone and, as such, represent the will of their Zone, their chapters, and their members to the CC and vice versa. Provides liaison between the COO and the chapters assigned within their geographical area. ZC's are charged with apprising the COO and the CC of any changes in chapter status, contact information, or activities such as conventions or Zone Conferences. Zone Coordinators are required to submit Monthly Zone Reports to the MFI COO.
==== [a.] Vote of Confidence ====
Every two years MFI conducts a Vote of Confidence.  If the current leadership maintains the confidence of the membership, that IC and his Council stay in power.  In the event that the membership loses confidence in the IC, or the IC decides to step down or retire, general elections will be held. Appendix C discusses the elective process in greater detail.
==== [b.] Zone Elections ====
Zone Elections are held according to election procedures set up by each zone. Zones may determine their own candidate qualifications, nomination process, election procedures, and length of term of office for their Zone Coordinator.  Appendix C also discusses Zone Elections.
==== [c.] Your Vote, Your Voice ====
It is very important that you, as a member of MFI, VOTE in these elections.  This is one way that your voice can be heard on how MFI should be governed.  Be sure to exercise this privilege whenever you can.  It is your right.  You also have the opportunity to participate in the governing levels of MFI by becoming a candidate for office.
=== - [5.] THE CHAPTER === </center>
A chapter is defined as being the local fan club providing structure for individual members.  The individual chapter is the focus of all activities for MFI.  What this document and the organization itself is centered on is the Chapter and members which comprise it.  Chapters are charged with maintaining contact with the organization be it with their Zone Coordinator or the CC itself.  They provide a forum for members to congregate, participate in activities, provide presence within MFI, and develop a sense of team.
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Now that we have discussed the MFI organization and had a brief overview of the chapter’s focus within MFI, let's discuss the HEART of our organization, the Chapter, in greater detail.
'''Author: <member rank=upper>MFI-RM-35</member>'''<br>
=== - [1.] INTRODUCTION === </center>
'''Last Updated: 14 Nov 2006<BR>'''<div align="left">
As the membership is the foundation of MFI, the chapter is the primary building block of the organization.  Within MFI there is no such thing as the average or typical chapter.  Perhaps you might be interested in forming a chapter. The procedures will be explained to you later in this chapter.
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[[Main Page|Site Map]]
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==== [a.] Structure ====
Each chapter is structured essentially the same with standard chapter officers such as a commanding officer or president, an executive officer or vice-president, and various department heads like Engineering, Operations, Security, Medical, and Special Forces.  Each chapter has the same reporting, minimum membership number, and chapter Commanding Officer requirements.  <br>
==== [b.] Activity ====
Chapters also have their own personalities. 
*Some chapters are primarily social groups. 
*Others like to gather around the TV and enjoy pizza, popcorn, and soft drinks while watching any variety of Star Trek. 
*Still others like to do lots of community service activities. 
*There are chapters that are active in "role play", starship design, gaming, make-up, costuming, and writing. 
*Others like to do their own Star Trek plays, skits, and episodes. 
*Then there are those chapters who like to do everything. 
=== - [2.] CHAPTER CATEGORIES === </center>
Chapters fall into two broad categories: Meeting chapters and Online chapters. Let's examine both so you can decide what type of chapter you would like to belong to.
==== [a.] Meeting Chapters ====
Meeting chapters are the most common and typically are made up of members who live relatively close to one another.  They are able to gather on a regular basis to have meetings and other activities.  Often they will have a structured business meeting where they plan social and/or community service activities.  They enjoy doing things together.  The majority of MFI chapters are this type of chapter.  In most cases meeting chapters report to the Zone Coordinator of the Zone in which they are physically located.  For further information about meeting chapters contact the Chief of Operations.
==== [b.] Online Chapters ====
These chapters are either electronic or correspondence chapters.  They are designed for members who either do not live close to a meeting chapter or who just enjoy writing, distance correspondence, and virtual participation.  Sometimes these chapters have international members.  Online chapters may write fictional collective or individual stories about their chapter's adventures set in the Trek universe.  They like to produce newsletters and correspond with each other on a regular basis.  Club business is conducted through postal mail or email.  Online chapters may be electronic, postal mail, or a combination of the two.  These chapters collectively have their own Zone Coordinator to whom they report their activities.  As a matter of courtesy they also send a report to the Zone Coordinator of the Zone in which the commanding officer or president is physically located.  For further information on these types of chapters contact the Zone VR Coordinator.
=== - [3.] FLEET DESIGNATIONS === </center>
==== [a.] Chapter Fictional Fleet Designations==== 
To give MFI a more Trek feel, chapters like to pretend that they are either vessels, installations, or specialized units originating from Trek groups such as the Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Dominion, Borg, or others.  They will name themselves after vessels, starbases, and space stations seen in the Star Trek universe or they will create their own names.  After all, we've gotten to see only a small portion of the Trek universe so there is much room for creativity.  These chapters have an almost unlimited choice of names and chapter types with a few exceptions that are reserved exclusively for MFI use. <font color=red>For continuity of being a Maquis Forces International Ship, the chapter's Ship name should contain the prefix "MFS" (in place of "USS")<font color=yellow>.
Force vessels are by far the most numerous within MFI. Some chapters are dreadnoughts, frigates, science vessels, scouts, freighters, tugs, command and control vessels, battleships, and exploratory cruisers.  Chapters choose designs from the Star Trek series or in some cases they will design their own.
With the popularity of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Voyager, some chapters have decided to become starbases, space stations, shipyards, communications stations, research facilities, and even embassies and consulates.  Chapters use designs from the series or they will design their own installations.
==== [b.] Special Sub Units ====
Members can also form specialized units "embarked" aboard MFI chapters to add to the FUN.  These units can be in the form of Marine Detachments (MarDets), Special Forces Teams (SpecOps Teams), or Klingon Soldier cells.  These units are part of the MFI Branches to be discussed later in this manual.  These units are made up of personnel assigned to the "conventional" MFI chapter, but can be considered entities unto themselves if they so desire and meet specific criteria.
==== [c.] HQ Assistance ====
MFI HQ will be glad to assist any chapter in selecting and submitting vessel or installation designs.  Remember that Star Trek and Star Trek related designs and configurations are, for the most part, copyrighted and fully protected properties of Paramount Pictures Corporation, Viacom Inc, Lincoln Enterprises Inc, and/or the estate of Gene Roddenberry.  MFI can not assume any responsibility for chapters who violate copyright, trademark, and patent laws.
==== [d.] Special Designations ====
With the addition of the various divisions of MFI, chapters can also choose Marine designations as well as further specialized designations (such as the Special Forces Teams).  We have also started adding branches for those members that would like to carry the persona of different aliens.  MFI has a Klingon branch where chapters and members can carry their personas from their Klingon fan clubs into MFI.
==== [e.] Designation Limitations ====
It was mentioned earlier that some designations have limited use.
*Maquis Headquarters - Maquis Headquarters is fictional and is assumed to be located in the Badlands as mentioned in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.  MFI Headquarters is for use by the whole Coordinator Council. 
*MFI Flagship - The MFI Flagship is the chapter designated by the IC as his/her flagship. 
*Command Vessel/Command Installation - Command designation is reserved for exclusive use as the primary chapter of individual Council members. 
*Zone Starbase - Zone Starbase is the designation used by each Zone Coordinator for his/her personal zone headquarters. 
==== [f.] Identification ====
For the purposes of identification in MFI, chapters will carry a designation which identifies them as a unit of MFI.  Ships (Starships, Runabouts, etc) and Stations (Space Stations, Outposts, etc) will carry the designation of:
*MFS (Maquis Forces Ship or Station)
*MFS-M (Maquis Forces Ship or Station (Marine))
*MNAS (Maquis Naval Air Station)
*RN (Runabout)
*MarDet (Marine Detachment)
Usage of USS, IKV, etc which are used to identify chapters in other organizations are not suggested identification for MFI chapters for the use of identifying said chapters in official MFI reports, websites, etc.  Alternative designations as proposed by the chapter chairperson can be routed through their Zone Coordinator for approval from the CC.
=== - [4.] CHAPTER CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM === </center>
How Can I Form a Chapter?  You may have shopped around your local area and found that there is no local chapter near you or the local chapter does not meet your fan needs, or does not meet at a convenient day or place.  You decide you don't want to join an online chapter so you begin to think about maybe forming your own chapter. The MFI Chapter Construction Program assists members in forming their own chapters.  It will also help them in recruiting new members, motivating existing members to participate more in chapter activities and, most important of all, having FUN in the shortest period of time with the least possible work involved.  Let's look at the program and see how it works.
The Chapter construction program is made up of two parts.  The first part is for chapters that are just beginning and the second part is for already existing chapters that are either transferring from another Trek fan organization or are independent chapters seeking membership with MFI.
==== [a.] New Chapter Formation==== 
Let's say that you are beginning from scratch and are forming a new chapter.  You and a couple of your friends have talked it over and you have decided to try the idea to see if you can do it and if it will work. You will go through three phases:  Formation, Construction, and finally Operational.
=====Formation Phase=====
You may be part of an existing chapter who wishes to form a separate chapter or you may be starting out all alone.  During this phase chapters express their intention of becoming a full chapter at a later date but they are not sure if they can actually carry the project through.  This is the phase to see if you and your friends have what it takes to become an MFI chapter.
Formation Chapters operate with the assistance of a support chapter which monitors progress, provides assistance, and offers guidance where and when needed. This support chapter can be a local chapter close to you, an online chapter that you seek assistance from, or even the MFI flagship herself and the Coordinator Council. 
Next you must get together and decide on a name.  After all, MFI wants to be able to call you by a personalized name rather than just a number.  Now you need to register your name. You will then need to fill out an application on the MFI website and fill in the chapter information such as city of charter and how many members you have.  Upon MFI HQ receiving your application, you are officially recognized as a newly formed chapter in MFI and placed in the Academy Squadron.
=====Construction Phase=====
When your application has been received by the Application Department, your contact page will be formatted with the details of your chapter.  The required information for the contact page is the following:
*1. City of Charter
*2. Name of Chapter
*3. CO’s Name
*4. CO’s Email Address
*5. XO’s Name
*6. XO’s Email Address
*7. Chapter Mailing Address
*8. Website (if applicable)
When the above information is received, your contact page goes online and can be viewed on the website at the MFI Cell Locator.  Once we input your chapter members into the database, each chapter member will be assigned a MFI "serial number", a userid, and password to access Members Only areas.  Your CO's userid and password are doubly important as they will allow the chapter chairperson to vote on amendments to the MFI Constitution, in general elections, and any processes which require MFI to request guidance from the general membership.  During this initial period of construction and coordination, chapters are considered to be on "probation" for three months, which allows you time to finish all these exams and participate in one reporting cycle.
|- align=left |
|1. New Member Exam (LDS 101)
|<br><font size="8">'''MFS Rotterdam'''
| width=100px |
| All members of chapter
|- align=left |
|2. Leadership Development Exam
| width=100px |
| (LDS 201) CO and XO only
|- align=left |
|3. Three months of monthly reports
| width=100px |
| Use Quarterly Report Form
|- align=left |
|4. Branch Specific Courses
| width=100px |
| Marines, SpecFor, KTF
|- align=left |
|5. Subscribing to the Maquis Listserv
| width=100px |
| Chapter Chairperson or Designated Other
=====Operational Phase=====
The waiting period is finally up and your chapter is ready to be commissioned as a fully operational chartered MFI chapter.  Upon completion of the above requirements the Commanding Officer sends a request to the Academy Commandant for graduation to the Resistance Force or their respective Department.  Upon approval, the chapter will be placed on the rolls of their respective Zone or Department and they will become full-fledged chapters in MFI.
Should a chapter not be approved for any type of upgrade, that chapter may appeal the action to the International Coordinator with documentation and justification for approval. The Coordinator Council will then make the decision to upgrade or not upgrade the chapter.  Should a chapter be denied upgrade at any level, the chapter may resubmit their request one month after the denial.  The chapter will be provided with an explanation of why their upgrade request was denied and recommendations to help them obtain upgrade.  The Zone Coordinator and the Support Chapter will also be informed of the denial action.
==== [b.] Existing Chapter Commissioning ====
Maybe you are a member of an already existing Star Trek Club whether it be independent or previously affiliated with MFI.  What does your club do to become part of MFI's Phoenix Fleet?  Your chapter would be considered an existing chapter.  Existing chapters are chapters who are transferring to MFI from another organization, returning to MFI after having broken their previous MFI involvement, are independent, or are seeking dual affiliation with MFI. 
===== Transfer/Dual Affiliation =====
Chapters seeking this option are guaranteed recognitition of all previously held rank (up to Naval Captain), awards, and schools attended. They will retain their previous vessel/installation name and designation. (This last is only in the case of chapters who were previous members of other organizations.)
===== Previous MFI Chapters =====
For returning MFI Chapters:
*Any chapter that left MFI under "friendly" circumstances, or entered into an inactive period voluntarily will retain their status and achievements from the time they left.
*Any that went dark, were sent away, or left under "hostile" circumstances will be subject to review and probation conditions to be determined on a case by case basis. 
===== Identification =====
If duplication of chapter name and number occurs within MFI due to dual affiliations, or chapters joining MFI from other organizations, a Roman Numeral suffix will be added at the end of the chapter name of the chapter affiliating or joining MFI (example MFS Star Empire II/NCC-2116).
===== Evaluation and Petition =====
An existing chapter should petition the Membership Department to join the ranks of the MFI chapters by submitting sufficient information to confirm that they are indeed a fully functioning chapter as well as filling out a normal MFI application.  These items may include copies of existing chapter newsletters, articles of chapter activities, and anything else you feel would assist the Membership Department in making this determination.  It is a good idea to contact the Membership Department before sending in your initial request so that you will have a better understanding of what is to be expected of your chapter.
From this point forward, the process is the same as for any other chapter trying to achieve operational status.  Information on the chapter transfer or affiliation can be obtained from the Membership Department.  Existing chapters can petition the Coordinator Council for immediate full chapter status and bypass the "Probationary Chapter" status.  Determinations of this kind require the endorsement of your Zone Coordinator and one Coordinator Council member to serve as your "sponsor".
==== [c.] Chapter Status ====
Your MFI Chapter may fall into one of five status categories.  These are: Under Construction, Probationary, Operational, Dry Docked, and Decommissioned.  
*'''Under Construction''' - If your chapter is designated as "Under Construction" it means that the chapter is preparing to become a fully chartered MFI chapter.  This is a time for building for the chapter.  The chapter is concentrating on building its membership, playing and participating in activities, organizing its command structure, having fun, and taking advantage of MFI membership services.  This is a "training period" for the new chapter.
Return [[Main_Page|Site Index]]
*'''Probationary Chapter''' - During this three-month "probationary" period, members of these chapters are getting to know MFI policies and procedures, taking exams, and doing the fine-tuning associated with the formation of a new chapter.  Members should be subscribed to the listserv, as well as seeking out other members and chapters via email and chat programs for advice or guidance.  
<div align="center">
<font size="5">Maquis Forces International Chapters <br>
<font size="4">MFS Delevhas
<div align="left">
| <br>
Maquis Forces - <br>
MFS Delevhas <br><br>
Commanding Officer<br>
Admiral Tom Donohoe<br>
*'''Operational''' - If you belong to an operational chapter, you are the part of a fully chartered group.  Your Chapter has met all MFI requirements to obtain a charter of commission.  Your chapter has organized activities such as community service, social functions, and Trek events.  Your chapter has proven to MFI that it can have "Fun."
[mailto:tndonohoe@hotmail.com *Click Here To Open Hailing Frequencies! ]
*'''Dry Dock''' -
Executive Officer<br><br>
**Sometimes chapters have problems such as recruiting, member retention, or are suffering from "burn out" and need some assistance in maintaining MFI minimum chapter standards.  Rather than letting the chapter just fade away, MFI HQ offers assistance.  This temporary "Let me Help" Program is called "Dry Dock."  It permits a chapter to take a breather and to re-concentrate its efforts on becoming an active and dynamic chapter.
**For a period of 60 to 120 days the Chief of Operations, the appropriate Zone Coordinator, and a "volunteer" support ship coordinate to provide support.  They assist the chapter to regain fully operational status as soon as possible, thus allowing FUN to start again.  Often this assistance may consist of new and different meeting ideas, officer training, multi-chapter events, and recruiting assistance. 
**A chapter chairperson may request Dry Dock Status by contacting his Zone Coordinator.  The Zone Coordinator will then contact the Chief of Operations, who will place the chapter in Dry Dock.  The Chief of Operations may place a chapter in Dry Dock status after notification of the chapter chairperson and appropriate Zone Coordinator.
**Being in Dry Dock is not a disgrace.  A chapter in Dry Dock is not branded as a "bad chapter" but rather a chapter who needs some help and a big group hug.  This is what MFI HQ is here for -- to give that hug.  When the chapter and the support ship both feel that the chapter is ready to come out of dry dock status, they will send an email (showing that all minimum MFI requirements have been met) to the Zone Coordinator.  The Zone Coordinator will endorse it and forward it to the Chief of Operations.  The Chief of Operations will then return the chapter to operational status.
**Drydocked chapters will be placed in "Zone L" until such time as the chapter petitions to be reactivated and they become, once again, a viable chapter.  Their status will be immediately reactivated without any probation period or further interruption in their status as a full-fledged chapter.
*'''Decommissioned''' - We must face it that sometimes chapters fail.  They may have lost interest, members may have moved away or on to other things in their lives or they could not maintain the MFI minimum standards. These chapters are no longer considered active and are decommissioned.  That is they are no longer considered to be a chartered chapter. Decommissioning is the absolute last step for a chapter who is having problems maintaining MFI minimum standards. It is NOT a means of discipline for a "Problem Chapter." The Chief of Operations has the authority to decommission chapters upon the recommendation of the Zone Coordinator, the support ship (if required), and the chapter commanding officer.  All chapters are afforded the opportunity to go into Dry Dock status before decommissioning procedures are started.  MFI does not involuntarily decommission a chapter.
Chapter Information: <br>
<br><i>Postal Contact</i><br><br>
[mailto:tndonohoe@hotmail.com Delevhas CO]
<font size="2">
A former chapters name and registry number is retained for at least a year just in case that chapter may choose to reorganize and re-enter MFI.  These chapters and those that have gone dark will be placed in our "Zone L" (lost chapters)You have the option of transferring to another chapter, selecting a different membership category, or forming a new chapter.
== RP Sim Directory variant ==
<div align="left">
|[[Image:Mfi logo small60.gif]]
|<font size="5"><center><font color="blue">'''MAQUIS FORCES INTERNATIONAL'''
<font size="1"><font color="aqua">
<font size="4">'''OFFICIAL SIM PROJECT'''<br>
{| style="margin:0 auto; width: 98%;text-align:center; background-color:black" class="toccolours"
! style="background-color: Red;" colspan="2" | <font color="black"> <span style="float: center"> NOTICE: Welcome to the <u>'''Official MFI SIM Department'''</u>All ranks, ships, personnel, and events are Role-PlayAll events, statements, and opinions are simply in the spirit of FUN and play. To return to the "REAL" MFI pages, click here: [[Main Page|MFI Home]]  </span>
| SIM Command Links: [[MFI RP SIM|SIM Home]] | [[MFI RP SIM/MCC-105074|New Voyager]] | [[MFI RP SIM/Shuttle-Enterprise|SIM Academy]] | [[MFI_RP_SIM/Edicts|Edicts]] | [[MFI_RP_SIM/Join|Join the SIM]] | [[Template:RP SIM Header|Header Maint]] | [[MFI RP SIM/starbase225|__]]
<div align="left">
If you have any questions concerning your chapter's status, contact your chapter chairperson further details.
{| id="toc" style="margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" align="right"
! style="background:green" align="center" | [[MFI RP SIM/MCC-105074|MFS New Voyager]]<br>[[Sovereign Class|Sovereign Class]]
| style="font-size: 90%" |
* '''LCARS System'''
** [[MFI RP SIM/MCC-105074/Roster|Current Crew Roster]]
=== - [1.] INTRODUCTION ===
** [[MFI RP SIM/MCC-105074/Crew-History|Crew History]]
** [[MFI RP SIM/MCC-105074/NPC-List|NPC Listing]]
Maquis Forces International is currently made of up four separate, yet distinct, divisions which comprise the operational forces of the Maquis.  Branches add a little "flavor" to being a Maquis chapter and are individually distinct yet still MAQUIS oriented.  The branches consist of the Naval, Marine, Special Forces, and Klingon arenas.  The chapters belonging to the specific branches add a few "layers" within the reporting structure associated with their chapter, but still follow a "linear" chain of command.  This chain starts with them and ends with the Chief of Operations who then relays their reports to the Coordinator Council.  Utilizing the quarterly reporting tool (which is on the website) chapters or units report their activity which is routed appropriately.
** [[MFI RP SIM/MCC-105074/Promotion-Log|Promotion Records]]
* '''Mission Logs'''
==== [a.] Naval ==== 
** [[MFI RP SIM/MCC-105074/Mission-Logs/NV-001|Forward to Cardassia]]
Our Naval Forces are comprised of ships that were liberated or appropriated from major star faring powers such as Starfleet and the Klingon and Romulan Empire. Other ships have been constructed by the Maquis themselves in a secret Badlands Drydock. Our Naval Forces support the other three, providing defense, support, and transportation for the fulfillment of their missions.  
** [[MFI RP SIM/MCC-105074/Mission-Logs/NV-002|Ferengi Gone, Ferengi Gone]]
* '''Officer Logs'''
** [[MFI RP SIM/MCC-105074/CO-Log|Commanding Officer Log]]
** [[MFI RP SIM/MCC-105074/XO-Log|Executive Officer Log]]
* [http://lists.maquis.com/mailman/listinfo/maquis-sim New Voyager Listserv]
* [http://lists.maquis.com/pipermail/maquis-sim/ New Voyager Listserv Archives]
==== [b.] Marines ==== 
The Maquis Forces Marine Corp (MFMC) are our ground forces used to secure hostile planetary targets, as well as providing support and defense.  Operating in small and large units, they are transported to planets and outposts (in and out of the Badlands) by Naval ships as well as specially commissioned Marine ships.  Tasked with maintaining safety for Maquis Forces and citizens alike, the MFMC appeals those who want the down to earth, ground-pounder feel in their experience.  For those that want that feeling, we’ve got something (field medic, infantry, heavy artillery, etc) for everyone and a job for every type of person.  The motto for the MFMC is "In Virtue and Honesty" [Vitute Et Probitate].  The Marines are an honorable addition to Maquis Forces International.
==== [c.] Special Forces ====
Two Divisions constitute the Special Forces Department (SpecForc).  The Special Operations Command (SOC) and Special Security Division (SSD). 
*'''Special Operations Command (SOC)''' - When a personal touch is necessary for a mission, the SOC is called in.  These Operatives may work individually or as a team, but always in secret.  Utilizing the very latest in technology including (rumored) temporal starships, these Operatives protect the interests of the Maquis from intrusions by other covert agencies.  In addition, the SOC is responsible for obtaining new information and new technologies by any means possible, while preventing any developing Maquis technology from falling into outside hands. 
*'''Special Security Division (SSD)''' - The SSD investigates and reports on any high crimes committed against the Maquis or crimes committed by Maquis personnel.  They investigate and decisively neutralize any threat, whether internal or external, to the highest security levels of the Maquis Forces and Council.  SSD Agents are also directly responsible for the security and safety of the Coordinator Council and other high ranking Maquis officers.  Using conventional or unconventional methods, they exploit and eliminate any intelligence gathering attempts by enemy forces on Maquis resources or personnel.
==== [d.] Klingon ====
For those Maquis who have the "Warrior" spirit, we have the Klingon Task Force (KTF).  MFI is host to our own cadre of Klingons in the Badlands.  The Maquis Klingons can be a crew aboard their own liberated Imperial starship or ground force soldier detachments.  Whichever you choose, we have a place for you to wield your coveted Bat’leth or Disruptor as you serve with Honor.
=== - [2.] CHAIN OF COMMAND (Chain) === </center>
The purpose of a Chain of Command is to establish a clear path of authority from the individual Member, through their superiors, to the highest level of Command Authority. The Chain exists to facilitate the transfer of responsibility, authority, and information from one level of the organization to the next. Each position in the Chain has a clearly defined responsibility to the positions above it and below it.
When you have a problem or an idea that you want someone to consider, you should follow the Chain of Command to contact this person. This insures that everyone who is in the path of responsibility and authority is informed and aware of what is happening. To trace your particular Chain of Command within the organization, consult the accompanying illustration in Appendix A.  MFI employs a "linear" Chain of Command.  In simpler terms, from the lowest point on the ladder, reporting travels along a straight line up to the next rung of the ladder to the next and so on until reports reach the "top", the Coordinator Council.  For the most part, the Chain will consist of the Member, Chapter Chairperson, Zone Coordinator, and finally the Coordinator Council.  With the addition of the MFI Branches, there will exist one or more "echelon layers" between the Chapter Chairperson and the Zone Coordinator.  The bottom line is that there is always someone directly over you who is there to help with problems, offer advice, and take your reports. 
Refer to [[Handbook/Appendices |Appendix A]] for a chart of the MFI Chain of Command and the reporting structure. 
=== - [3.] BRANCH STATUS GUIDELINES === </center>
You might wonder why MFI does not have other Branches besides those already listed.  You might want to form a "new" Branch.  Practical considerations also suggest that existing Branches need to maintain a minimal level of members to be considered viable.  These are the guidelines for Branch status. 
==== [a.] Requests To Form A New Branch ==== 
*Shall be directed up the Chain of Command to the Coordinator Council. 
*Proposals for a new Branch require 20 or more initial members. 
Once approved, the new Branch is awarded Provisional Status for a period of six months.  During this period:
*A Branch Head must be selected, subject to approval by the CC.  Other staff is encouraged as needed. 
*Branch Members must create a Mission Statement and branch description (similar to what other Branches have). 
*Must maintain a minimum of 20 members during the provisional period. 
*The CC may extend the provisional period if the above conditions become difficult to maintain.
*On successful completion of this period, the Branch is awarded Full Status and becomes subject to the guidelines for existing Branches. 
==== [b.] Existing Branch Requirements ====
As a measure of a "healthy" Branch, a minimum membership is considered necessary for the Branch to maintain effectiveness.  Weak and dwindling Branches, if they continue to decline over time, can become an inefficient drain on resources in our Maquis struggle for continued freedom.
Existing Branch Guidelines: 
*Maintain membership of at least 10-15 members once achieving Full Status.
*If membership stays below 10 members for six months, Branch is placed on Probation Status.
*Probation Status allows a six month period to bring membership back up to 15 or more members. 
*If after a year (6+6 months) membership remains below 10 members, the Branch will be dis-established and placed in Inactive Status.  Remaining members will be transfered as a Department of another existing Branch. 
*Inactive Branches must follow guidelines for new Branches to be re-established. 
=== - [4.]<font color=blue> NAVAL</font> ===
==== [a.] Organization ==== 
From the smallest Naval unit to the largest, sequence of units shall be:
*Individual Operative/Agent 
*Listening Post
All of these units are organized into Geographical Zones.  There are no permanent groupings of units, as it is assumed that like our fictional Maquis brothers, we operate independently and alone. 
Designators for Naval Force chapters are as follows:
*LP – Listening Post
*RN - Runabout
*MFS – Maquis Forces Ship/Station
==== [b.] Unit Descriptions ====
*'''Operative/Agent'''.  One person chapters can be simple field "agents" for MFI.  They exist where no established chapter exists or where one is not desired.  Being a member of MFI does not mean that you have to belong to a group.  Many members just like being a part of a Maquis organization and exist on their own.  They can take the Academy courses as well as participate on the listserv, adding their opinions and input like any other unit.
*'''Listening Post'''.  LP’s can be established by either a small group or a lone person, who often belongs as part of another organization and wishes to "go Maquis".  "Real" Maquis comparisons would be Maquis spies aboard Starfleet starships or starbases who covertly aid the Maquis cause.
*'''Shuttlecraft/Runabout'''.  Small groups can be granted this designation as they first establish a chapter with minimal member numbers.  Members can opt for this designation or, if they prefer, become a fully functioning starship.  Whatever the unit members feel is appropriate or "FUN" is acceptable.  "Fun" is the key to this organization.
*'''Starship/Starbase'''.  A full-fledged Star Trek club is granted this designation no matter their size.  They can either be a chapter that is already established or one that is just forming.
==== [c.] Staff Descriptions ====
*'''Commanding Officer'''.  The "point man" for your chapter will be the Commanding Officer (CO).  The CO sets the tone for the entire chapter and is considered your Chapter Chairperson.  Whether your chapter is a two man Listening Post or a 30 man Starship, the CO is the point of contact between your membership and MFI.
*'''Chief Of Naval Operations (CNO)'''.  Coordinates and oversees force activities.  Serves as the primary liaison with Naval chapters via the Zone Coordinators.  Responsible for matters pertaining to operational Naval forces within MFI.  Coordinates the various Departments within the CNOs purview and oversees their smooth operation through liaison with the Department Heads and the COS
=== - [5.] <font color=green>MARINES</font> ===
==== [a.] Organization ====
The Marine Corps consists of highly trained, elite MFI ground forces whose primary mission is the assault and defense of planetary targets.  Due to the nature of the Maquis, Marines traditionally operate in small units and have specialized roles, although larger formations are not unheard of.  They are transported throughout the Badlands by Naval ships, as well as specially commissioned and outfitted Marine ships. 
The Corps has many specialized areas of service such as:
*Field Medic
*MEKK Armored Mobile Artillery
*Aerospace Aviation
Maquis Marine groundpounders are Maquis first and foremost.  The only prerequisite of becoming a Marine is to be a Maquis first. "Vitute et Probitate", the motto of the Corps, translates as "In Virtue and Honesty".
==== [b.] Unit Descriptions ====
From the largest field units to the individual Marine member, the Corps provides another "layer" of responsibility for MFI members.  The foundation of the Corps is the individual Marine. 
Marines fall into one of two categories:
*'''Active Duty Marine''' - An Active Duty Marine participates in MFI only as a Marine and they are known solely by their marine rank.  An Active Duty Marine serves within MFI primarily as a Marine. 
*'''Marine Reservist''' - A Reservist is a "sometimes" marine.  They "sometimes" use a marine rank and uniform.  A Reservist is usually known by their "other" rank and holds a Marine Commission as a Reserve Marine.  For example: They could participate in their Marine unit as a Marine but be Naval Officer otherwise.
In order to keep organization of the Corps during combat, every level of organization has been "named" and designated so that a specific Marine can be found quickly by keeping track of Unit forces.  Also note Chapters that have marine as their primary overall affliation have the designation of MFS-M.
A purely administrative grouping of Brigades, for the convenience of the Marine General Staff.  The Regimental OIC posting is supplemental, honorary, and only for the purpose of accepting Regimental reports for subsequent delivery to the General Staff.  Regimental OICs may appoint such staff officers as they see fit, pursuant to their reporting such appointments to the General Staff.
Members of a Regimental Staff position (TIER III) must:
(1) Be members of a cell chartered and currently active within that Regiment.
(2) Not violate MFI’s Tier policy regarding concurrent duties.
Regiments are numbered in order of creation:
|<div align="right"> First Marine Regiment </div align>
| <font color=black> - - - </font color>
| "First to Fight"
|<div align="right"> Second Marine Regiment </div align>
| <font color=black> - - - </font color>
| "Second to None"
|<div align="right"> Third Marine Regiment </div align>
| <font color=black> - - - </font color>
| "Bearers of Bad Luck"
|<div align="right"> Fourth Marine Regiment </div align>
| <font color=black> - - - </font color>
|"Four Aces"
|<div align="right"> Fifth Marine Regiment </div align>
| <font color=black> - - - </font color>
| "Death Dealers"
The largest combat field unit in the Marine Corps is the Brigade.  A Brigade is a self-contained entity in the Corps.  A Brigade’s mission MOS can be varied or consistent.  An average Brigade fictionally consists of approximately 24,000 officers and troops.  In real-life it is a purely administrative unit assigned to an MFI Zone and responsible for MFI marines within that Zone.  Primary Brigade OIC duties encompass liaison with the MFI Zone Commander and consulting other Brigade OICs. In Brigades large enough to warrant the need, Brigade OICs may charter staff officers to assist them with their functions.  Brigade OIC and Staff functions are all TIER III.
The largest Marine Corps unit to be assigned to a starship or garrison is a Battalion. Comprised of three to six line Companies fictionally plus supporting MOS units, in reality Battalions are groupings of cells or units within a close geophysical proximity to each other. In addition to the specialization of each Regiment, Battalions are also given specific tasks within the larger Marine organization.  Average Battalions fictionally consist of approximately 500 officers and troops.  Battalion OICs are forbidden from appointing staff officers without specific approval from the General Staff.
Cell is the MFI term for a collection of MFI members, regardless of Branch of Service.  The Basic Marine unit is the Company, equal to the MFI Chapter or Cell.  In a Marine Chartered Cell, the Cell CO or XO may double as the Marine OIC or Deputy OIC.  In a Marine Detached Unit, where the Cell is chartered in MFI to another Branch of Service, a Marine or Marine Reservist must be designated by the CO as the Marine OIC.
*'''Company Detachment/Squadron Detachment/MarDet'''
A Marine Detachment assigned to an existing MFI Cell chartered by another Branch.  The smallest unit capable of independent action in the line duty.  Fictionally comprised of a minimum of two platoons with three or four being the recommended number.  A MEKK or Aerospace unit is called a Squadron.  Average Companies fictionally consist of approximately 110 officers and troops.  Companies are identified with a letter from the Roman alphabet or as Headquarters Company (HQ CO), e.g. First Division, Third Brigade, Romthar Regiment, Second Battalion, D Company (1DIV, 3BGD, Romthar REG, 2BN, D CO).  Each Company command reports directly to their Battalion command with the exception of the Headquarters Company.  The Headquarters Company consists of the Battalion Commander and his/her staff, including various aides, clerks, and support staff.
==== [c.] Staff Descriptions ====
The Marine General Staff assists the Commandant of the Marine Corps with the administration of the Corps on a day-to-day basis.  There may be additional sub postions under these officers which vary on an "as needed" basis, but these are simply managed internally by the MFMC HQ Council Members.  A sample of MFMC HQ staff postions may include Chief Charity Facilitator, Badlands Newsletter Marine Liasion, etc. 
*'''Commandant (CMC)''' - The Commandant is the top of the Corps Chain of Command.  The Commandant is responsible for the Corps as a whole.  The duties of the posting include:
**Liaison between the MFI CC and the Corps.
**Appointing and supervising all members of the Marine General Staff.
**Approving or disapproving recommendations of the Marine General Staff.
**Working with the MFI Zone Commanders in appointing Brigade Officers-In-Charge (OICs) for each Zone.
**Forwarding to the MFI CC recommendations for promotion of Marine personnel to Flag Rank positions.
**Reporting what is happening in the Corps to MFI through its various publications.
**Presiding over the MFMC Council.
*'''Sergeant Major Of The MFMC''' - This is the top-ranked Non-Commissioned Officer in the Corps.  Functions as Special Advisor to the General Staff as an advocate for enlisted members of the Corps.  Responsible for developing and maintaining NCO staff and training procedures.  This is an honorary position appointed at the discretion of the Commandant and is intended to represent the ideal of a Maquis Marine.  A MFMC Staff Office attached under the Office of the Commandant. 
*'''Deputy Commandant (DC)''' - The Commandant’s right hand.  The DC is the Second-in-Command of the MFMC and shall preside over the MFMC Council in the CMC’s absence. 
**The DC is responsible for the smooth operation of the organization as a whole, including assisting in the administration of special marine programs. 
**Coordinates the various departments of the MFMC and oversees their smooth operation through liaison with MFMC HQ, Department Heads and the Commandant.
**The Deputy Commandant is to represent the club as a whole to the international community and to other fan clubs. 
**The Deputy Commandant shall properly assist the Commandant, MFMC General Staff, and members-at-large.
*'''Chief Of Marine Operations''' - Third-in-Command of the MFMC, the Chief of Marine Operations acts as a Chief of Staff and head of Marine computer operations.  This person will gather all reports of Marines and Marine activity, presenting a consolidated report to the DC and CMC.  The Chief of Marine Operations will also be responsible for maintaining the Marine website.  The leaders of special Marine programs report to this office.
== MFMC Navbar Project ==
=== Existing Code ===
==== [d.] Marine Occupational Specialties (MOS) ====
Within the Corps, and MFI, there are specialized programs and areas of expertise you may participate in.  Please keep in mind, these are optional, you may participate at any level you feel comfortable with.  We are always adding more, so if you don’t see what you want, contact the Commandant and we may end up adding your suggestion.  The following represents a sampling of Marine MOS programs, for more information, please see the Marine webpages.
<div align=center>
*'''Recon''' - Recon is the most versatile of all Marine MOS programs.  Recon is the Marine Commando unit.  Recon Marines are trained to function on their own, in one and two man teams doing the "dirty work" that the Corps is often tasked with.  As another important function, Recon members are trained to assist and help MFI cells in recruiting members.  Find one Marine and you’ve found a Recon Marine.
|width=25%|<iimg>[[Marines/Dant]]![[Image:Icon commandant.jpg|200px]]</iimg>
|width=25%|<iimg>[[Marines/Depdant]]![[Image:Icon deputy.jpg|200px]]</iimg>
*'''Marine Aviator''' - The Marine Air Corps has deep historical roots in the "Flying Leathernecks" of Terran fame.  Their main function is to act as air support for Marine units (or any other MFI unit) during field operations.  Marine Aerospace Fighter squadrons use the "VMF" designator.
|width=25%|<iimg>[[Marines/MarineOps]]![[Image:Icon ops.jpg|200px]]</iimg>
|width=25%|<iimg>[[Marines/TRADOC]]![[Image:Icon training.jpg|200px]]</iimg>
*'''Chaplain/Counselor''' -  A collateral duty assignment for a Marine, the Chaplain/Counselor is tasked with keeping the morale of MFMC personnel.  This specially trained MOS provides services to Marine units similar to those provided by a Ship's Counselor.  This means that the Chaplain may be called upon to provide spiritual and other counseling services as needed.  When a chaplain is consulted, approximately 90% of the time the person asking for help needs nothing more than a sympathetic ear.  Often, the Unit Counselor is commonly referred to as "Vedek" due to the significant influence of early Marine Chaplain/Counselors of Bajoran descent.
=== - [6.] <font color=white>SPECIAL FORCES COMMAND</font> ===
==== [a.] Organization ====
Operatives and Agents are drawn from both the Naval and Marine forces and maintain their standing within those structures.  The identities of SFC Operatives are kept secret.  Operatives are placed within the SSD or SOC Divisions until they are needed for a mission.  Only the SFC Director, SOC Director, and the SSD Director know the identities of the Operatives.  The command element of Special Forces Command includes a Director, Deputy Director, and SFC Liaison Officer.  <br> <br>
*In some cases, entire teams are formed that can number enough to crew a ship.  Special ships are held hidden for this purpose.
*SSD and SOC Operatives that are not assigned to the Special Forces HQ are assigned, overtly or covertly as needed, to various ships within the Maquis and throughout the known quadrant.
==== [b.] Special Forces Command Organization ====
<iimg>[[MFMC]]![[Image:Icon home2.jpg|75px]]</iimg><iimg>[[Marines/genord]]![[Image:Icon go.jpg|75px]]</iimg><iimg>[[MFMC/Mission]]![[Image:Icon ms2.jpg|75px]]</iimg><iimg>[[Marines/coc]]![[Image:Icon coc.jpg|75px]]</iimg><iimg>[[MFMC/Staff]]![[Image:Icon staff.jpg|75px]]</iimg><iimg>[[Marines/transport]]![[Image:Icon ts.jpg|75px]]</iimg><iimg>[[Marines/MEKK]]![[Image:Icon mekk.jpg|75px]]</iimg><iimg>[[Marines/ranks]]![[Image:Icon ranks.jpg|75px]]</iimg><br>
The Special Forces Command (SpecForc) is comprised of both the Special Security Division (SSD) and the Special Operations Command (SOC). In general terms, SSD deals with SpecOps internal to MFI and SOC deals with SpecOps external to MFI. That said, there is often some operational overlap between the two divisions contingent on the mission at hand.
<iimg>[[Marines/units]]![[Image:Icon units.jpg|250px]]</iimg><iimg>[[Marines/uniforms]]![[Image:Icon uni.jpg|75px]]</iimg><iimg>[[Marines/college]]![[Image:Icon college.jpg|75px]]</iimg><iimg>[[Main_Page]]![[Image:icon mfi.jpg|250px]]</iimg>
===== Special Security Division ([[SSD]]) =====
The Special Security Division is based on the Star Trek novel Death's Angel written by Kathleen Sky. The Special Security Division was brought back to life in the recent Pocket Books Section-31 series. The SSD is in many ways identical to Section-31 in scope and nature. Operating under a secret Maquis sanction, SSD can be compared to the Romulan Tal Shiar or the former Cardassian Obsidian Order.
The SSD investigates and reports on any high crimes committed against the Maquis or crimes committed by Maquis personnel. They investigate and decisively neutralize any threat, whether internal or external, to the highest security levels of the Maquis Forces and Council. SSD Agents are also directly responsible for the security and safety of the Coordinator Council and other high ranking Maquis officers. Using conventional or unconventional methods, they exploit and eliminate any intelligence gathering attempts by enemy forces on Maquis resources or personnel.
The SSD, which has been operating independently throughout the existence of the Maquis, seeks out and identifies potential threats to the Maquis. Very few Maquis know who is an Agent or an Operative. Any specific given mission of the SSD may vary but it is usually always secretive.  The primary mission of the SSD is accomplished by using our agents as well as intelligence gathering through various channels within and outside the fleet.
<br> <br>
'''Key Staff'''
*'''Director, SSD (DSSD)''' - The Director is responsible for the effective overall operation of the Special Security Division. The Director's office is the final collection point for all Fleet intelligence, counter-intelligence, internal security, and external security matters. The Director reports to the MFI Coordinator Council via the MFI Chief of Operations.
*'''Deputy Director, SSD (DDSSD)''' - The Deputy Director is the assistant to the Director. This officer would assume command of the SSD in the absence of the Director. The DDSSD is privy to all the same information in which the Director sees in the event he/she must assume command. The Deputy Director reports to the Director.
*'''Operations Chief, SSD (OC SSD)''' - The Operations Chief is responsible for the organization, coordination, and execution of all SSD missions. The Operations Chief reports to the Director.
*'''Intelligence Chief, SSD (IC SSD)''' - The Intelligence Chief is responsible for the gathering, organization, and interpretation of all intelligence collected from all sources, both in the MFI and outside the MFI. The Intelligence Chief reports to the Director.
*'''Chief Weapons Officer, SSD (CWO SSD)''' - The Chief Weapons Officer is the focal point for all operations involving both the SSD Air Weapons Section, and the SSD Ground Weapons Section. The Chief Weapons Officer reports to the Director.
*'''Flight Officer, SSD (FO SSD)''' - Is responsible for the flight operations within the Special Security Division. These include both airlift, and infiltration/combat missions. The Flight Officer will be proficient in all aerospace vehicles used within the SSD. He/she will also be flight certified from the MFI Academy.
*'''Command Counselor/Advisor, SSD (CC/A SSD)''' - Is the advisor to the Director. This officer gives both advice and technical opinions to the Director. In many ways, this officer is the second most important person in the entire Special Security Division.
===== Special Operations Command ([[SOC]]) =====
The SOC also falls under the Special Forces Command and is responsible for the execution of both covert and non-covert missions as directed by the Headquarters, SOC. These missions will primarily take place outside Maquis sphere of influence using both conventional and unconventional methods. 
Operatives may work individually or as a team. Utilizing the latest technology, these Operatives protect the interests of the Maquis from intrusions by other covert agencies. In addition, the SOC is responsible for obtaining new information and new technologies by any means possible, while preventing any developing Maquis technology from falling into outside hands.
<br> <br>
'''Key Staff'''
*'''Director, SOC (DSOC)''' - The Director is responsible for the effective overall operation of the Special Operations Command. The Director's office is the final collection point for all collected intelligence, counter-intelligence reports, special technology development/acquistion, and external security matters. The Director reports to the MFI Coordinator Council via the MFI Chief of Operations.
*'''Deputy Director, SOC (DDSOC)''' - The Deputy Director is the assistant to the Director. This officer would assume command of the SOC in the absence of the Director. The DDSOC is privy to all the same information in which the Director sees in the event he/she must assume command. The Deputy Director reports to the Director.
*'''Operations Chief, SOC (OC SOC)''' - The Operations Chief is responsible for the organization, coordination, and execution of all SOC missions. The Operations Chief reports to the Director. 
*'''Aide-de-Camp, SOC (ADCSOC)''' - Is the advisor to the Director. This officer gives both advice and technical opinions to the Director. Helps coordinate the day-to-day functioning of the Directors Office.  Has no direct involvement in active SpecOps. 
<br> <br>
=== - [7.] <font color=purple>KLINGON TASK FORCE</font> ===
==== [a.] Introduction ==== 
Hail Great Warriors!!  As Warriors of the Empire and members of the Maquis Forces International, Klingon Task Force, there are a few matters that you need to be aware of.
*In the Empire we answer to the Thought Admiral and the High Council.  While we are serving as a part of this Task Force, we will consider the International Coordinator of the MFI as our Thought Admiral, and the Coordinator Council of the MFI as our High Council. 
*When we were in the Empire we had an Emperor, albeit a Ceremonial Emperor, it was an Emperor none the less. While we serve the MFI as a Task Force, so shall Force Admiral Gary Davis, Founder of the MFI Serve as our Ceremonial Emperor.
*We serve the Maquis in many ways, but in general we of the Klingon Task Force are the Maquis War Machine. We are Warriors born, bred, and trained. We endure more than any Human [Terragnan] ever thought of. We live and die with Honor. We know our Duties and are Loyal to our Cause. We serve the Maquis in this Task Force, but let us never forget who we are....WE ARE KLINGONS!!!! ( tlhIngan maH !!!! )
==== [b.] Klingon Task Force (KTF) Organization ==== 
From the smallest Klingon Task Force (KTF) unit to the largest, the order of
units is:
*Individual Klingon Warrior
Designations for Klingon chapters/units are as follows:
*MFS-K - Maquis Forces Ship/Station (Klingon)
*MFS-TF- Maquis Forces Ship/Station (Task Force)
*KlinFor - Klingon Force
==== [c.] KTF Units ====
The foundation of the entire KTF is the individual Klingon. <br>
*'''Individual Klingon''' - Members of the KTF fall into one of two general categories as individual warriors: Active Duty or Reservist.
**'''Active Duty''' - An Active Duty Klingon participates in MFI only as a Klingon and they are known solely by their task force rank. 
**'''Reservist''' - A Reservist is a 'sometimes' Klingon. They sometimes use a task force rank and uniform. They could participate in their Klingon ghom as a Klingon but be naval or marine officer otherwise.
*'''Klingon Detachment (KlinFor) ghom''' - The basic KTF unit is the ghom which is equal to a cell/group/chapter.
**In the case of an all-Klingon ghom this can be a ship, station, fighter squadron, etc. In an all-Klingon ghom the commanding and executive officers may double as the ghom ra'wI' (Commander) and ghom BoQwI' (Deputy) respectively or appoint others. A Klingon ghom is an MFI Chapter that is entirely or named to be Klingon. Klingon ghom use the Ship or Station Designation of MFS-K or MFS-TF. 
**In a Klingon detachment on board a non-Klingon vessel the Klingon company is commanded by the GR (ghom ra'wI') and GB (ghom BoQwI') who in turn report to the Commanding Officer. This second possibility is called a Klingon Force on a naval vessel.
*'''KTF mIch (mIch)''' - MFI itself is divided administratively into geographic Sectors or 'Zones'. In the KTF, mIchs cover an equal Area of Responsibility, as does an MFI Zone. For example mIch 1 would be Zone 1 of MFI.
**The mIch ra'wI' (Sector Commander) would either serve as or appoint a mIch - Duy'a' (Klingon Liaison) to the Zone Coordinator. Each state within the mIch is a battalion.
**In mIchs large enough to warrant it, mIch ra'wI'(Commander's) may appointmIch cha' ra'wI' (state level personnel who live within the State they are assisting with). This is optional and up to the mIch ra'wI' as per their judgment.
*'''KTF wavwI' (wavwI')''' - Above the mIch level, there are wavwI' (Divisions). wavwI' are combinations/groupings of mIchs providing another level of Administrative Control and ghom assistance. wavwI' are overseen by a wavwI'ra'wI' (Division Commander).
*'''KTF High Council''' - The KTF High Council assists the ra'wI' (Commander) of the Task Force in the administration of the KTF. Key High Council positions are noted in the Staff section. 
==== [d.] KTF Staff ==== <br>
Below are listed key KTF staff members and a brief description of their duties. High Council positions are as noted within the descriptions.
*'''KTF ra'wI' (Commander)''' - Reporting to the MFI Chief of Staff, the ra'wI' (RW) is the top of the KTF Chain Of Command (COC). He is responsible for the Task Force as a whole.
**His duties include: <br>
***Presides over the KTF High Council. <br>
***Acting as liaison between Maquis Forces and the Task Force. <br>
***Approving/disapproving recommendations of the KTF General Staff. <br>
***Working with MFI Zone Coordinators in appointing Task Force Liaison Officers in each Zone. <br>
***Appointing all members of the KTF General Staff. <br>
***Forwarding to the MFI Coordinator Council his own recommendations for promotion of Klingon personnel to the rank of Brigadier General and above. <br>
***Reporting to Maquis Forces International through its various publications what is happening in the Task Force.
**The RW is responsible for ensuring that the KTF functions as a Klingon based organization within the parameters of the MFI as a Special Interest Department (SID). On all internal KTF matters the RW is the final word and final policy maker of KTF, as the IC is the final word of the MFI. Should MFI and KTF policy differ, the RW must set the example, by deferring to MFI policy. <br>
*'''BoQwI' ra'WI' (Deputy Commander)''' - Is the ra'wI's right hand. The BoQwI' ra'wI' (BR) is the second in command of the KTF. <br>
**Duties include: <br>
***Shall preside over the KTF Council in the ra'wI's absence. <br>
***Responsible for the smooth operation of the organization as a whole. <br>
***Assists in the administration of special Task Force programs. <br>
***Represents the club as a whole to the international community and to other fan clubs. <br>
***The BR shall properly assist the RW, general staff, and members at large. <br>
*'''BoQDu' (Aide-De-Camp)''' - If the BoQwI' Ra'wI' is the ra'wI's right hand, then the BoQDu' is his left hand. The BoQDu' (BD) is the personal and military adviser to KTF ra'wI'. The BD is usually chosen from responsible KTF members in relatively close proximity to the ra'wI' (within local phone call range, when possible, in case of loss of internet connection). <br>
**Duties include:  <br>
***May act as a relay of the ra'wI's voice to the KTF Council in the ra'wI's absence due to medical need or lack of ability to communicate. <br>
***The BD is a non-voting member of the KTF Council, unless called upon by the BR. <br>
***Responsible for the smooth relay of information to the organization as a whole in the ra'wI's absence or during lack of communication. <br>
***The BD aids or covers the BR's duties for short periods of time when requested by the BR. <br>
***Properly advises the RW (especially in areas of MFI Constitution, MFI Handbook, and KTF Firing Line procedures) to prevent breaches of protocol.  <br>
*'''SuvwI' pin'a' Of The KTF''' - The top SuvwI' (Enlisted Warrior) Advisor to the ra'wI''. <br>
**Duties include: <br>
***Responsible for acting as an advocate for enlisted members of the KTF. <br>
***Develops the SuvwI' chain of support by recruiting and retaining SuvwI's. <br>
***Advises the ra'wI' and the KTF Council in regards to SuvwI' needs and views. <br>
*'''Chief Of Task Force Operations''' - Third in Command of the KTF, the Chief of Task Force Operations acts as a Chief of Staff and Head of Task Force Computer Ops. <br>
**Duties include: <br>
***KTF High Council Member. <br>
***Gathers all reports of Klingons and Task Force activity for presentation to the BR and RW. <br>
***Responsible for the Task Force website and its condition. <br>
***The leaders of special Task Force missions report to this individual. <br>
*'''Chief Charity Coordinator (CCC)''' - An important officer in the office of the Chief of Task Force Operations. <br>
**Duties include: <br>
***Responsible for bringing to the attention of the KTF members (or other interested parties) information regarding charity opportunities. <br>
***Advises interested parties on the most efficient methods to go about their charity event. <br>
***Advises as to forms of fund raising. <br>
***Shares all pertinent information with the Chief Marine Charity Facilitator of the MFMC. <br>
***Assists interested units in locating information regarding any local laws or policies regarding their event. <br>
***Insures that the news of charity events are broadcast and otherwise distributed. <br>
***Advises as to forms of charity events. <br>
*'''Training And Indoctrination Command (TRAINDOC)''' - The TRAINDOC is responsible for establishing the fictional universe for the Task Force. <br>
**Duties include: <br>
***Is responsible for developing materials and programs for the KTF College of the Maquis Academy. <br>
***Responsible for developing the KTF's doctrine (the way in which the Task Force would intend to conduct operations in the Trek future, including acting as Quartermaster). <br>
***TRAINDOC invents and develops equipment, organization, strategy, and tactics to complete the indoctrination program of the KTF. <br>
***Trains members in the KTF Indoctination program. <br>
***May also recommend and approve 'KTF College Instructors' to administrate development and training issues particular to the Task Force. <br>
***Approves Task Force unit names, symbols, etc. This will prevent duplication of symbols and the like to ensure each KTF ghom and detachment is unique. <br>
<br> <br>
{{:Cell:MFS Compliance/Transporter}}
<font color="red">Place Marker - Formatting and Tweaking Project</font color> --[[User:Slackey|COMO 10-of-9 [s.lackey]]]
In any organization problems do occasionally arise and MFI is no different.  The Coordinator Council, as a member service agency, is willing to listen to your problems concerning your MFI membership and services,  Each MFI officer is dedicated to helping solve your problems as quickly as possible. Why?  Because that problem may hamper you having FUN.  MFI officers are volunteers and some times real life concerns do get in the way of their fun. If you have a problem contact the department first.  If you don't receive a reply make a second attempt.  If you still don't reply or are unsatisfied with your response to the problem then take it to the Coordinator Council member overseeing the department. If you still are not satisfied then contact the IC, who is the general manager of MFI. MFI does care about your problems and wants to help you successfully resolve them.  After all having problems does hamper your FUN and MFI does not want that to happen.  Let's look at some typical problems and who you can go to for help to solve them.
Communication is a very important aspect of any organization and MFI is no exception.  It is easy during face to face communications to determine if you have the other member’s attention and if you are getting your point across.  It may not be so easy to determine these things when you communicate via the internet.  Since the majority of MFI’s member services are handled by Headquarters (HQ) and generally by email, it is important that you understand the best way to contact MFI HQ members.  We have four methods of communication for the general member to utilize Private Email, Public Mailing List (listserv), Special Interest Lists (listservs), and chat programs such as MSN, ICQ, and Yahoo IM.  Here is a breakdown of each.
Private Email:  MFI Headquarters is broken up into four tightly knit entities, which make up our upper and middle management.  The Coordinator Council, the Administrative Council, the MFI Branch Heads, and the Zone Coordinators.  All of these comprise our combined Maquis Advisors, which help upper management craft and present policies to the general membership.  You can find the members of these various entities at the following websites:
|Coordinator Council http://web.archive.org/web/20041030003147/http://www.maquis.com/council
|Administrative Council  http://web.archive.org/web/20041030003147/http://www.maquis.com/admin_council.html
|MFI Branch Heads  http://web.archive.org/web/20041030003147/http://www.maquis.com/sid.html
|Zone Coordinators  http://web.archive.org/web/20041030003147/http://www.maquis.com/cellfinder/
If you have business with anyone of the above listed pages, send an email to their address.  You can also carbon copy (CC) your email to your Zone Coordinator or Branch Head.  If the topic of your email concerns your Zone Coordinator or Branch Head, feel free to CC the Chief of Staff to ensure that another Council member knows of your request.  If you believe that a significant amount of time has passed (a day or two) and you  have not received a reply, send an additional email to either the Chief of Staff (COS), or the Vice International Coordinator (VIC) to request assistance, noting that a message was sent to another Council member or Support Staff member without receiving a timely response from them.
If you have written to the Chief of Staff and a reasonable amount of time has passed, a day or two, forward the letter to the VIC.  If again, a reasonable amount of time has passed and you do not hear from the VIC, contact your Zone Coordinator or a neighboring Zone Coordinator in the case that the email was pertaining to your Zone Coordinator and inform them of your difficulties in contacting HQ.  It may be that you have a bad email address.  Your Zone Coordinator should know how to contact the Chief of Operations or some other Council member.
In the case that your Zone Coordinator cannot contact ANY Coordinator Council member, they will post a listserv message requesting a Council Member contact them as soon as possible.  This should alleviate any troubles in contacting MFI HQ.
Pubic Mailing List (listserv):  General inquiries and announcements to the membership can be directed to the MFI listserv.  Subscribing to the listserv is one of the few requirements that MFI has, for Chapter Commanding officers and their Executive Officers, though all MFI members are welcomed.The purpose of the listserv is to maintain communication between the members of MFI. The list is not intended for the public-at-large, but for members only and should be limited to such material pertinent to MFI or Star Trek in general.  Do not use it to advertise products or services unless they benefit the organization and do not use it for a public airing of grievances.  Those are to be done one on one with individuals.  Detailed instructions and information on the listserv is available at http://www.maquis.com/listserv.html.
Interest Specified Lists (listservs):  Occasionally MFI created a listserv which serves the need for a specific interest shared by a group of members or for a specific business related reason.  Involvement in these lists is voluntary unless otherwise announced, such as a listserv for Zone Coordinators.  Special interest listservs can be such things as a listserv for role-playing, fan fiction, specific MFI Branch discussions, etc.  Creation and subscription info for these Interest Specific Lists will be posted on the Public Mailing List.
ICQ/MSN/Yahoo Chat:  Internet programs, which tell you who's online at all times. With them, you can chat, send messages and files, play games or just hang out with your fellow 'netters while still surfing the net.  With these programs, you add members and friends and when they are online can discuss events, problems, ideas, and general conduct business in real time over the internet.  Many issues can be worked on via chat as the person you need to deal with is at the other end of the computer at the time you are.  Or you can send offline messages alerting your need to talk to them the next time they are online.  MFI HQ is available with MSN or ICQ most of the day.
Utilizing the above means of communication, knowing the proper method and circumstance when to use them will alleviate your frustration in trying to get an answer to an inquiry or problem and allow you full enjoyment of being a member of the largest Maquis based fan club on the planet.  If you have any suggestions, comments, or observations about the content of this protocol, feel free to contact MFI HQ with them.
You now have an idea of what MFI is and where you fit into it.  You know how and where to locate the FUN in this organization.  You are hereby ordered by the IC to put this booklet down and get out there and seek out the FUN of MFI!
[[Handbook/Appendices |Enter MFI Handbook Appendcies...]]
<div align="left">return [[Handbook|Handbook]]
<div align="right">--[[User:HKnapp|HKnapp]] 01:30, 19 June 2005 (EST)
--[[User:Cdoane|General Mayhem]] 20:26, 16 April 2006 (PDT)
--[[User:Slackey|COMO 10-of-9 [s.lackey]]]

Latest revision as of 12:17, 18 March 2009


[edit] Transporter Control

  Crew Links, Divisions, and Projects of MFS_Compliance  
IC Election Intent • (Election Docs: SVA | 2 | 3 | 4| | 5
"Ten-of-Nine" Data FileXO's Data FileCadet
Special Projects Portal: Ops OfficeOld Ops DirTransporterAux Ships
Stolen Valor ActFuture
Acad Registrars OfficeAcad Curriculum OfficeProposed Constitution Update
Cargo Deck: ProjectsGraphic Clipboards: 1234567• (Cargo Hold: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4| | 5 | 6) •

[edit] Ideas


01a.gif 01b.gif 01c.gif 01d.jpg 01e.gif
LCARS-VBar.jpg Mfi logo small.gif

MFS Blackfire

MCC 101995

... Fedbottom1a.GIF


The MFS Blackfire is the Personal Flagship of MFI's founding Jedi-WebMaster. Currently operating on deep patrol in support missions for the Coordinator Council.


Picture Position/Rank/Location Persona / Bio Email

lcars_cma.jpg Commanding Officer

Admiral Laura Hartwell
Snohomish, Washington USA

"Goody" - Bio pip_adm_upd.jpg

Author: ADM Steve Lackey

Last Updated: 14 Nov 2006

Site Map

Cbs-para2.jpg Star Trek®,StarTrek.com, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, Star Trek: Voyager®, and Enterprise® are registered trademarks of CBS Paramount Television & Viacom. All material found on these pages are for promotional purposes only. No infringements on their copyright is intended. These are Star Trek Fan Pages.

MFS Rotterdam

MFS Rotterdam.JPG

Return Site Index

Maquis Forces International Chapters
MFS Delevhas


Maquis Forces -
MFS Delevhas

Commanding Officer
Admiral Tom Donohoe

*Click Here To Open Hailing Frequencies!

Executive Officer

Chapter Information:

Postal Contact

Delevhas CO

[edit] RP Sim Directory variant


Mfi logo small60.gif <center>MAQUIS FORCES INTERNATIONAL


NOTICE: Welcome to the Official MFI SIM Department. All ranks, ships, personnel, and events are Role-Play. All events, statements, and opinions are simply in the spirit of FUN and play. To return to the "REAL" MFI pages, click here: MFI Home
SIM Command Links: SIM Home | New Voyager | SIM Academy | Edicts | Join the SIM | Header Maint | __

MFS New Voyager
Sovereign Class
Sim Sovereign.jpg

[edit] MFMC Navbar Project

[edit] Existing Code

Icon commandant.jpg Icon deputy.jpg Icon ops.jpg Icon training.jpg

Icon home2.jpg Icon go.jpg Icon ms2.jpg Icon coc.jpg Icon staff.jpg Icon ts.jpg Icon mekk.jpg Icon ranks.jpg
Icon units.jpg Icon uni.jpg Icon college.jpg Icon mfi.jpg

  Crew Links, Divisions, and Projects of MFS_Compliance  
IC Election Intent • (Election Docs: SVA | 2 | 3 | 4| | 5
"Ten-of-Nine" Data FileXO's Data FileCadet
Special Projects Portal: Ops OfficeOld Ops DirTransporterAux Ships
Stolen Valor ActFuture
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